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Author Topic: XP loss and level  (Read 144 times)


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    XP loss and level
    « on: August 18, 2006, 01:09:48 pm »
    ...the continued and repeating anguish of death over such a short span of time caused Sordarir to lose a part of his being...

    If you die 3 times in Your PC Level * 15 minutes, you will force respawn and lose 10% of the XP needed to level.
    For example if a level 12 dies 3 times in 180 (12 times 15) minutes, he will lose 32,000xp (10% of 320,000) and forcibly respawn.
    If you are forced to respawn, your window is reset.

    This is from Lore. What does this mean exactly? Is it suppose to mean that if you level, that it is now three deaths in the new level? It seems level has nothing to do with the "if you die 3 times in your pc level". I competely miss understood this rule and had never tested it (grins) until just now. I died two times while level 11 and then leveled to 12. I died once in level 12 and lost 28,032 xps. I would never have been playing or xping while I was under the Level* 15 mins if I had not missunderstood what is written in the death system rules.

    The way it reads in lore, it is 3 times in your level. When you level I thought it would reset, or I would have to die 3 times in my new level.


    RE: XP loss and level
    « Reply #1 on: August 18, 2006, 01:27:38 pm »
    Three times your level is a timespan during which you can only die twice, the third time during the same timespan will make you loose 10% of the XP and force respawn you.

    For example, you are a level twenty character, the timespan will be 20*15=300 minutes or 5 hours. The minute you die for the first time the timer starts ticking and begins to count the 300 minutes. If during this time you die two more times then you shall loose 10% of the XP needed for the next level and force respawn. It is important to note here that you can never loose a level because of the XP loss, you shall always stay atleast at the border of your latest gained level.

    If the 300 minutes pass, then everything resets and begins all over when you once again die.

    So in your case when you died twice at level 11 the timer began to tick, then you levelled and died again, but since the original timespan did not yet end (in your case 11*15=161 minutes) then you ended up with a 10% loss and a force respawn.

    This system is in place to avoid people charging everything without caution. This way people can not die and be raised in the same dungeon 10 times in an hour.

    Hopefully this helps  :)


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      RE: XP loss and level
      « Reply #2 on: August 18, 2006, 01:41:30 pm »
      The Soul mother is the one who prevents people from charging in...*grins*

      I think it would be nice if it at the bottom of that it clarifies that leveling to a new level does not reset the timer. Not that I need clarification now, I know. I have been talking to others though, some that have played here for years and they even thought (by reading the rules) that when you leveled it rest the timer. Which most didn't know for sure, but they missunderstood it as I did.

      Now I know =P Let me be the lesson! hehe


      RE: XP loss and level
      « Reply #3 on: August 18, 2006, 01:48:43 pm »
      I have been here on Layo since 2004 and I had always interpreted the rules of death being specific to the level you were. I thought the same thing as Millan. I am just glad I never got the chance to test it. =P Good to know how it works now for sure. When I die two times, if I die two times, I take a break and RP/log. I could have done the same thing Millan did.


      Re: XP loss and level
      « Reply #4 on: August 18, 2006, 02:47:51 pm »
      I have no idea which way I interpreted those rules...
      Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


      Re: XP loss and level
      « Reply #5 on: August 19, 2006, 01:48:44 am »
      "If you die 3 times in Your PC Level * 15 minutes, you will force respawn and lose 10% of the XP needed to level"
        So how did you interpret it, because if you thought 3 times in a level, how did the 15 minutes fit in?  
        "If you die 3 times in X minutes, you will force respawn and lose 10% of the XP needed to level"
        With X being: Your Level * 15. I would think that is clear from the example in the bullet below it on LORE.  
        In any event, I updated LORE with: * Reflections are not reset when you level
        * Levelling does not reset the window, nor does it reset the number of deaths.
        Hope that helps :)


      Re: XP loss and level
      « Reply #6 on: August 19, 2006, 03:39:18 am »
      Well in my case, I took it as "if you die 3 times in Your PC level * 15 mins" personally. I thought the "your PC level * 15" was held to the level your pc was. I never thought of it continuing through leveling.

      I don't think it is a huge deal, nor do I think Millan is asking for sympathy and xps back. I just think she, like me, didn't clearly understand the rule. I think it is awesome that an offical clarification was made because someone suggested it. Just one of the many reasons why I play here on Layonara.


      RE: XP loss and level
      « Reply #7 on: August 19, 2006, 04:53:19 am »
      Remember sentence diagrams?  You may have been taught in grade school when you were around twelve years old.  You draw a short horizontal line and write the subject noun on the left side of the line, then draw a vertical line through the horizontal line to the right of the noun.  Then you write the verb to the right of the vertical line.  A preposition dangles below the line on a short vertical line of its own, attached to the word above that it modifies, with the object of the preposition on a short horizontal line of its own that runs to the right from the bottom end of the preposition's vertical line, so it makes a little box.  Every kind of word has its own rules for placement on the diagram.

