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Author Topic: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it  (Read 9784 times)


Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
« on: September 09, 2005, 06:35:00 pm »
There is no swearing/cussing etc. on these forums and in this community. It shows a lack of intelligence and respect.  So... Please do not use that language.  Thank you.


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    RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
    « Reply #1 on: September 12, 2005, 11:24:00 am »
    In total agreement with you Leanthar. I know sometimes it can be lonely in the top spot having to make calls like this and having someone telling you how wrong you are with the decision. I just think you should know how right I think you are with this one.
      Your adherence to mutual respect and courtesies is the primary reason I treasure Layonara.


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      RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
      « Reply #2 on: November 19, 2005, 04:05:00 pm »
      I agree.  I find it refreshing that there's a place on the internet where you can play without being overcome by overzealous players, bots, swearing, pornography, etc.  If I had kids I would actually allow them to play on this server.

      Well done!

      Seth Cy'nada

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        RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
        « Reply #3 on: January 10, 2006, 02:44:00 am »
        Sorry, I'm new here, but it seems to me that No Swearing at all is a bit extreme, unless you mean in the OOC areas. Because ICly, if a character would react in such a way as to swear at an enemy, then they will, and there isn't allot you can do to stop it without interfearing with the person's character. Even paladins curse... Even Drizzt Do'Urden curses.


        RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
        « Reply #4 on: January 10, 2006, 03:17:00 am »
        You are allowed to curse e.g. "those cursed buggers", "By all the gods" and so on. It is related to the f-word and similar expressions...


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        RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
        « Reply #5 on: January 10, 2006, 06:39:00 am »
        @ Seth Cy'nada
        First and formost this is a FAMILY server and their are young players here.

        As to there is nothing we can do you are wrong on that, we can ban you from the site.
        Normally we will issue a short term ban first, but if pushed we will just outright ban you.

        So PLEASE don't cuss. The best guide that I can think of is this:
        If you have to ask yourself if anyone would call the word your about to use a cuss word, then don't use it.


        RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
        « Reply #6 on: January 10, 2006, 06:44:00 am »
        @ Seth Cy'nada - To answer your question, it is mainly referring in the OOC sort of things (forums and in game). However, even when in game and IC you should not be cussing to the extreme--I am not going to give examples as there are far to many--but I hope this gives you an idea of what is meant by that rule.
          There are kids that play this game and there are entire families that play this game, as such we treat them with respect--just like the rest of the community.


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          RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
          « Reply #7 on: January 10, 2006, 07:50:00 am »
          There is a baseline for mutual respect that must be met.  Swearing and using vulgar langage, innuendo, or other forms of verbal abuse takes that baseline and shreds it.  As a former Navy man, I can cuss with the best of them.  But I do not.  It shows a lack of respect for those around me and brings the level of any conversation down to the gutter.
            As for in character, there are polite ways to show that your character is upset and "cursing" an enemy.  If you look back in history, you will see that there are quite a large number of things that we say in common language today that were considered to be "base" language.  Also, bear in mind that this is a fantasy setting....come up with some inventive curses for your character.  Oft times, it can be quite humorous as well - i.e. "You son of an illiterate kobold".  However, bear in mind that someone might actually be the son of an illiterate kobold and could take great offense at this (in character that is)!


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          RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
          « Reply #8 on: January 10, 2006, 08:01:00 am »
          Using Common Sense is the best way to think of this issue... you don't start swearing and bad-mouthing to people you don't know, and even if you know some of the players both IC and OOC for some time, keep it private and also remember that there are children playing this game.


          RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
          « Reply #9 on: January 10, 2006, 08:07:00 am »
          Be creative, not vulgar.  If you can't come up with anything, use emotes like : *curses violently*  or *makes rude insinuations about the captain's mother under his breath*
            The best, non-swearing insult I've seen in-game recently is this:
            Dwarven NPC to PC:  You have the brains of your mother, I swear. :)


          RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
          « Reply #10 on: January 11, 2006, 01:58:00 pm »
          eh, you want IC cursing?  any gesture that has the word "troll" in it is a serious slur, as troll's are just about the basest creatures actually alive, at least in the DnD realms.

          I.E.  "Son of a troll."  -base, but common.
                "Your mother was a half-troll and your father was just as ugly"  -mild, more of a taunt or 'buddy punch' between friends.
                "Your mother was eaten by a troll."  -extreme, offered only in hate

          As the saying goes, "Even dead trolls aren't good"

          Talan Va'lash

          RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
          « Reply #11 on: January 11, 2006, 05:16:00 pm »
          @Zen - "there isn't allot you can do to stop it without interfearing with the person's character."  (emphasis added.) This is true if it is being done well and IC.  

          Regardless the vast majority of words that are in the "very offensive" category now, didn't exist in the period we're emulating.  Using them IC would be very bad RP and should be stopped for that reason alone.  As for OOC swearing, if you feel like swearing a lot OOC its probably time to log off for a bit and take a break hehe.



          RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
          « Reply #12 on: January 12, 2006, 02:53:00 am »
          Talan Va'lash - 1/12/2006  1:16 AM

          Regardless the vast majority of words that are in the "very offensive" category now, didn't exist in the period we're emulating.  Using them IC would be very bad RP and should be stopped for that reason alone.

          In most case this is very true, however; many of the swear words used in the modern English speaking world, have origins that are very obscure. But yes, in most cases, they do not originate as far back as the period we are emulating.

