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Author Topic: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it  (Read 9786 times)


Re: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2006, 09:26:41 am »
Well as a father whose son does play here I can say I do like L's policy.  And you have to know where I'm coming from, 8years in the Army and 6 years as a Teamster, believe me when I say that you can't make me blush or get me offended with words.  

On the other hand cursing requires no real thought.  If you really want to impress me, impress me with more creative expressions and not the ingrained ones you've leanred in society.  I like my son playing in this type of environment for that reason.  I'm not naive to know that he curses at school but he knows I do not like to hear him curse.  

And I don't like to curse and it's second nature many times so i have to fight that nature.  Much like a recovering smoker, I don't want to put myself in an environment where it's going on all around me and fighting the urge to return to the habit.

If you like cursing, well I know there are plenty of PW's out there that have kids whose every third word is a curse word, done like that because they feel emboldened becuase they can do there what they can't do at home.  

So I do sypathize with L, I want my son to play here in a curse free environment.  And I want to be part of that world as well that polices the language, otherwise I could just go play WoW.


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    Re: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
    « Reply #21 on: March 25, 2006, 04:26:33 am »
    This whole discussion about cussing and related topics has made me decide to leave Layo for some time. The ban on cussing bothered me when I started on the server. I do realize of course that to play on a server like layonara, you have to follow the rules that are set there. And refraining from cussing isnt that hard to do - in RL I also try not to use foul language, especially around my children. The reason I was bothered by the ban was that it seemed odd to me to not allow cussing, while at the same time other things - some inherent to playing NWN or DnD in general - like slaughtering camps of bandits, were allowed.

    This most likely has to do with the place I grew up with, where physical violence is considered a much greater problem than things like cussing or nudity. Since I grew up in that environment, I share those values. I am more bothered by watching a man being killed in cold blood on television than by seeing nudity on the same screen, or by hearing the same killer use foul language. "Cussing doesnt hurt you" is a saying here, and while that doesnt mean swearing is ok, it does set the severity against actual physical violence.

    Like I said before, I was bothered by the cussing ban, but accepted it, me being a guest here. But lately, some things have happenend that bothered me even more. Enough to step away from this server for now. These things were related to a group of characters who has started to become involved with Corath. I feel - and i respect others who feel differently - that when you allow players to follow an evil god like Corath, you have to allow them to RP it. When the rules say that Corath encourages his followers to let their feelings of lust and hatred fuel their existence, that is what they will start to do. My character was also taken to one of his temples, and I must say I was shocked by what I saw there. The torture equipment was quite realistic. If things like this are possible on the server, expect your characters to behave in a similar way.

    I am not saying that you should change the rules on Layonara. L and his team make those decisions, and I think everyone playing here should follow them. If not, the leave. What I am saying is that to me, these rules - and more specifically the rule on cussing and the tightened rules on sexuality - don't make sense to me anymore, in relation to the game setting (fantasy/fighting) and allowed evil (corath). To be honest, I wouldnt let my children play NWN - on layo or anywhere else - until they are at least 15 or so. Even if all the things were banned I mentioned, there would be so much violence here, that i dont think children can separate from reality.

    Anyway, it feels good to have this stated, even though it wont change anything to layo - and it shouldnt. I feel a loss of leaving layo, I have had a lot of fun here. There is a lot of excellent RP going on here.


    Re: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
    « Reply #22 on: March 25, 2006, 04:45:09 am »
    Arandwen - 3/25/2006  12:26 PM  These things were related to a group of characters who has started to become involved with Corath. I feel - and i respect others who feel differently - that when you allow players to follow an evil god like Corath, you have to allow them to RP it. When the rules say that Corath encourages his followers to let their feelings of lust and hatred fuel their existence, that is what they will start to do.
     Not to detract from your post at all but I feel it should be pointed out that we have both follwers of Corath and Xeen who have been around for quite awhile who have sucessful managed to RP following their God's ethos without the need to 'push the boundry' as Leanther put it.


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      Re: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
      « Reply #23 on: March 25, 2006, 07:44:47 am »
      I am sure that there have been followers of Corath before like you described. I also have not felt the need to cross the boundaries of what Leanthar had defined. Nothing that could have been offensive to others has been played out in public or near-public places. In cases where there was a chance that another player would drop in, tells were used.

      In the last entry of Arandwen's book of days, there is a mention of a mark. However, that mark would have been a tattoo, of which she already had many on her body. Staying within the boundaries of the rules as they were defined is not the same as pushing the boundaries in my opinion. Still, things like that apparently have caused the rules on behaviour to be tightened to a point which does not appeal to me anymore. Maybe that was done partially based on rumors, maybe not. Whatever the reason, the new rules do not feel right to :me: in relation to things like the violence level of the game.


      Re: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
      « Reply #24 on: March 25, 2006, 08:18:58 am »
      Whether certain activities were performed in public, semi-public or in complete privacy is not really the issue. There are greater issues at stake here than what one person may feel is appropriate or acceptable. I'm sorry you feel limited, but for a variety of reasons (legal liability among them), certain activities will no longer be permitted, in public or otherwise. I hope you find another server more suitable to your personal preferences.
        I'd like to add only that this particular discussion does not belong in this thread. Also, the profanity rule and the recent decisions about sexual activity, even in private settings, are not up for debate. I'm sure if everyone took a few minutes to think about it, you'll understand.
        Any further debate on this subject, and this thread will likely be locked.


      Re: Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
      « Reply #25 on: March 25, 2006, 08:24:25 am »
      "... tightened rules on sexuality...."

      One thing on this. I can not (nobody can) guarantee that any player is of a legal age for sexuality. As such, in the end I (personally) would be held for anybody breaking the law (and without my knowing it). I am not willing to take that risk. I don't have anybody signing an EULA (like MMO's), I don't have anybody stating they are of X age (like MMO's).... and thusly I have no protection. So.... why should I put myself (and my team) in a position of something bad happening by some stupid (or even intended) action done by players. We have RL's and responsibilities as well--and I will not put my teams RL or my RL in jeopardy over some action that we do not control from XYZ player(s)--Period....

      So...after hearing things for four years, dealing with some really stupid (and bad things)--and this was not one of them btw, I decided enough was enough. Why continue to put my heart, soul, money, time, etc. etc. (not to meantion all of the teams) in to a project where it will take one action by somebody that we do not know (their age, sexuality whatever) to sink everything, send us to jail or at the very least have some major fines. it what you will, but I am protecting myself and my team as well as my family.  Anyways...this thread has turned in to something it was not supposed to be and as such it is now locked.