      Remember that?

      This reminds me of sentence diagrams.  

      No, I am not drunk.


      RE: XP loss and level
      « Reply #8 on: August 19, 2006, 12:12:57 pm »
      You know there is always one out there that gets off on putting down the spelling or grammar comprehension of another to fulfill some sort self-gratification or ease the pain of some childhood memory of not winning the local spelling bee. Usually it is the same person that can’t count to ten without their fingers.

      Oh...wait in America you think English is everyone’s first language. Welcome to an online gaming world where people log on from all over the world with vast differences in ethnicity and culture. I don’t know if you learned this in the back woods of Georgia, but the world is made up of many people who speak more than one language. How many languages are you fluent in?

      Do you know what makes the English language one of the most complicated, if not the most complicated, language to comprehend? One English word can have so many different meanings, or words that sound the exact same are spelled completely different. Letters in the alphabet have multiple sounds when placed in with different letters. In other languages, like Japanese & Spanish you do not have issues like that. In those languages, the way a letter sounds in the alphabet is how it is then used in a word. We will not even go into the how drastic the English language has changed since the Victorian era. We will also leave out how far behind the US education system is compared to other countries like Japan. Although, I do give credit to the US for allowing everyone a chance at an education.

      People wonder how bigotry and racism can still exist in society today and why so many other countries hate the United States of America. Well besides the fact that Bush is the President =) It is the arrogant pedestal that so many Americans put themselves on. We are not all English majors, nor at the age of twelve did we all go to the same schools that you did. To defend the English majors, nor are they mathematicians.

      Arrogant, elitist, and uneducated…that is what your post reminds me of. My advice to you Gulnyr is this. If you don’t have something constructive to add to someone else’s questions and opinions go troll another post and raise your post count there.

      P.S. For the nice Americans out there, like me…what do we do with such ignorant responses to such small mistakes made by other people? Have we fallen so far that when someone genuinely misunderstands something we have to flog them in the town center? Especially when they ask in a constructive manner and make a constructive suggestion?


      Re: XP loss and level
      « Reply #9 on: August 19, 2006, 12:17:10 pm »
      Alright now. Be nice. We don't need that sort of stuff here.


      Re: XP loss and level
      « Reply #10 on: August 19, 2006, 01:22:23 pm »
      I am totally confused how this post developed into this................................


      Re: XP loss and level
      « Reply #11 on: August 19, 2006, 02:17:35 pm »

      What an explosive response to an obviously misunderstood post.  Not sure about that chip on your shoulder but Gulnyr's reply must have been totally misinterpreted by you.  

      I believe you owe him a great apology for the presumptions you made and the attacks you delivered based on his post.  I suggest you two try to work out the confusion and misinterpretation in PMs.


      P.S. Thread locked.


      Re: XP loss and level
      « Reply #12 on: August 21, 2006, 10:35:50 am »
      In lieu of no communication being initiated amongst the parties involved and some thought into how I handled this matter, I'm unfreezing this thread.  The main reason I locked it was I didn't want many personal attacks coming from the community in defense of either side.  With that said, it was not appropriate for me to put in my own opinion before locking the thread.  I ask kindly that only those parties (Millan, Gulnyr and Drizzlin) involved with the personal dispute chime in and try to work things out.

      Thank you,


      RE: XP loss and level
      « Reply #13 on: August 21, 2006, 12:49:50 pm »
      I've been trying not to think about it.  I stopped to check the forums before heading in-game, and had a fairly good mood ruined by this virtual kick to the stomach.

      Text doesn't necessarily convey emotion.  I wrote my post one-quarter excited with a smile on my face.  Looking back at it, I can see I really didn't go into much detail about what I was talking about.  The wording of the rule reminded me of sentence diagrams, since a diagram might help make the meaning of the rule less vague.  I thought it was kind of neat that here, after twenty years, was an actual real world use for sentence diagrams, which I always thought were just useless busy-work.  And I still do, really.

      So my post was ambiguous, I guess.  That wasn't my intention, nor was it my intention to insult anyone.  I come here to get away from the troubles of the world, not to start more troubles.


      RE: XP loss and level
      « Reply #14 on: August 21, 2006, 02:12:17 pm »

      With your reply I can only apologize for my forwardness in my response and say that I am sorry that my response offended you when you say you had only the best intentions. Millan was bothered and a bit insulted when she read your reply. I understood why and felt the same way. Text does not in anyway convey emotion, so in my defense I did not assume the best from your text. I applaud that you can admit the lack of detail leading to why Millan, myself included, misunderstood your intent. I appreciate your apology and accept it fully. I would hope you would grant me the same courtesy.

      Thanks Orth for opening the thread and allowing what was a public display, to be resolved publicly in a mature manner. I hope we can all be friends again =).


      Re: XP loss and level
      « Reply #15 on: August 22, 2006, 08:48:35 am »
      Im Dyslexic an get the rule but I can see how you can read it another way.