          The English language evolved over many years, being influenced by repeated invasions from mainland Eurpope, hence the English languge is a mixture of many languages. Deeeper research of area dialects around the United Kingdom, will turn up local words that are obviously the same as some Scandinavian words, ( ) especially in the East of England, where Norse influence was the greatest. There are parts of England that have such a rich dialect, that it is almost like a hearing different language. Subsequently these areas that have these rich local dialects, have invented or evolved there own forms of cursing (cussing) or insult. Some of them, completely meaningless and innocous, but otherwise quite amusing.

          As for OOC swearing, if you feel like swearing a lot OOC its probably time to log off for a bit and take a break hehe.


          Very True Talan,


          RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
          « Reply #13 on: January 12, 2006, 04:22:00 am »
          *grins* It might be true that these expressions didn't exist at the time of period. However, other expression did and they weren't "better", I don't think that the language at the time was less faul than it is today. This is of course of minor importance since you can have a very unpleasent character that swears and curses without ever using offensive language, so this rule is in my point not preventing people from playing the way they like. Very good examples can be seen from time to time online on how this is done.


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          RE: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
          « Reply #14 on: March 23, 2006, 12:34:59 am »
          I'm not going to try an change people's minds but I think there is something a bit disingenuous about telling people they have to watch every word they say and that cussing is absolutely not tolerated. Before I get demerits or a tongue lashing, just hear me out.

          First, I'll say this like I say it to some people I know who play pen and paper RPGs and let their kids play or watch, "what the heck are you thinking?" Kids shouldn't be playing this if they can't understand the nature of the game where people run about SLAYING creatures (which, depending on who you ask, may be the worst thing about RPGs). Heck, if cussing can't be tolerated because of kids, then kids shouldn't be playing because they probably shouldn't be around violence which is way more damaging to their ability to socialize properly.

          Second, in NWN, there is blood shown when a creature dies. If a kid is playing NWN, he should first be able to understand that it isn't real, you don't go around hitting people, death is final in real life and there are consequences to murder.

          Third, things that are stated in the Game 'voices' shouldn't be banned by players who use similar words. Now, this isn't saying there shouldn't be a modicum of responsibility by the players. I can understand being upset if people use a string of foul language where every third word is F this and F that or just get overly vulgar in their speech.

          Lastly, parents must be responsible and tell their kids what should be expected before they ever play. Yes, I said, should be expected, because words will come out of other players because they don't live up to everybody elses standard of living and did not grow up in similar fashions to say, yours or whoever else may want to judge them. My best example is that I grew up where if I were in my grandparent's presence, you better never say, "I swear." With or without saying who or what you swear, believe me, they'd dive down your throat with a bar of soap saying all the while, "you don't swear." I couldn't and wouldn't make people live up to their standards.

          I hope parents aren't letting their pre-teens play this game, because that's less responsible then expecting/demanding others who play to respect your wishes/limits/ and standards.

          Needless to say, this isn't my call; however, I thought there should be a different view from somebody who was once a councilor of teens. It was a stressful job, that's why I now council the documented mentally ill, which seems easier, oddly enough.



          Re: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
          « Reply #15 on: March 23, 2006, 01:04:00 am »
          Most of your arguments surround children.  What about adults who don't wish to see any profanity?  Nice to have a place where this is controlled.  20th century cursing breaks immersion, be creative without being vulgar, everyone benefits?


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          Re: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
          « Reply #16 on: March 23, 2006, 01:19:40 am »
          I talk about kids because the statement about this being a family site.

          As for adults not wanting profanity, I answered that as well.

          Also, if anybody thinks that violence doesn't effect adults any more or less than profanity, well, that depends on the adults (for which nobody could possibly judge over the web). You could also exchange violence which is a form of profanity (i.e., profane) with nudity if you want (like when a character dresses or undresses and then dances around. Come on, you've seen it. The Line dancing dwarves...heeh.).

          Anyhow, not my place to judge. Again, just making comment.


          Re: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
          « Reply #17 on: March 23, 2006, 01:19:44 am »
          orth - 3/23/2006  4:04 AM

          Most of your arguments surround children.  What about adults who don't wish to see any profanity?  Nice to have a place where this is controlled.  20th century cursing breaks immersion, be creative without being vulgar, everyone benefits?

          Plus we have cable television for unnecessary swearing and such. Layo needs to be all Funky-Cuddle-Fun, in my opinion. Just funky cuddle fun with gore and stuff, keeps the cuddles interesting.


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            Re: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
            « Reply #18 on: March 23, 2006, 05:02:37 am »
            Kinda off I know, but I want to make this observation.

            When I read Lean's post he reminds me of my dad, heh. I don't know if anyone else feels this way.

            ((Meant in a good way))

            Leans a father figure.

            Back on the topic:

            cussing is naughty and low-minded anywhere and in any situation...yea.


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            Re: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
            « Reply #19 on: March 23, 2006, 07:28:21 am »
            I agree, he is a father figure, and I hope people get what I was saying which is basically, know your medium. Know you're coming onto the web (a world wide community), know your coming into a game that promotes violence, and know that issues will arise like racism (dwarves vs elves) that you must feel comfortable with, by knowing that people are just RPing a character (and hopefully) not personalizing.

            I applaud the site's policy but at the same time I don't want to see Good RPers put off by postulating or preaching. Context, not just content, should be looked at and of course, give cudos to those that type, *curses underbreath* or such over typing out a tirade, which people will do, but as well, don't prothelitise to those that use various forms of, say for example, the word "butt." Even though many RPers use the Scottish varient, it's all the same and kids and adults aren't stupid in understanding this. People don't grow up under the same standards and people have seen that good people use bad words at times. Just don't be overly strict (know the medium) because you don't want to put a player down, or those around them, for not being to your standards because we know, everybodies standards are different. This isn't the same as saying, "let players get out of control, though."

            Anyhow, I hope I made sense to people, 5 minutes before running out of my house to a meeting.
