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Author Topic: Party that got spanked...  (Read 160 times)


Party that got spanked...
« on: August 05, 2011, 01:37:44 am »
The party that I was following in the Red Light Goblin Caverns, I'll be grabbing you individually in game when I see you. You had a long stretch of good RP that I would like to reward you for, and most of you logged off right away. Any questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me... or discuss it when I see you. :)

Lance Stargazer

Re: Party that got spanked...
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2011, 01:58:33 am »
The infortunate accident that happene there made the good old armand travel space time to wake up on the bindstone on Dalanthar. hehe. was a good fun, we only had to be  better on the pointy side of goblin knioves or Haels temper ;)

Guardian 452

Re: Party that got spanked...
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2011, 01:15:56 pm »
Myrddyn was bound to the other server (in Dalanthar). When I got him logged back over there... I stepped away from the PC for a few minutes. Then I went back to West... which was empty when I logged in.

I appreciated the extra color, we were just outmatched or didnt think thru the final room well enough. But that wasnt a thinking group... LOL



Re: Party that got spanked...
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2011, 01:42:57 pm »
The goblin overlord kicked our bums. Even if there hadn't been a host of other pansy goblins there with him (and two not-so-pansy goblins), I'm fairly certain we'd have still been beat down, short of Armand happening to have enough missiles available. Chunks would have run for it, but he had been strength drained by a shaman and couldn't run, heh.