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Author Topic: The time has come...  (Read 610 times)


The time has come...
« on: November 11, 2012, 10:06:39 pm »
Greetings Layonara Community,
 It is with mixed feelings that I announce my retirement from the develoment of NWN-based Layonara after doing this for seven years and some change.  This is a move I have planned for some time (and almost did several times), and which has been needed for some time, but I am only just now making it a reality.  My development focus is now shifting completely to the MMO effort and Layonara's long-term future.
To keep NWN Layonara going in a development sense, I now officially pass the torch to the capable hands of Script Wrecked, who will now be responsible for all future fixes and updates.
 I know you've all heard this plenty of times, but...this is not a “good-bye” letter. I am still very committed to and invested in Layonara and its long-term future. I still like to play here even (when the stars align properly), GM here and participate in this community. I do not see these things changing.  My presence will remain, but my fingerprints will no longer be on the updates.
 There's not a lot more to say here, so join with me in congratulating Script Wrecked on his new position.


Re: The time has come...
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2012, 11:33:55 pm »
Thank you for all of your years of dedicated service, updates, database edits, GMing and more.  And thanks again for all of your continued work on the MMO we will one day enjoy!  Kudos to you, just noticed that your last official layo task was to return a bevy of Soul Strands via graceful plea.   Hope you take a break from time to time and actually sit down and PLAY all the the awesome content you have helped create!

