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Author Topic: *Sighs and shakes his head*  (Read 135 times)


*Sighs and shakes his head*
« on: February 27, 2006, 06:35:54 pm »
First, I'm not really one to complain, or gripe, and I hardly ever post anything that isn't at least a little humorous, but this irks me to no end.  Daren and Jil were travelling through Rilara on horseback, got to the Dinen forset and were set upon by no less than 5 Dwarf mercs.  It goes pretty much without saying that Daren and his wife got owned by said mercs.  Along with they bought sunday.  40,000 gold down the tubes in less than 2 minutes.  Now, Daren doesn't ride with his armor on (due to a texture glitch), plus it's (IMO) bad RP for an Az'attan to go around armored up all the time.  Second, this happened right after entering the area.  I know how tough those mercs are, and to gain a double spawn, since this happened at a decently laggy time, I can understand.  Armored and buffed though, the fact remains that we were first hit right at the AT.    So I ask that any player, no matter what level, or no matter how long you've been here, be more considerate and know that other people are playing in the same world that you are.  Don't go where your character can't handle, don't lure enemies to the AT in your attempt to run away.  Don't lure enemies to the NPC's hanging around.  We're in DT free time, no penalties besides the loss of gold and possibly XP, so fight your fight and die if you must, but don't risk runining the experience for others.  Yes, it's just a horse, and yes this really is just a game, but a lot of RL time and effort was spent on earning, selling, and saving in order to get this done, by both Jil and myself.  I know I would've rather spent time conceptualizing, scripting or even programming or just plain relaxing here in Layo.  I am making a post in the grievance forum but even if it gets turned down, but it would be very nice to have an apology from anybody who might've contributed to this madness.


Re: *Sighs and shakes his head*
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2006, 12:56:32 am »
I think I might know what happened.  Bjorn was visiting Bloody Gate and furious that Bloodstone's army was right outside, unhindered by dwarven forces so he attempted to take the hill.  He climbed the foot of it up to just over the ridge and was taking them down 3-4 at a time, doing pretty well I might add, when the sorcerous finally intervened and torched him down.  He died in battle and on the battlefield though, on the ridge of the hill itself and not near the area transition.

From this we can learn 2 things.

1) When you see a gravestone, proceed with caution!  Somebody died there for a reason...

2) Never flee through an area transition!  Sure you feel relieved when they don't hop through the blue square, but that only means the're sitting right on it in the number you left them at.

So aye, I think I may have been the initial butterfly's wings that helped form the hurricane.  Sorry for stirring them up on the hill and leaving such a tempting clickable grave sitting there right where the dwarves start charging.  Also sorry to the poor guy who went to find out who's name was on the rock.

In my defense, I died on the field with honor, and nowhere near the transition point.

What I think happened from that point is a young adventurer saw the gravestone Bjorn left and was unfamiliar with the area.  Poor lil fella went "oooh! Who's this?" and clicked on my stone, only to witness the entire kit&kaboodle of the Bloodstone Dwarven Mercenary force defiling Bjorn's corpse look up and attack by the hoarde.And then he ran as fast as his legs could carry him.


Re: *Sighs and shakes his head*
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2006, 02:57:53 pm »
*Gazing out over the countryside from her vantage point the *sorceress* given the task of keeping the Bloody Gate Outskirts firmly under Milara's control and seeing to it that the puppet King Gunderforn in Bloody Gate does not exceed his given authority turns to the large dwarf beside her.*

"You are sure they have all been dispatched! I will have no other interferences this day Grorghin." She taps a short wand on her hip while the dangerous looking dwarf squirms under her gaze.

"Mistress, the one who thought to attack the hill is dead, and the patrol we sent out found two more on horseback and dispatched them."

"Good! I will have no more of this Grorghin. Ever since that dwarf entered this camp and stole those things from me we have increased security and yet still we have problems like this. If Milara were here right now I fear I would not be...but mark my words dwarf." She points the wand at the dwarf who shies back a touch knowing the murderous and unpredictable nature of the woman.

"Should that day come, I will see you and all your kin dead. And you know I will keep that word." Suddenly she struck hard and fast, the wand slicing across the dwarfs cheek leaving a red line of blood.

