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Author Topic: To the Community - Dezza steping down  (Read 2791 times)


To the Community - Dezza steping down
« on: September 10, 2013, 08:49:03 am »

Dear Layonara Community,

To the people I have spent so much of my online time with for such a long time I have to announce that I am not only resigning from the Lead GM position but from being a GM completely. I must apologise for this, I had fully intended to continue my role and run the Rise of the Praefuries series which I was quietly excited about.

Things being as they are, work, family and some new writing opportunities have finally taken their toll on my online time and I cannot in good conscience maintain the sort of committment required to help make Layonara a great place to be from a GM perspective.

I realise many of you have relied heavily on me for your character development, your quest fixes, your cdq's, advice on progression, etc, etc and these are the sorts of things I love the most to do for this community and I feel it deeply that I cannot continue that for you.

I will still be around, but not in the capacity that I once was. For this, I apologise. I guess all things must come to an end eventually.

See you in game.

Dezza (Aka Canuslupis)


Going to miss your GM touch,
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2013, 09:23:12 am »

Going to miss your GM touch, Dez. Great memories, great plot quests, great character quests. 



Ditto what Rollins said. 
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2013, 09:47:08 am »

Ditto what Rollins said.  Some of the funnest and most exciting quests and plot quests I've ever been on.  Great memories; you got a real nack as a GM for keeping the storyline going, action going, everyone involved and total immersion.  I'll miss you as a GM, but I better see you more in-game now! 


Lance Stargazer

On the brighter side of this,
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2013, 10:50:55 am »

On the brighter side of this, maybe we finally can take you to the deep as character.  heh 

In a more serious note, RL goes first, and mean really glad yoou took this step , cause it only mean it must be something really worth of the sacrifice, you indeed will be missed, and hope that the RL keeps pilling up successes for you. 

Don't be a stranger.  We know you live in Australia ;)


Dorax Windsmith

Thank you Dezza for making
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2013, 11:36:34 pm »

Thank you Dezza for making our Layonara experience so much richer.  Your contributions helped many of us enjoy the game.  Totally understand your RL priorities but please stay in touch with the community.



Wow!  And what a great run it
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2013, 12:55:03 pm »

Wow!  And what a great run it was.  Its an end to an incredible era of fantastic quests, cdq's, plot movements and world development.  Thank you for all you gave to Layonara...I dont think I'll ever know the extent of it.  I'm glad you are able to be successful in RL with your writing genious.  I look forward to seeing you in game!


gilshem ironstone

My first questing experience
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2013, 08:35:25 pm »

My first questing experience with you was the Rebuilding of Bloody Gate with Varka Cleaveson, which was as awesome a CDQ as I have been apart of.  My last was a sinister meeting between elves, and it still lingers.  In between were a lot of good times.  Thanks for all you gave.  I look forward to maybe playing with your PCs more!

Cheers and best wishes!



As a former GM who had
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2013, 11:09:12 pm »

As a former GM who had stepped down  I can tell you that you will miss it a ton, I still do sometimes. That being said congratulations on your writing opportunites :D. Thanks for all the work you have put into layo for us!



I've only been on a few of
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2013, 03:56:31 pm »

I've only been on a few of your quest back in the day of Layo before V3, but they have always been fun and you've never had a problem with adding some personal flavour for characters to make things even the tiniest bit more immersive.  Sorry to hear you stepping down, but I hope whoever takes your place is up to the task of taking up your role.  Hope to see you IG as a player though!  Maybe we can kick some villianous butt soon!