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Author Topic: Wemics in Center/ Adventuring group!  (Read 357 times)


Wemics in Center/ Adventuring group!
« on: June 20, 2011, 04:46:07 pm »
Hi all. I recently returned to one of my alts, a Wemic - Feana Pantherguard and was wandering about a few things since it's been a long time since I RPed this unusual character:

Firstly, what is the likely reaction to a Wemic in Center? Obviously individual people would react differently so I'm looking more for a general "pitchforks at dusk" or "have some cake" type generic response, if anyone has any ideas? At the moment I tend to keep Feana to the outskirts of any major settlements but that can limit RP quite a bit.

On the second note, it seems to me that Wemics and other "monstrous" races might make likely travelling companions given their general removal from the traditional races and their settlements, so I also wanted to give a shout out to any players of the more odd looking races for groups which want to RP, run around and generally adventure. Please feel free to PM me, or send a tell in game if your monstrous humanoid would like a lion lady to wander around Layonara with!

Thanks all!
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Re: Wemics in Center/ Adventuring group!
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2011, 06:48:47 pm »
While the monstrous races such as a Wemic are only truly "banned" from Hempstead by strict law, I would expect a wemic's reception in other civilized areas to be met with even more alarm than a regular lion.  Regular lions would cause alarm enough, but the alien nature of a wemic would truly be an oddity to the townsfolk.  To the more lore-heavy and educated adventurer population they would receive a warmer reception than orcs & goblins, and certainly moreso than dark elves, who I beleive are the least acceptable pariahs around.  This is due to the wemic being more naturalistic than evil.  Druids and rangers would certainly accept a wemic more than warriors or other professions, since the nature classes are less fearful than animals like lions themselves.  Of course Joe the farmer wouldn't have a clue about this, and would likely go berserk upon sighting one outside of a secure circus cage.  Torch and pitchfork lynch mobs come to mind, and hunters trying to mount the wemic's stuffed head on the tavern wall.

It should be noted however, that given the wemic's background and rarity, the wemic is likely to be more uncomfortable in a town than the town will be with the wemic.  With the hustle and bustle of merchant wagons, barking city dogs, shrieking children, shouts in strange foreign tongues and alien ways of civilized folk like laws and commerce, most wemics would be utterly terrified of such places!  It would be like sticking a black bear in a highschool cafeteria.  I could just imagine one being cornered by inquisitive townsfolk and lashing out like a trapped beast at them.  They're not usually evil, but there would still be a great level of conflict there.  Fight or Flight natural instinct would set in.  I consider Wemics to be the most savage of races available, even moreso than greenskins who at least have some familiarity with concepts like armor and currency having value.  And they are at least as alien, if not more so than sea elves, who at least have their common traits with other elven races and show a grace and beauty despite the gills, scales, webbed appendages and freakish pigmentation.  A wemic's nomadic, hunter/gatherer background and simple savage ways would clash with civilization about as much as the first half hour of Encino Man.  I would expect much screaming, hurled heavy objects, cautious sniffing of everything and outright terror at simple, everyday items like church bells, barking dogs, town guards and even noisy children.  With time the adventuring wemic may learn and grow past all of that, but the uneducated townsfolk and even the learned scholars & nobility would still be headache for him.  The closest thing to a town or civilization that I'd expect a wemic to feel any comfort visiting would likely be a grove.  And even then, it would be met with such awe as a 19th century farm boy visiting 21st century New York City.

Hope this helps.  And I'll certainly be keeping a lookout for your character!  Not enough wemics have lasted more than a few months on this server, so its always a great opportunity to try and break that mold and be the first.  They are one of the most difficult races to play, even more than greenskins or dark elves, but the rewards are well worth it.  Also, I have a naturalistic brownie and druid goblin savage that should get along nicely with a lion-person.


