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Author Topic: Stuck at 9th  (Read 133 times)


RE: Stuck at 9th
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2006, 05:10:00 pm »
As a fellow halfgiant I empathize with ya.  Its tough out there for us ECL 3's.  But it can be done.  Its also a bit sad to see people shoot past you in levels, people you used to adventure with and now cant because you'd get slaughtered out of hand if you accompanied them.  You do have the advantage of being a much tougher level 9 than probably any other level 9.  You can probably make it by yourself in Rilara, as long as you're careful and watch where you're going.

Once you reach 11th level, you'll find it gets a lot easier.  I imagine level 12 with iron plate and the advantage of using +2 items will help quite a bit as well.

It was a long slog to level 11 though.

Good luck and hang in there.  And try to make those DM quests.


RE: Stuck at 9th
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2006, 05:32:00 am »
I'm at level 8 right now...  my longest time stuck was level 5... why?  I don't make too many friends on here at my level that will go out with me and kill stuff, to put it bluntly.

I haven't been on too many quests yet, and the ones I HAVE been on are fun!  The only problem I see is that there aren't too many one-time quests for players at our level.  YES, there are quite a few quests aimed at our levels, but they are all  if you have been in the last 14 (or 10, or 5, or 3, or whatever) you get first dibs.  I feel out of place in those type of quests, which I HAVE joined one amazingly!!!  I'd love to get on the bigger series of quests, but am more-or less either afraid of getting into a pack of players that know eachother well, too many players on the quest (LAG KILLS) and not very many for our levels.

BUT, all of those can be worked around.  I see Max in the game often enough, come up and say hi... (I'll beat of Celgar, I promise)


RE: Stuck at 9th
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2006, 09:46:00 am »
Thanks Lilswanwillow
well meet up and do a trip