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Author Topic: SpiderMan 3  (Read 765 times)

gilshem ironstone

Re: SpiderMan 3
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2007, 03:13:56 pm »
I respectfully disagree Stephen.  I thought Batman Begins was excellent, the new Superman I thought did a wonderful job, and the first two Spiderman's were good, the third was fair and they should stop there.

Addendum: The maturation of Spiderman in to his powers in the third was excellent even if the story had some glaring holes.


Re: SpiderMan 3
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2007, 12:12:11 pm »
I have a certain wishlist of Spiderman villains I still want to see...

Shocker: yeah yeah, I know, most people hate him.  I always loved the guy though since he had no real super powers, was just a very dedicated safecracker/electrician/getaway driver who knew kung fu enough to give a decent fight.  Team him up with Rhino's strength and you can empty a bank vault in 30 seconds flat.  I always liked Shocker more than Elektro for these very reasons.

Rhino & Scorpion: both animal spinoffs of spidey designed for the sole purpose of destroying him.  Sure they suck as standalone villains, but they were the staples of most spidey ambush.  After Spidey's warpath as Venom, I could see Jameson's secret spiderkilling project coming to fruitation.

Mysterio: This is the age of CGI... Mysterio NEEDS to make a showing.  Like Shocker, no actual powers, just a very dedicated scientific mind and a bastard sense of villainy.  Mindgames and sweeping CGI effects with a villain who can by anywhere and anyone brings the unexpected alive.

Kingpin: Never mind John Gotti, this is the King of New York.  His obsession with squashing spidey ran through his veins actually hotter than his feud with Daredevil.  With Big Evil in the picture... we could finally have...

THE SINISTER SIX:  If you're going to end the franchise, at least do it with a bang!  Kingpin needs to hire all the above mentioned villains, pair them with the Hobgoblin (not Green Goblin II).  Sadly the staple Doc Oc is now movie-dead, and sandman was just used, so maybe Kraven or Vulture could fill the role of the 6th.

Ah well, it'd never happen, since Hollywood blindly obeys the rule of three in any series hype.

Meanwhile, check out some commentary by Superman and Spiderman regarding the movie franchises...  YouTube - Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC. (Mac PC Parody) #1

