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Author Topic: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint  (Read 377 times)


To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
« on: August 02, 2005, 02:45:00 pm »
I saw you run through Hlint, you had 3 halfling mercenraies and an elf mercenary hot on your tail....

You owe the three people who's oxen you killed an appology, leading monsters back to town is against the server rules, you peeled a merc off on me, the ox merchant got two of them, and the elf ran around Hlint killing Oxen untill *I* killed him.

Don't pick battles you can not win, and leave your battles out of town.



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RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2005, 03:38:00 pm »
-chuckles- sorry to laugh there..



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    RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
    « Reply #2 on: August 02, 2005, 03:52:00 pm »
    Well. Hlint has been under a constant and I mean constant barrage of such attacks. My character personally witnessed 10 or 11 such incursions over past 2 weeks. Thus all the complaining threads in the inn.

    Lord of the Forest

    RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
    « Reply #3 on: August 02, 2005, 05:27:00 pm »
    *nods* I know what you're talking about Vyris,
    a few weeks ago the same happend as I was Hlint eastside, one ran into town and my ox attacked. of course it died :( with 32 ingots of copper


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      RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
      « Reply #4 on: August 02, 2005, 05:33:00 pm »
      This is one of the reasons my char does not use oxen... Either a permanent guard needs to be posted. Or all martial character types need to rp their way into defense of the town. Or people should stop retreating to town, obeying server rules.


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      RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
      « Reply #5 on: August 02, 2005, 05:39:00 pm »
      A suggestion - stable oxen in safer places, i.e. in the stable building.

      No matter what rules are there, people will still retreat into town. Atleast you can try to protect your oxen this way.


      RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
      « Reply #6 on: August 02, 2005, 05:50:00 pm »
      And another note, quit stabling the oxen inside the crafthall!  I walk into the hardwood laqcuered crafthall and I see 8 oxen in a row who don't look at all housetrained...

      Talan Va'lash

      RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
      « Reply #7 on: August 02, 2005, 06:17:00 pm »
      I was thinking about this problem, because if it were real, there would be a town guard, who would be able to at least help you take care of the monsters.  In larger towns there would likely be archers and crossbowmen on the walls to pick off any orcs etc. that wander too near their gates.  Because you dont just build a wall around a town then not guard it.

      So we're kindof under the rp assumption that there are guards, but... they cant be IG due to lag issues.

      So, i was thinking... perhaps there could be "unspawn points" either on the outside of town gates, or just inside, that would trigger any monster passing over it's unspawn script.

      The pitfalls of that idea are, people could pick any fight they wanted then retreat to a nearby town.  it wouldnt be an xp exploit, since they would not get xp for unspawned monsters, but it would be silly if they could do it continuously.  Also, it might interfere with quests that involve monsters in towns.

      Documenting my mental process, here is the second generation of the idea:

      The unspawn points can unspawn either X HD of monsters per X time interval, or they can only unspawn monsters below X CR.  Therefore, bringing a big monster into a small town could overrun the town guard and wreak havoc.  Of course X in both possibilities would be dependant on the size of the town and millitary presence etc.

      Problem: people could still do it too much for it to be acceptable RP

      Third itteration:

      For every X CR or HD you bring over the unspawn point, the town guard charges you N GP.  This idea could be combined with the second idea of having a limit to the CR.  The town guard arent inexhaustable.  In this scenario, the town guard will protect the town (and you to a degree) but they will charge you for the service if the monsters attacking are following you.

      problem: Tracking who the monsters are following, especially in the case of a party, or someone leaving or entering the town at about the same time.

      Anyway, just thinking up crazy ideas and thowing em out.  Its what i do ;)



      RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
      « Reply #8 on: August 02, 2005, 08:08:00 pm »
      Talan Va'lash - 8/2/2005  9:17 PM

      I was thinking about this problem, because if it were real, there would be a town guard, who would be able to at least help you take care of the monsters.  In larger towns there would likely be archers and crossbowmen on the walls to pick off any orcs etc. that wander too near their gates.  Because you dont just build a wall around a town then not guard it.

      Actually, according to the text for Hlint, the walls are just for show.  Here it is, directly from the forum post regarding Hlint, posted for your convenience:
      There are wooden walls within and around parts of this city. They are mostly decorative, however, or used to partition space within the town itself. For protection, the denizens of Hlint primarily rely on Fort Llast, their neighbors to the west.

      I don't think it's possible to stop rule breakers entirely, since some people just don't bother to read the rules.  And some people are going to run to town to keep from dying whether they know the rule or not.  I like keeping my ox in the barn for that very reason.  Some people are a bit lazy about it, though, so it's not uncommon to walk into the barn only to find your head engulfed by the nethers of some ox.

      Talan Va'lash

      RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
      « Reply #9 on: August 02, 2005, 08:32:00 pm »
      "Of course X in both possibilities would be dependant on the size of the town and millitary presence etc."

      For hlint, according to the passage you quoted, X would be zero.

