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Author Topic: Sonic Enchantment  (Read 216 times)


Sonic Enchantment
« on: April 26, 2006, 09:27:57 am »
My PC Karana Elksoul is at the stage where she wants a lesser (2nd level) enchantment for her maul. Now I understand that sonic enchantments are essentially never seen because of the value and scarcity of the diamonds required to make them.

However from and RP perspective it is important that the extra damage given is like 'the thunder of the Elks hooves', and as such am curious to find out if anyone can  provide a lesser sonic enchantment and how much it would cost.

I don't mind paying extra for it as it is right for both the PC and her weapon.

Many thanks,



RE: Sonic Enchantment
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2006, 09:35:41 am »
Actually, you understand incorrectly.
  Sonic enhancements are not available at all. However, you can get a nice alchemist to make you a sonic visual effect, which does no extra damage, but looks nifty.


Re: Sonic Enchantment
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2006, 09:53:53 am »
I see thanks. oh well...


RE: Sonic Enchantment
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2006, 10:16:31 am »
Nibor21 - 4/26/2006  5:27 PM

My PC Karana Elksoul is at the stage where she wants a lesser (2nd level) enchantment for her maul. Now I understand that sonic enchantments are essentially never seen because of the value and scarcity of the diamonds required to make them.

However from and RP perspective it is important that the extra damage given is like 'the thunder of the Elks hooves', and as such am curious to find out if anyone can  provide a lesser sonic enchantment and how much it would cost.

I don't mind paying extra for it as it is right for both the PC and her weapon.

Many thanks,


The reason they are not in game is because alot of creatures are not immune to them...just like negative and divine damage. If sonic enchantments were avaliable, everyone would get them because it would be quite strong!


RE: Sonic Enchantment
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2006, 11:21:27 am »
i think fire looks good on the maul could be the "Inner Fire" of the tribe?


Re: Sonic Enchantment
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2006, 01:14:16 pm »
Get the sonic thunder visual effect and the electrical lightning damage -- very authentic


RE: Sonic Enchantment
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2006, 02:11:36 pm »
Philosopher - 4/26/2006  7:16 PM

The reason they are not in game is because alot of creatures are not immune to them...just like negative and divine damage.

I'd say there are quite a lot immune to negative damage. Undead for starters (even better than immune, get hps from it).

D Blaze

Re: Sonic Enchantment
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2006, 02:46:47 pm »
I like to think of it along these lines:

Metal and wood weapons can be tempered through magical, physical and alchemical processes to be resistant against fire, cold, acid and electricity, along with the sheaths that hold them.
But when it comes to making the weapon vibrate to a degree strong enough to damage another being, it will slowly(or quickly*shrugs*) and cumulatively damage the structural integrity of the item. And these types of items can't simply regenerate that damage, nor can it be polished or resharpened into good working order. It would have to be reforged entirely if metal, or s...ped if wood.
As I believe the weapon enhancements never stop working, even when not in use, this is a continuing effect.
It might never show cracks or start to warp, but given time and usage in battle, it would simply shatter or break one day.
This would make it a very powerful, but very shortlived weapon.

As for Positive, Negative, Divine, Unholy damage, those are the most pure forms of energy in existance. All else it pretty much junk next to these.
How would anyone not in the epic range, or aided by a deity, be able understand and harness such raw powers without destroying yourself in the attempt?

Edit : It's true that mages and clerics can use this energy at low lvls, but you are only skimming a little bit of power to use for spells, but to channel a continual effect into a weapon would be a bit much for anyone to accomplish.