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Author Topic: Star Wars vs Star Trek  (Read 69 times)


Star Wars vs Star Trek
« on: July 15, 2005, 07:49:00 pm »
Who would you like to see in a deathmatch?

I have a few listed here that I'd like to see kick the snot out of each other...

Chewie and Warf (probably the best one to watch)
Han Solo and Kirk (mavericks)
Spock and Yoda (battle of wit)
Data and a Battle Droid.

I dunno, any more nerds out there like me? :)


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RE: Star Wars vs Star Trek
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2005, 07:57:00 pm »
Solo and Kirk fight for an hour or so and then give up, become friends, and go out drinkng and pick up some space chicks.


RE: Star Wars vs Star Trek
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2005, 09:16:00 pm »

I'd like to see Picard there but I think he'd be a bit wimpy - although he did take on a few klingons.  But *shrugs* never know.  I'm a big ST TNG geek.  Maybe he can fight that woman from the original (gah, mind blank, can't remember her name - never was into the original star trek).


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RE: Star Wars vs Star Trek
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2005, 09:47:00 pm »
"Klingons don't tear the other person's arms out of the sockets when they lose."
"Let the wookiee win."

Heh.  I'd like to see Kirk last five minutes in the cantina without getting shot up to pieces.

"When 800 years old you be, you look this good, hmm?"

and as vastly as I prefer Star Wars, the battle droid hasn't a prayer.  did you *see* the way those things fell apart?


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RE: Star Wars vs Star Trek
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2005, 10:47:00 pm »
Spok and Tuvloc!

Edit: Oooh and seven of nine and...Sulu!


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RE: Star Wars vs Star Trek
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2005, 07:57:00 am »
Data would pound them all. Anyone recall teh eposode where Data armwrestled teh klingon, Data dident even try, i thank Data even looked confused when the klingon lost, he wasent shure if the klingon had even gone. Now a wookie might be stronger but Data is still smarter then a wookie, so wokkie would get smoked. all teh others wouldent stand a chance. Yoda might be a good match if he gets his force powers and a light sapor. Im thanking Data wouldent be looking to good after a match or two with that. im guessing it would be somthing like freddy vs jason. It would be an interesting match...

Damaged Goods

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    RE: Star Wars vs Star Trek
    « Reply #6 on: July 16, 2005, 08:12:00 am »
    Well, im not sure about you.... But Id like to See Troi and Doc Crusher Vs Princess Leia and Mon Mothmon in a naked Mud wresling match!!


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    RE: Star Wars vs Star Trek
    « Reply #7 on: July 16, 2005, 08:19:00 am »
    lol, get queen amadal(darths grily) or whatever her name is in there and im down for that.


    RE: Star Wars vs Star Trek
    « Reply #8 on: July 16, 2005, 11:11:00 am »
    The Cisco of is Bajor.  The prophets speak through their emmisary...  nobody can touch that.  When you have non-linear wormhole aliens at your beck and command, entire fleets sent from the Dominion in the Alpha quadrant just come up missing... ;)

    Quark vs Yoda would be a good match.  Mostly insane little floating green man cackling with bottles of Kanaar telikenetically smashing the walls and a wee ferengi hiding under the bar, cowering.

    Worf vs Chewie would be a tough call.  Sure the wookie could tear his arms off, but a batleth through the heart could slay even a targ, very quickly too.

    The Emperor vs. Gul Dukat possessed by a pa-wraith.  Pretty much the same powers and the same death suffered by both...  grabbed by a suicidal bull rush and pulled over the side of a nasty fall.  We would have to level the playing field and remove all nearby pits, canyons and tigertraps to see the match in its entirety.

    Boba Fett vs the Vreen- Since the vreen all seem to be wearing boba fett suits, I think he'd take it personal and destroy their whole homeworld.

    Jar Jar set loose in Scotty's engine room- the results would be devastating.  Truly the quickest way to push that drunken scotsman to his limits.  Spock would chime the comm system and ask, "Mister Scott, our sensors have detected phaser fire set to kill.  Is there anything the matter in engineering?"  and just get back maniacal laughter as a response.

    Jar Jar vs a Tribble-  this would be a fairly even match.  It would mostly consist of Jar Jar discovering and wanting to pet a wee little fluffball.  But nobody likes Jar Jar, so they'd emit that high pitched shriek they do to klingons and scare him back behind a corner.  Being mentally damaged, Jar Jar would then creep out and repeat the action every 2 minutes without fail.  Stalemate of annoyingness.

    Data vs Celgar's golem- I think Celgar's golem has him beat in mass and power, so it would for the most part toss him around like a rag doll.  Of course, halfway into the fight Data will note the sentience in the creature and convince it that its purpose does not have to be in being Celgar's slave.  The Golem would then flip out, rip off Celgar's arms and Data would buy it a composite protien motor lubricant cocktail.


    RE: Star Wars vs Star Trek
    « Reply #9 on: July 17, 2005, 06:35:00 am »
    Just get "Q" to whoop them all.


    RE: Star Wars vs Star Trek
    « Reply #10 on: July 17, 2005, 01:43:00 pm »
    True enough. But I think Warf and Chewie would be a fair match even without weapons.

    Have you seen Warf in a fist fight? All Chewie does is groan and flail his arms, shaking other people. Warf gets down and dirty, beating the crap out of the enemies.

    Solo vs Kirk would be pretty much inane. Just two mavericks beating the snot out of one another. They wouldn't be friends; I wouldn't let that happen in the script. They'd like, pummel each other, and it would be a climactic final scene involving the dropping of a very large boulder on the Millenium Falcon, and then Kirk would get hit by phaser fire from some deranged scientist.