      Anyway, I think up crazy ideas, and then post them, because... whats the point of having crazy ideas if you don't tell anyone ;)


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        RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
        « Reply #10 on: August 02, 2005, 11:02:00 pm »
        Well actually if it were "real" in this time frame, there would be the "watchman" system of law enforcment.  Which would mean for a small town each night there would be one or two poor serf(s)/citizen that would walk the town with a stick in hand.  If they saw any trouble they would rap it against the walls of homes and give out the "hue and cry".  Then wait for the other citizens to respond and help.

        Which means dead cow, and angry citizens...

        However... I'm all up for hiring more town guard!!!


        RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
        « Reply #11 on: August 03, 2005, 01:26:00 am »
        Ah this explains how my ox disapered without a trace...

        NOTE TO SELF:
        Listen to the people who advice you not to put valuable things on oxes, such as 4 oak longbows...


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          RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
          « Reply #12 on: August 03, 2005, 01:43:00 am »
          Hmmm, reminds me of an encounter when i was walking (dead, so veeeery slowly) to my corpse near fort llast. As i went through the area transition to the road to fort llast, i immediately saw a small funny dwarf run past me towards town... dragging an army of mercenaries with him. :D the mercenaries apparently left him alone, and killed me because i was dead and too slow to run away. and I had like 1.5k with me.. and thats still alot for me :I  I was kinda angry to that dwarf so i asked him why he just ran off and let me die to his monsters.. didn't get an answer :P I know he couldnt have probably done anything about it really, but apology is allways nice :) Filthy dwarves i say!


          RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
          « Reply #13 on: August 03, 2005, 05:11:00 am »
          lonnarin - 8/2/2005  8:50 PM

          And another note, quit stabling the oxen inside the crafthall!  I walk into the hardwood laqcuered crafthall and I see 8 oxen in a row who don't look at all housetrained...



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            RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
            « Reply #14 on: August 03, 2005, 06:08:00 am »
            *Raises Hand with embarrassed look* I have already apologized to Vyris in private and am now doing so publicly.
              As a 4th level who thought he could get close to the mercs without stirring them... well, I was wrong. I thought by running through the next area fast enough, I could get them to go back. I did not expect them to follow me into town. When they did, I thought they local town guards/people would kill them.
              Vyris has politely informed me of the danger to other new characters, which I did not consider, and it it occurs again, I will take my licks and die. Ouch.
              For those whose oxen died, I have about 500 gp and will gladly give it up to pay recompense.
              As penance, I have been stuck in death void for the last 5 days and have been unable to find a DM online to help me. So many days with playing Layonara is pretty pricey.... :-/
              Mea culpa. Apologies offered.


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            RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
            « Reply #15 on: August 03, 2005, 07:41:00 am »
            I think your post was very admirable.  I wish all player would do such a thing when they mess up inadvertantly.  I wasn't one who lost an ox, but I thank you for your honesty.

            By the way, if you store your ox in the fenced off area near the ox merchant, with the NPC oxen, it would be harder for a monster to get to it because they would have to get around the ox merchant first.  This is what I do when I do not want to store it in the barn in fear of losing items or it will just be a short stabling.


            RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
            « Reply #16 on: August 03, 2005, 08:32:00 am »
            Good on the chap who woned up

            Last Night my PC and another PC where outside the west gate of Hlint siting on a hill when another pc rain passed off to town it was then that 1 endicap 1 spider and 2 goblins poped into screen. We did our civic bit and SHASHED THEN as Spugly would say

            I know that once or twise a critter has flolowed me into town (the goblin scouts on the hill on the wast side of town do it all the time)
            But 4 critters at once...



            RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
            « Reply #17 on: August 03, 2005, 08:43:00 am »
            Its a tough decision to make, to stand around and wait for certain death, or try and run away at the risk of endangering other PCs.

            The only real time I have let anything follow me into a town like that was when I was being chased by a wisp once that I couldnt hurt, from the swamp east of Hlint, but instead of running to Hlint I went to Haven, hoping it wouldn't follow me, and if it did I figure there would be less low levels there, it turned out that nobody was hurt and Kit took it out pretty quickly. I imagine it could have done some damage in Hlint though if there were only weaker characters like myself (at the time) there.

            But the moral of this tale: I try to run from them in a direction where I won't get anyone else hurt, if I was running away from something in the goblin wastes i'd go north of Hlint, and around into the East, rather than leading them into the town itself, and if anyone else happens to get in the way that I can tell wont handle them, I stand around and help them fight....and subsequently die :)


            RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
            « Reply #18 on: August 03, 2005, 01:04:00 pm »
            I must say good job for accepting responsibility for your actions.

            As for the death void, maybe adding salt to injury, but just use your orb of remembrance. (Right click and use) That should get you to your bind stone.

            The salt: you could have spent only a matter of seconds in the void by doing this. *wenches, waiting for a smart blow to the melon*


            RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
            « Reply #19 on: August 03, 2005, 01:08:00 pm »
            Good job and thank you michaelbohun.

