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Author Topic: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep  (Read 319 times)


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2006, 12:46:36 am »
freemen2 - 2/17/2006  7:01 AM  heh heh yeah it was a fun little jaunt ;)  And Ireth luv, I didn't see ye die in that beholder cave today :p  Glad ye had a blast SuperMunch now ye realise ye will blow yer budget on cafe, candybars and lack of sleep is just something ye'll have too live with from now on ;)
 Hey!!! One jaunt out with Cole where I DON'T die does not break the trend....
  Anyway maybe it was having Yard and Lokri there that saved me  ;)


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2006, 05:15:45 am »
*laughs*  Just to set the record straight, Cole doesn't lead suicide missions, he leads tough missions.  If there isn't serious risk to life and limb, it probably isn't worth his time, but he never takes on something he doesn't know he has a good chance to beat.  Of course, it helps when his plans work out right, and, if he actually is leading, the others do as he tells them.  But hey, it takes losing to win.  

And Ireth, I recall a couple of outings where it was just you and Cole.... and you didn't die...  =P


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2006, 05:21:35 am »
miltonyorkcastle - 2/17/2006  1:15 PM  *laughs*  Just to set the record straight, Cole doesn't lead suicide missions, he leads tough missions.  If there isn't serious risk to life and limb, it probably isn't worth his time, but he never takes on something he doesn't know he has a good chance to beat.  Of course, it helps when his plans work out right, and, if he actually is leading, the others do as he tells them.  But hey, it takes losing to win.    And Ireth, I recall a couple of outings where it was just you and Cole.... and you didn't die...  =P
 You do? Sure you've not had one to many knocks to the head?  :p


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2006, 06:06:53 am »
*snickers and raps on his skull*  Hard head, remember?  ;)


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2006, 06:17:42 am »
miltonyorkcastle - 2/17/2006  2:06 PM  *snickers and raps on his skull*  Hard head, remember?  ;)
 *giggles* Aye, it's why no sense gets into it


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2006, 04:02:38 pm »
orth - 2/16/2006  1:24 PM

this was a case where it seemed the adventure was much more like a quest then a bashing time.

You should watch what happens when the Stonebrows, Hrendhammers and Bjorn get together for a trip.  Our tavern visits must last 40 minutes at a time, given all the drunken dwarf RP and arguing about fine bearded mutton jugglinh women and "the problem wit' elves". ;)

three dwarves in the oasis w/ bubbles...


Re: Stuck behind the gate in Firesteep
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2006, 07:07:57 pm »
Har! boot den we rampage proper we de 'n de only way der be...DE DWARVEN ONE!!!

