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Author Topic: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep  (Read 320 times)


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Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« on: February 15, 2006, 06:46:47 pm »
Ael and Yardislan were the last two to survive a mining trip, and neither of them can unlock the gate in Firesteep and get out.  If some benevolent GM would like to help us out, we'd be ever so grateful.


RE: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2006, 06:55:50 pm »
Hmmm...sounds like a good time for ol' Fisteron to show up...*cackles evilly*


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2006, 07:06:12 pm »
*chuckles* Yeah the dwarf was grumpy though and let them out.


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Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2006, 07:54:28 pm »
Thanks for the save. :D

...and Fisterion was the reason we *dove* into the cave in the first place.  heheh.


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2006, 03:35:51 am »
Hehehe.... all you have to do is shake the ground a bit and say there is some roaring in the distance and everyone freaks out.

Sorry, I logged off before I knew the door was locked for you guys.


RE: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2006, 04:37:21 am »
Um yea... and for good reason.

*remembers his first/last encounter with Fisteron on Firesteep and curls into a fetal position and starts drooling.

It went something like this.

Derrick steps off the boat and "Thunk!" runs into an invisible Fisteron.

"FOOL!"  Munch munch munch munch munch!   Burp!

Then he ate the boatman for desert!  Delish!



Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2006, 05:15:09 am »
I was on this quest, my first "serious" quest and let me tell you, it was great seeing all you veterns play it out!

I stunk to high heaven, a forgivable mistake for a n00b, I hope. (*smiles?*)

I've read the NWN Roleplaying guide but when I was in the thick of it I forgot most of it and... well... played exactly what my character was, scared to death of everything that moved and just trying to stay low.

Thanks for the experience - no, not the XP, the learn-as-you-play type - and I hope that next time I play with a few of you more experienced guys I won't commit the same mistakes.


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2006, 05:32:24 am »
*chuckles*  We got our butts handed to us in the caves (expected, lag's a -> explicative


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2006, 07:25:58 am »
HAR! nex' time jest ye 'n me, thinks we'll be standen e be'er chance *laughs slamming his fist on the inn table* OY maiden, mo'e ale fer e couple shades *laughs*

// Heh heh got to start somewhere Supermunch, what better place then a Cole Suicidal Run Special ;)


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2006, 09:29:44 am »
*perplexed look*

So Cole's famous for hit, run and die missions?  I've got to remember that next time he invites me.

Overall, it was a great ride.   :)


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2006, 10:16:02 am »
*grins wickedly*  There's a reason he's called the Crazy Merc.


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2006, 10:23:20 am »
SuperMunch - 2/16/2006  5:29 PM  *perplexed look*  So Cole's famous for hit, run and die missions?  I've got to remember that next time he invites me.  Overall, it was a great ride.   :)
 Hmmm let's see....
  This week Ireth been adventuring with Cole twice and she died both times!!!
  But then it was Firesteep so not sure it's completly fair to blame Cole but let's do it anyway  :p


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2006, 10:49:15 am »
*grins wickedly* There's a reason he's called the Crazy Merc.

That, I didn't know.


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2006, 11:03:43 am »
*grins wickedly* There's a reason he's called the Crazy Merc.

Aye , Coles deffently that dont think ive been anywhere with Cole without dieing at least once *winks*


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2006, 01:03:09 pm »
Thanks for opening that gate.

It was challenging and very fun all the way through.  And great rp and group work (up until that last ambush :P ) by everyone involved as well.

As for Freldo, welcome aboard, man - and I'm glad you enjoyed your "trial by fire".  ;)


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2006, 01:24:07 pm »
I was the resident grumpy sailor who didn't like some stinking bear meat laid at his feet, smouldering in the heat of the lava winds. ;)

Just wanted to point out that this was a case where I came on as a GM to see what such a low level was doing out there and was happy to see someone participating as best he could and get in the thick of danger at times as well as some good RP, so good work Freldo.  We generally frown upon low levels running around for XP with the higher levels, but this was a case where it seemed the adventure was much more like a quest then a bashing time.

And HEY! -- Thanks for remembering Plen in your list of world's greatest clerics! I need points in Prestige! Bah! :P


RE: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2006, 04:55:33 pm »
i am sorry to all who were stuck behind the gates....i thought we all i was very late for me and ....well, enough excuses, if i known someone was still alive i would have tried to get to you even in my dead state...

xxx abi


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2006, 05:11:57 pm »
orth - 2/16/2006  7:24 PM

I was the resident grumpy sailor who didn't like some stinking bear meat laid at his feet, smouldering in the heat of the lava winds. ;)

Damn grumpy sailor, I didn't even notice he was screaming at me until Rane told me to stop littering.  You should have left it there to cook, it was fresh and salty - I had to carry it under my armpits, my pack was full!.

I wanted a trash can around to dump it into but we weren't exactly in a civilized part of the world so I just left it by the sailor guy thinking it would be forgotten but NO, there had to be a GM around to pick on the n00b.

Oh well, next time I'll offer it or sneak it into someone's pack - is reverse pick pocketing frowned upon?  :D


Just wanted to point out that this was a case where I came on as a GM to see what such a low level was doing out there and was happy to see someone participating as best he could and get in the thick of danger at times as well as some good RP, so good work Freldo.  We generally frown upon low levels running around for XP with the higher levels, but this was a case where it seemed the adventure was much more like a quest then a bashing time.

Honestly, I didn't need that much XP and could have gotten it through normal means with a little patience, something I managed to regain after working a storyline for Freldo's future.

As I told Milton, the experience I had with the party was worth FAR more than the XP I got and I'd gladly give the XP back.  I've never MMORPG'd before and seeing the party interact was great, I reread the logs this morning to see if I could pick up on things that I missed and I missed a lot - next time, whenever that'll be, I'll be less lethargic...  Hopefully.


And HEY! -- Thanks for remembering Plen in your list of world's greatest clerics! I need points in Prestige! Bah! :P :D  :D

If that was for me, I don't think I've met Plen, so no soup for you!  Yossarian's still the greatest cleric I know ('cause he saved me, and that's worth a lot, :) )


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2006, 05:15:28 pm »
Freldo did great, some of the things coming out of his mouth had me rolling "Whoever said that thing about climbing naked, Thanks!".  He was hilarious, played very smart, and stayed in character.  The only thing missing was for somebody (for all you Order of the Stick readers) to either call him Nale, or say "*sings* Run, run, run into the cave of eminent doom".


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2006, 11:01:32 pm »
heh heh yeah it was a fun little jaunt ;)  And Ireth luv, I didn't see ye die in that beholder cave today :p

Glad ye had a blast SuperMunch now ye realise ye will blow yer budget on cafe, candybars and lack of sleep is just something ye'll have too live with from now on ;)

