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Author Topic: First Impressions about this Server...  (Read 47 times)

Mr. Tee

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    First Impressions about this Server...
    « on: June 25, 2005, 10:44:00 am »
    This place is great.

    I was greated very nicely by a stout --- tunnel scout Gulnyr the Grim. He showed me around Hlint, helped me meet other newcomers, and told us where we could get some work. His kindness seems to be shared by many here, everyone I met was very friendly. This world is a very believeable one. Everything, from the outdoor lighting, music, layout of various places. I love the fact that you actually get thirsty or hungry, it actually gives meaning to the food you can buy!

    (my only gripe here is that when you eat or drink your character does the "use special power" animation which is a little lame and takes away some of the RP value)

    I was also *astounded* at how much variety there are in people's clothes! I saw a very gallant knight with a long blue cape talking to a cavalier looking lad with a red hat and feather. This just blew me away. Then I almost stepped on a tiny little girl named Amra! I could barely see her amidst the grass!

    The crafting just rules. It looks to me like you can pretty much make anything. I also love the fact that when you shop for weapons, you don't see the generic "Longsword" "Scimitar" but you actually buy the weapons that you can also craft like "Copper Longsword" "Copper Scimitar". I also really like that you don't need to go -too- far in order to start crafting right away when you arrive.

    It is also very nice to see everyone roleplaying their characters so well. Honestly, I've seen very little of "i need to go to the crypts to kill some zombies gotta go" so far, more like "Gents, *takes off his hat* the foul odor coming from the sewers shall trouble you no more! *puts hat back on and unsheaths his sword* Let us rid the world of these vile creatures!"

    This world is like a story book that unfolds before your eyes, and I'm happy to be playing it in. I will try my best to RP my character, not run in town like a crazed lost soul, and give the same friendly welcome to others than I received.

    Deodus Roman

    EDIT: Spelling
    EDIT2: So Gulnyr is not so little... Hehehe, just "stout" is a much better description. ;)


    RE: First Impressions about this Server...
    « Reply #1 on: June 25, 2005, 10:52:00 am »
    Yup. Layo is the bestest.

    The people are the mostest awesome.

    And the GM Team is splenderiffic!



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    RE: First Impressions about this Server...
    « Reply #2 on: June 25, 2005, 10:54:00 am »
    Hehe, welcome to Layonara! ;)


    RE: First Impressions about this Server...
    « Reply #3 on: June 25, 2005, 11:18:00 am »
    Ha!  "Little" is not a word most people use to describe Gulnyr.

    Welcome to Layonara.  I'm glad I could help you.


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    RE: First Impressions about this Server...
    « Reply #4 on: June 25, 2005, 11:41:00 am »
    Welcome to Layonara!  I'm always willing to help newcomers.  If you ever see Bido Ryskill or Minugi on, feel free to send me a tell if you need anything.


    RE: First Impressions about this Server...
    « Reply #5 on: June 25, 2005, 12:10:00 pm »
    Thanks. You have found a great community of roleplayers and just good people all around. Oh, and the GM team rocks.
      Those that put so much work in to the content of the world and keep the server running...well I can't thank enough.  They do quality work, and lots of it.

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    RE: First Impressions about this Server...
    « Reply #6 on: June 29, 2005, 10:03:00 pm »
    the crafting here works like NO OTHER place i have ever been on...
    almost EVERYthing works and is craftable and the best part is trying to figure out the order of crafting!!  leather is EASY... kill the creature, skin it, collect salt and tanning acids...cure the skin, tan it... make something...  and it's logical... especially if you have ever done it in real life.

    alchemy, however, or gemcrafting... hahahhahaha   now THAT is a challenge....  i can't even find a card on SOME of the things i can do, such as scribing.  just learning how to make scribing ink was a BIG challenge...

    no other server i have been on has such a complete and WORKING cnr system.  it IS amazing.



    RE: First Impressions about this Server...
    « Reply #7 on: June 29, 2005, 10:31:00 pm »
    Welcome to layonara!


    RE: First Impressions about this Server...
    « Reply #8 on: June 30, 2005, 04:44:00 am »
    Mr. Tee - 6/25/2005  1:44 PM

     I saw a very gallant knight with a long blue cape talking to a cavalier looking lad with a red hat and feather.

    I am not sure I have ever heard Owen called a cavalier looking lad but I am glad you liked his outfit. :)


    RE: First Impressions about this Server...
    « Reply #9 on: July 27, 2005, 01:39:00 pm »
    Had some fun RP today with you, glad you were persistant with Breg.



    RE: First Impressions about this Server...
    « Reply #10 on: July 27, 2005, 02:59:00 pm »
    Dwarves aren't little. Everyone else is big. And skinny.

