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Author Topic: Speculation  (Read 1012 times)


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Re: Speculation
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2006, 05:15:07 pm »
If there's not going to be a character wipe, i'll play Syn, if there will be one... time will tell. :)


Re: Speculation
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2006, 05:36:02 pm »
SuperMunch - 4/25/2006  3:31 AM

Coles offspring with Addison?

Oh. my. gourd.


miltonyorkcastle - 4/25/2006  3:39 AM

You better hope it's with Addison.  At least then it'd be human.  *snickers*

That's right Frilly!  I think the children are looking forward to abusing Freldo v2.0.  

And they'd be quarter elf.... I wonder what the racial advantages are.  :P


Re: Speculation
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2006, 05:46:30 pm »
Bjorn from being rich will sit on his butt for so long that he degenerates back to lvl one from luxury... hopefully will come back.  I'd probably run Zigfried the Bardarian and Ogzughimmal the necromantic businessman



Re: Speculation
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2006, 06:06:48 pm »
I hope for a character wipe, even though I will miss Glenn dearly. I would love to see the current story line come to a epic conclusion and then close the book. The new start would be many many years (have to make it in the hundreds of years) in the future. I would play a ranger again :)


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Re: Speculation
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2006, 09:43:54 pm »
I haven't played on here for too long, but either another monk, or a maybe a fighter/WM, and I'd have to have at least one character that was a slightly unstable dwarf (i tend to play slightly unstable dwarfs a lot, there's so much RP potential in it *dances around gleefully*)


Re: Speculation
« Reply #45 on: April 25, 2006, 10:38:40 pm »

I'll carry on the Pendrot line and introduce a grandson...

Either sorc/fighter.. or.. pure Warlock



Re: Speculation
« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2006, 01:25:10 am »
if this actually happens and we have to start again...i will make everyones worst nightmare....a xeenite cleric *grins*...but i much rather keep playing abi


Re: Speculation
« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2006, 01:45:40 am »
I have only started playing for a few weeks now with my first character Elessar Sáralondië. I'm changing character now to an other fighter. When Layo/nwn2 goes online I might go with the Fighter weapon master idea I always liked to play with. Some other ideas are a monk focusing on unarmed combat. or a sorceres that has a love for undead kinda spels(or whatever it is called) but hates evil.
I've never done magic before so that will be a nice change i think.
I'll see what kind off character I'll create when the time comes.
I'll be sure to have plenty of ideas by then. Unless I used them all op trying to find the right one for layo/nwn1 ;)



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    RE: Speculation
    « Reply #48 on: April 26, 2006, 02:02:28 am »
    Intresting thought, if I was to come back what would I be?

    Two possiblities really,

    Willow Cloverleaf, I might go full cleric then undead hunter with her. With the past and turnings she's had it should be an intresting development.

    The other

    Aurora Faythe, those who know of her might get a thrill to hear of her return. Those that don't... you might be on the wrong side of her bastard sword and fireball. ;)

    All in theory and speculation, the world would be what it is with out and will always be what we make it for sure it will develop into a world filled with intresting players and intresting characters. I look forward to seeing what awaits Layonara. *

    *Translation for those that don't speak Sakura "The world will be full of intresting characters, I look forward to seeing it"


    Re: Speculation
    « Reply #49 on: April 26, 2006, 03:12:15 am »
    I am able I will certinally stick with Key. If that is not allowed, perhaps Matilda will finally have a child? Something like a Satyr Aasimar Cleric of Lucinda or something funky.

    Though Key by far will be my ultimate choice, and I may have to work out a way for her, in some way, to continue her development. The world wouldn't be the same without the Original Angry Tiefling™.


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    Re: Speculation
    « Reply #50 on: April 26, 2006, 05:19:22 am »
    I'm going to make a wizard/sorcerer.....don't steal my idea!!!


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    Re: Speculation
    « Reply #51 on: April 26, 2006, 05:58:09 am »
    A Dwarven Monk not related to Garnet. And yes he will go for the Brothers of Battle! Looking forward to getting NwN2 now that I know we will change-over.


    Re: Speculation
    « Reply #52 on: April 26, 2006, 08:42:38 am »
    Halfling for sure. Either a sorcerer or a ranger. Depends on the family I think... Definitely will have a pie fixation. Maybe that's what we need to work on. Pie magic. It would be something you can eat and throw at your enemy. What was this topic about again? Oh right... NWN2. Heh.. all I know is that I'll be DMing and making sure all the people above in this thread and in the world have more and more stories to tell.


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    Re: Speculation
    « Reply #53 on: April 26, 2006, 09:28:57 am »
    _M_O_B_ - 4/26/2006  8:19 AM

    I'm going to make a wizard/sorcerer.....don't steal my idea!!!

    *just grins and points at his first post back on page 1*


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    Re: Speculation
    « Reply #54 on: April 26, 2006, 02:52:24 pm »
    Rayenoir - 4/27/2006  2:28 AM

    _M_O_B_ - 4/26/2006  8:19 AM

    I'm going to make a wizard/sorcerer.....don't steal my idea!!!

    *just grins and points at his first post back on page 1*!!! now I have to think ofanother useless about a cleric/wizard/bard? Low level spells for everyone!!!


    Re: Speculation
    « Reply #55 on: April 26, 2006, 03:49:19 pm »
    I haven't decided what to do yet... It all depends on Storold's development. If I end up not liking to play a mage I have several characters I would like to try out, but right now my main choice will be another human, male, abjurer