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Author Topic: The Disappearance of an ox.  (Read 202 times)


The Disappearance of an ox.
« on: April 25, 2007, 06:37:19 pm »
Not a complaint just a whats up here. Now I am notorious for killing oxen. Or having mine get killed by folks who run away from spawns and bring them into areas I am at with my ox that is usually safe. Well today I was walking from hempstead to Hlint and I stopped in Wayfare to visit Kit and then went through the Hallowlight Forest and took a side turn into Krandor for rice. Now when I left Krandor my ox was still with me. Upon getting into the next transition I truely do not know if the ox was still there. In the next transition I noticed it was gone. First thought was ok maybe it really wasn't with me and i was just confused so i scrolled back on the left box and the last thing there was 'lead the ox' so it was with me. Then i thought well  could it have died and I just didnt notice it being killed? So I scrolled back on the left side, all the way back to when i was in Hempstead and nothing. So i go to the oxen seller dude after backtracking and not finding anything and he offers to sell me an ox so i know mine is dead. but where is it? I mean it just poofed. There wasnt much on it but glass and though it was frustrating to lose all the time i put into making it, wasnt really that big deal i just wondered where oh where did my oxen go???

Pen N Popper

Re: The Disappearance of an ox.
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2007, 06:43:16 pm »
My guess to this mystery:  You came out on the path from Krandor with a fine, fat oxen in tow.  Knowing the dangers of the woods pressing ominously in on you, you took certain precautions to avoid attracting attention of certain flora and fauna.  Your oxen, though, took it as his god given right to chew his cud anywhere he pleased and so cut a few corners to keep up with you.  And there the story ends.


Re: The Disappearance of an ox.
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2007, 07:01:51 pm »
But in that transition from comming out of Krandor heading toward Hlint, I didnt think there was anything until the big ogers on the far side, to which i was no where near. Now I could be wrong, mayhap I just havent spawned anything going through there. Though I have had assasin vines come out of nowhere in Krandor on occasion so I guess it is totally possible but usually when attacked the right hand box plays it out and I had nothing. That was what my confusion was, that there wasnt anything on the screen like assasin vine attacks ox hit 6 damage or such.


Re: The Disappearance of an ox.
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2007, 07:27:59 pm »
I've personally had my ox disappear in odd circumstances three times within the last week.  The first and second each happened after I parked my ox in Mariner's Hold and ended up dying in the temple at Bear Island.  Something caused my game to crash right after I clicked the button to respawn and when I came back in-game I was killed again by the system, never having reached the safety of the death-void.  Upon returning to Mariner's Hold to retrieve my ox later, the ox simply wasn't there.  the first time this happened I went through the expense of trying to first track down the ox, then paying 1000 true to have the ox brought to me.  The second time, I logged out of the game and re-logged and the ox was back where it should have been.

The third and most recent time my ox disappeared was when I parked it near the crafting house in Port Hempstead, then went to the temple of Deliar to get some more crafting supplies.  When I came back, my ox had vanished.  Again, loggin out and back in caused the ox to reappear.  Though in this instance I think it posible someone was pranking me and had cast invisibility on my ox.

Point being, if your ox seems to have disappeared and you're sure you left it in a certain spot, try loggin out and then back in and you may be pleasantly surprised.


Re: The Disappearance of an ox.
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2007, 07:51:12 pm »
I had this to happen to me also O.o.. just took it as a one time thing.  I left my ox in the ox pen and it wasn't there when I went back to get it.   So I talk to the  guy and he offer to sell me another one so I have no idea what happened to it...I know I left it in the pen to keep it from getting killed.  Didn't post because I didn't have anything on it so just bought another.


Re: The Disappearance of an ox.
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2007, 07:56:16 pm »
Maybe Layo has its own Twilight Zone?


Re: The Disappearance of an ox.
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2007, 08:11:30 pm »
My friend Tim also mentioned in a bug report that his characters' oxen have been vanishing.

I haven't had this problem though, and I leave mine in the stable.


Re: The Disappearance of an ox.
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2007, 09:52:41 pm »
It is the L.O.M. (Layo Ox Mafia)
 This is how it works:
 There are unseen people that go around killing the oxen (Ox assassins). Then, the 'cleanup crew' come in and remove all evidence of its existence (the merchandise is destroyed so it cannot be recognized later). The player is forced to go buy another ox. It is a conspiracy.


Re: The Disappearance of an ox.
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2007, 11:38:41 pm »
Quote from: lolli_gagged
But in that transition from comming out of Krandor heading toward Hlint, I didnt think there was anything until the big ogers on the far side, to which i was no where near. Now I could be wrong, mayhap I just havent spawned anything going through there. Though I have had assasin vines come out of nowhere in Krandor on occasion so I guess it is totally possible but usually when attacked the right hand box plays it out and I had nothing. That was what my confusion was, that there wasnt anything on the screen like assasin vine attacks ox hit 6 damage or such.

If you or your ox cut the corner on the path out of Krandor then an assasin vine got it. But you should have found it's remains.


Re: The Disappearance of an ox.
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2007, 05:47:22 am »
No remains. No nothing.


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    Re: The Disappearance of an ox.
    « Reply #10 on: April 26, 2007, 07:47:44 pm »
    I guess i'll remove the adamantium ingots and cobalt nuggets from my ox...


    Re: The Disappearance of an ox.
    « Reply #11 on: April 28, 2007, 08:23:03 am »
    Similar occurrence happened to me as well, back when the ox pen of Hempstead was still at the Port Hempstead Fields. I logged to visit Dregar and came back later on, trying to find my ox, but it wasn't there, I recall RP'ing with Pen'N'Popper's character about finding out where my ox is, heh. As you can guess already, the ox had disappeared from the game or been slain in the pens, although there was no ox pack left there.

    So my guess is it's either a bug(?) or someone is having fun time slaying oxen and taking the items from their packs.

