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Author Topic: Please dont metagame  (Read 173 times)


Please dont metagame
« on: September 05, 2006, 05:34:08 am »
This is a friendly request that people should not metagame OOC information.
  I am refering to people going around saying that Lia is dead.  Now people might know that OOC, but there is onlytwo people who know IC that she is dead for sure.
  People might assume she is dead, due too the fact that she is not around, but she might as well be in deep hiding.
  The two people who know she is dead, know who they are and if they tell anyone IC, I would request that they let me know by PM. If anyone else uses this information by means of metagaming I will not be happy.
  Thanks Aragwen


Re: Please dont metagame
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2006, 05:50:24 am »
neither will I, Lia died for one of those two people who know, and right now I've been hearing that people are metagaming that they know it was that person who killed her... please don't ruin the moment


RE: Please dont metagame
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2006, 06:49:10 am »
This information also spread nicely through IRC over the weekend, and while IRC is a terrific tool for communication, it's also far too easy for this type of thing to run rampant. I'll also note that IRC is not and extension of the game world. One cannot assume that if they hear something OOC in IRC that they would have heard that same info in-game and IC. I really don't think we want to start shutting down the OOC discussion of in-game events, but if people cannot draw and walk that line on their own, then we'll have to be more active in that regard.
  Also, I'd say that if you get OOC info about real in-game events in an OOC way, do not repeat or act on that info in any way, OOC or IC. By doing so, such problems just spread, and it ends up ruining the experience for thsoe people actually affected in an IC manner.


RE: Please dont metagame
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2006, 07:04:06 am »
This is simply sad, short and true. It has happened again and will make playing a lot more difficult and a lot less fun. I am quite franky really tired of this, it is not the first time and I don't believe it will be the last. For example people knew that Rufus is a Black Wizard months before I said that to anybody IC, infact the first person approached Rufus in a week after the CDQ with a phrase "So, you're a Black Wizard now"....and I was the only character on that CDQ!!! It happened again after my ECDQ and once again right now.

I know that secrets are always fun but please try and keep your mouths shut, honestly, you ruin the game for others. And I don't mean minor problems, I mean you ruin them totally, destroying months of RP. Lia's death was not a result of her WLDQ, it was a result of many events that took place for about a year, with many characters involved.

I am really disappointed *walks of shaking his head*


RE: Please dont metagame
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2006, 08:52:58 am »
I would like to personally apoligize for this, as Lin'da have been telling Lia died IG. I RP'ed it as something that had been told to me by Rufus, and im worry sorry for using your name in this. I know that you cant take back words, but I feel bad about compromising a exiting end to Lia's "surprise".
  I will be more carefull in the future how to handle such information given to me. Especially on IRC, just like dorg said, its a wonderfull tool, but sometimes there flows alot of ooc around, and I guess I must have passed the boundry between ooc and IG knowlegde. In any way,
  I didnt intend for anyone to be offended by it, it was merely a news like anyones.
  For that I apoligise.


Re: Please dont metagame
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2006, 09:03:02 am »
I don't worry too much about this. Rumors can spread pretty easily, mostly among the adventuring population. I just make it a point to 'assume' what my character would have assumed.


Re: Please dont metagame
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2006, 09:48:44 am »
If something private happens somewhere and a player feels that one of the characters involved would have told theirs, just wait for them to do so. If they would be told, then they will be told. Or ask the other player. There shouldn't really be any confusion over how to handle OOC information, IC. Because the answer is usually, "Don't."

As for it spreading on IRC, I didn't know until LFFF told us about it there. So that part was actually done from the source.


Re: Please dont metagame
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2006, 10:21:38 am »
Acacea - 9/5/2006  11:48 AM
      As for it spreading on IRC, I didn't know until LFFF told us about it there. So that part was actually done from the source.
 I was actually referring to spreading things from IRC to IG.


Re: Please dont metagame
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2006, 01:02:01 pm »
Wait, Lia's dead? *Pause for effect.*


Anyhow... Pyyran assumes a LOT, and some of that is some metagamish tendancies (looks like a duck, acts like a duck, has the word "duck" written over it...), but as often as not, he's wrong. For example, he inferred from reality breaking down around him that something controlling that reality had been removed. He was right on that one, though he didn't have any proof (I knew it was right from the Party channel). Likewise, when the person who had that "something" made comments implying she might not, he freaked out, assuming she didn't have it (though I knew she did, or at least had at one point). That was FUN roleplaying, but...

I can't see how anything aside from, say, Blood's defeat, could reasonably be considered to have been passed along IC from OOC conversations. There are exceptions, of course; husbands and wives would rarely withhold information, inseparable friends would know all about each other, et cetera. But generally speaking, character's are assumed to have not interacted in any meaningful way if it doesn't happen IG or in Dev. Threads.


Re: Please dont metagame
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2006, 01:21:51 pm »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 9/5/2006  1:02 PM
There are exceptions, of course; husbands and wives would rarely withhold information, inseparable friends would know all about each other, et cetera.

Even if you're inseparable friends, things shouldn't be assumed. For instance, Acacea and Triba have few secrets (there are a few), but if I were discussing something that happened to Acacea and Pan assumed that my character would tell his, and Triba promptly began passing it around, I would be irritated. Pan also runs a lot of the quests Acacea has been on--Acacea would probably tell Triba about them, but it is not assumed that Triba already knows. Acacea has to actually share them.

If it's something minor, I might say, "Oh, Triba would know about her pinky toe being bitten off by a snapping turtle," but it's still the player that decides if another character would know, if the information has not yet been shared in-game. If you're silly enough to share it IC with the wrong people, that is of course your fault.

(No, Acacea's pinky toe was not really bitten off by a snapping turtle.)

Talan Va'lash

Re: Please dont metagame
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2006, 10:00:08 pm »
Acacea - 9/5/2006  2:21 PM
(No, Acacea's pinky toe was not really bitten off by a snapping turtle.)


Soo, I heard Acacea's pinky toe got bitten off by a snapping turtle.


Re: Please dont metagame
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2006, 04:12:19 am »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 9/5/2006  10:02 PM
Anyhow... Pyyran assumes a LOT, and some of that is some metagamish tendancies (looks like a duck, acts like a duck, has the word "duck" written over it...), but as often as not, he's wrong. For example, he inferred from reality breaking down around him that something controlling that reality had been removed. He was right on that one, though he didn't have any proof (I knew it was right from the Party channel).

Party channel... Both blessing and curse, I like it for talking in parties when it is a party of know individuals and I have nothing overly secret to say. Like telling people whether or not I think their plan is good or just randomly talking about the weather and stuff.. It is also rather helpfull because I always have loooong transition times so I usually run behind everyone so talking wont be heard by everyone.
But... I dislike it when it can be used to spread information which aren't meant for everyone in the party, a recent example was on the "Of evilness and greed" quest. Storold and Zan got left behind(I really have no bad feelings about that, and the reason why I didn't try to get to  the party was that I thought it would be metagaming) they began talking about how they had been and so on, at a certain point Zan asked Storold a very personal question and I decided to take the rest of the chat to the whisper channel mostly because I don't really want to give people a chance of meta gaming knowing more about Storold than they should(Call me paranoid and say that I trust no one but I simply doesn't want to give away information about Storold which shouldn't be common knowledge).

So my conclusion is not to give away information to anyone unless you really trust them not to bring it IC or you actually want to have them bring it IC. The same thing goes in the line of CDT, Storold's cdt is missing some vital parts simply because I don't feel like adding them because they might lead to metagaming.