Grorghin flinched but held firm refusing to touch the cut. Instead he bowed deeply and in a gruff voice, "It shall be as you command." With that he turned to a group of several of his best men standing nearby. Shouting loudly so his voice could be heard across the campsite.

"Git tar Bloody work ye bunch o' good fer nutin tree hugger lovers!" He snatched up a mighty axe from a nearby weapon rack and with a massive heave it spin through the air and thudded into a tree near the edge of the campsite. "Any o' ye be thinkin o' takin me place, ye can think again! Ifn ye want to lead this rabble take tha' axe an we settle this ere an now!"

Silence reighed across the campsite, dwarves, mages, clerics, even the Sorceress watched her eyes flashing amusedly. No dwarf stepped forward until finally from one of the tents stepped Tregar and strode towards the axe. Grorghin spat into his hands, pulled an axe from his belt and threw with an almighty heave. It thudded into Tregars back and he went down...dead. Not a word was said across the campsite until Grorghin bellowed.

"Now thats done with, git ter bloody work, Milara dont pay us ter stand around belly achin'...MOVE!"  Quickly dwarfs jumped into their work and the camp turned into a hive of activity.

// Just goes to show you, you can't really complain because you don't really know what the enemy are doing....!


Re: *Sighs and shakes his head*
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2006, 03:56:57 pm »
Ok...I was in a seriously bad mood last night because of this, and I come home to read this...

*Just glares, trying so hard not to crack a smile* You guys are the worst... :)

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: *Sighs and shakes his head*
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2006, 07:03:53 pm »
Bjorn, thank you for offering the information, but  I believe the dwarves were from Stone.  From where you were is just too far away (About 8 areas).  As of this point,  I will just purchase myself another horse and just mourn the loss of a trusted steed.  I was first through the area, and could only see through the trees ahead of me and did not see the dwarves come up behind me.  I dismounted by the campfire and was in the middle of a rest when they surrounded me and proceed t obeat the snot out of me . . Itried drawing them away from the horses . .but I couldn't.  Wha t Icouldn't understand was why I was allowed to rest while there were enemies nearby.  *Sighs*  Oh well . . .


Re: *Sighs and shakes his head*
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2006, 07:53:30 am »
Whew.  That's a relief to know.  A few things in all of this make me chuckle though...

1) 20,000gp horse vs 5,000gp maximum +1 enchanted iron weapons. Adamantium blades sell around as much as a horse.

2) Must be 14th lvl to ride a horse.  Thinking of taking the kids to the circus for a pony ride?  They'll keep falling off and breakin an arm or leg no matter how much you fasten them in!

The farmers of Layonara must have all switched from Prunilla to Deliar, heheh.  Reasons like these are why Bjorn will never buy a pony, even for a snack.  I think the prices are set for their rarity in Bioware modules vs. their effectiveness and usefulness in game though.  Who knows?  Maybe in Layonara there was once a horse blight on the timeline which makes them as expensive as trained unicorns.


Re: *Sighs and shakes his head*
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2006, 07:54:57 am »
actually, I thought the lvl req was 15th.


Re: *Sighs and shakes his head*
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2006, 07:55:28 am »
*laughs at lonnarin* Ever think that we don't want them to be a dime a dozen and we did this on purpose? Come on man, you know how this stuff works.  Be nice. :)


Re: *Sighs and shakes his head*
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2006, 07:58:34 am »
lol, I know.  I'm not complaining, just mostly laughing. ;)


RE: *Sighs and shakes his head*
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2006, 08:56:39 am »
i was jumped by a dire boar as i came through an area transisission (spelling lol) he killled me went down to -9 then back up then got him with a lucky crit lol


Re: *Sighs and shakes his head*
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2006, 09:53:07 am »
I think those nasty dwarfs are moving around a lot.  I came out of Karthy a while ago after a long sailing voyage and several ales.  I saw a Dwarf I had not met, went toward him to talk ( moving and not looking closely at him because I was trying to type a dwarven greeting) and then realizing when it was too late that his green glowing axe was a bad sign.  He was not friendly, did not respond to my use of the "dwarven ear for lanuage" and in my unprepared state made very short work of me.  Later after several of us were hiding at the karthy gate we had a rescue team arrive and found that there were two of the buggers out there.