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Author Topic: RE: Disputes, Grievances....  (Read 240 times)


RE: Disputes, Grievances....
« on: June 21, 2006, 06:41:35 am »

Im just checking.
Recently, whilst jumping to the Quest server, I lost my Oak Longbow. Didnt drop it or anything, just when I arrived on the quest server, it was missing.
Im not bothered about an Item Reimbursment, I can make a new one easy enough....but....

If, say, I had added features to it such as Bow Cam for Mighty +1/2/3........I would have been well unhappy.

So, if I create Items with added benefits such as Mighty Bow, or Iron Armour with elemental Resistance, is it wise to take a ScreenDump of the Item incase its lost in transition?
Do others do that for their powerful items?

Also, does this happen often, as I have lost Bracers of the Scouts and an Oak Longbow whilst jumping servers?



RE: Disputes, Grievances....
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2006, 06:55:28 am »
This does not happen often as far as I know. Even though a character save should be happening automatically when you log/portal, it's probably a good idea to save and/or rest before jumping to a different server.
  The Quest server is essentially just a copy of one of the other modules. When it's running West, for example, there's really no conceptual difference.
  Screenshots that can show proof of prior ownership/possession and the properties the items possess are hightly recommended for reimbursements.


Re: RE: Disputes, Grievances....
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 07:00:25 am »
A simple answer to your question is yes. And it is always wise to take screen shots of anything you may have in storage chests.  Tt has sometimes happened, that stuff has gone missing when chests are open prior to a server crash (not so frequent nowdays thankfully). The only reason I can think of why you would lose stuff jumpoing to a different server, is that you obtained something prior to the jump, and hadnt saved beofre doing so. But not being fully conversant to how a jump is initiated programatically, I will bow to a more expereinced persons better knowledge.


RE: Disputes, Grievances....
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2006, 07:29:25 am »
Oh, now there's another question. Did you put the items in a bank chest? If so, those databases are specific to a physical server and items placed into a bank chest on West will not be in a bank chest on Quest, even if it's running the West module.


Re: RE: Disputes, Grievances....
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2006, 08:11:26 am »
No, it was an Oak Longbow I had had for ages. And the Bracers were on me at the time. Weird, but no loss. I can make the bow and....well.....the Bracers arent exactly rare.


( can be closed. Thanks )