Re: Wemics in Center/ Adventuring group!
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2011, 06:57:21 pm »
And Wemics would be largely uncomfortable with EVERYONE, on top of all that Lonn said.  Also, Dark Elves and Orcs would likely want to mount their head on the wall as much as anyone else.


Re: Wemics in Center/ Adventuring group!
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2011, 07:10:37 pm »
Indeed, just because other races are alien or savage, there would be little kinship between them.  Dark elves would be cruel to the wemic, either seeking to enslave the oddity as a pet or enforcer or causing it strife out of sheer malice.  Orcs probably wouldn't be *afraid* of the wemic, but given their violent, boastful warrior background, they would be most likely of all races to become obsessed with hunting one and using its remains as a trophy to give himself status within the tribe.  An orc would see a wemic and his first thoughts would be "I bet those claws and teeth would make a great necklace!  I'll eat its heart and grow in power!"  Goblins are a bit more clever and cautious, so their reaction would likely be fear or hunger, depending on how many of them there are at hand.  And even theough a sea elf could relate to a wemic being a fellow stranger in a strange land, it would just as likely be yet another totally alien thing it came across in the surface world that would boggle its mind.

Even actual lions wouldn't know what to make with a wemic.  It would be like a human strolling up to a wild pack of chimps or gorillas.


Re: Wemics in Center/ Adventuring group!
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2011, 08:15:03 pm »
Plenty to ponder over here, thanks for the replies!

I might have Feana perhaps wander to the edges of Center in that case - scoping out the place so to speak (and of course ready to turn tail and run if things turn sour). I also imagine she'd be less likely to want to venture too far in any settlement, preferring the edges, and especially would avoid the "stone walls" of cities like Vehl.

I do take the point about the other monstrous races. I suppose I was mainly aiming at half-giants rather than orcs or goblins (Feana is a goody two shoes after all!)


Re: Wemics in Center/ Adventuring group!
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2011, 08:42:12 pm »
Half giants are a special case.  They typically aren't evil as much as they are chaotic, so it's hard to know what to expect from them.  Most of the ones who become adventurers are RPed as rather friendly and child-like, so I'd wager they might be the most accepting race towards Wemics out there.  They're large enough that the massive Wemic wouldn't be so scarey to them; I could just imagine them trying to pet the "big kitty" and give it a hug.  They might also empathize with being feared upon sight despite not having done anything wrong themselves.  The wemic would understandably be somewhat frightened of the huge man-thing, but once it realized how infantile its mind was, it may either take pity on the lumbering hulk, or become fond of its simplicity.  Since half-giants are almost as rare, and they are usually equally as outcast from both their giant and human lineage, I could see some common ground there.  This is just my opinion, but I would think that half-giants have the potential to coexist with a wemic more than any other race.  Of course this would be a case-by-case basis, as there are no doubt half giants who are more civilized than others, and others who are more cruel than child-like.  Bakee Burka for example, would be more likely to eat the big kitty than to rub its belly.


Re: Wemics in Center/ Adventuring group!
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2011, 05:49:37 am »
In the case of us dark elves that arent as evil and malicious as these racists would like to make out :P (j/k). Nym is more likely to show the beast an interest as its a predatory creature and that would be a crude black/white representation of his brain that houses the killer instinct.

He divides things into ever-shifting categories of prey and predator; since dark elves admire physical beauty, cunning, art, and this includes an exotic beast that appears to be a deadly and lethal hunter (atleast to Nym). A wemic's oddity would be yes either something to be mounted on a trophy wall, beaten down into the soil and inspected or simplely observed and perhaps approached because he might not get another chance at seeing one of those.

Ofcourse he wont blink twice about putting Feana in her place if she gets tetchy and (doesnt require PvP or killing dont worry) but I'd also be more than happy to RP with you without chasing you around with a spear and skinning knife. ;)


Re: Wemics in Center/ Adventuring group!
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2011, 04:57:18 am »
Ni'haer would enslave it ever so subtly without it even knowing. ;)