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Author Topic: What would you like from a world leader?  (Read 705 times)


What would you like from a world leader?
« on: September 10, 2009, 04:28:10 am »
As my playtime has sadly been decreasing over the course of the last few months and doesn't really seem to be changing right away I find myself wondering what people would want from me as a world leader, or just from a world leader in general.
The reason is of course that with limited playtime I would like to make as much of the time I have as possible, and traveling with the same people all the time isn't really the best way of getting people in touch with Storold as a world leader.
The requirements listen in the forums and on LORE wont really be a problem for me to fulfil, unless I loose my internet connection or something like that I will probably still be above five hours a week, and nowhere close to the five hours a month.
But... I would like to know what the player base would like to see more of and try to focus my efforts on those things when I have the time to play rather than spending my time idling or grinding when I am online.
So I hope that people will speak up about their view of what a world leader should spend his or her time on.


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 04:53:54 am »
There are lots of folks out there with no deity allegience - seize them! rally them to the cause! at every opportunity. Convert them, encourage them to be eyes and ears.
 Hang your banner on the Dragon plot and get like minded individuals acting in concert to the common cause - lets see some Lucindite uniforms out there.
 Show them round places and things of history, present and the future that are worthy of knowing/might effect Lucinda.
 oh yeah and do some Hempstead bench sessions!
 Remember if it ain't Lucindite it aint right!


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2009, 05:00:56 am »
I'd like the GM team to drive events that make us (us as in players/characters) need to come see you (you, me, Acacea, Fenrir, Angela, Alantha, Sallaron, Jennara, whomever) to gain information/leads/advice/whatever from your sphere of influence in order to reach a solution.

I'd like you (anyone) being a World Leader to be the start of a journey, not the end of one. I think if the above happened more often you wouldn't be wondering about what to do with your time as you'd be pulled this way and that as soon as you logged in!

I'd like you to have fun playing Storold.


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2009, 05:15:25 am »
Quote from: Pseudonym
I'd like the GM team to drive events that make us (us as in players/characters) need to come see you (you, me, Acacea, Fenrir, Angela, Alantha, Sallaron, Jennara, whomever) to gain information/leads/advice/whatever from your sphere of influence in order to reach a solution.

Already being done. ;)

But I would like to point out its down to the players to contact the WL's.

We as GM's know the capabilites of the WL's.
We can leave the clues, and make them as obvious as possible which WL ( or WorldLeader'S) you may need to speak to, but we can't really contact them for you.

WorldLeaders are experienced and probably reknowned characters in this world with a fountain of knowledge at their disposal. Use them!

Though I would advise players to perhaps PM the necessary WL's first , as due to timezone issues and RL , it may be difficult to track them down.


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2009, 11:27:39 am »
This may seem like a strange request, and perhaps an unnecessary one as I've only met a couple world leaders, but
If I meet you in the street, I don't want to hear about the world-changing and famous events. I want to hear about how angry you were when an ox cart cut you off in Port Hempstead and about how slow it was going.
And while I think it would be cool to interact with more of the player base, I think it makes perfect sense to travel around with the same people. These are your friends. If, as a world leader, you want to address people or take questions, hold a press conference or something more formal.
World leaders should, in some sense, be untouchable to a player like me because that's how I feel it would be in reality.


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2009, 12:18:35 pm »
I agree with pseudo - I'd love to see even just little quests where the DMs ask a WL to represent their in game position rather than making up a random NPC for that kind of role. Players should have a sense of the in game status that WLs have gained, and its often difficult to do that without some DM involvement.

More than that, however, I want to see WL in game, interacting with players. I don't just want to meet them on the plot quests, I don't just want to see them when a group gathers for a Deep run. I want new players to run into WLs. I want to see WLs to make an effort to allow players to interact with them - Jennara's pie sales and Acacea's occasional Stormcrest gatherings are good examples. I want to see them host player events on the calendar. I want to see WLs sitting in hempstead, perfecting their trades in the crafthall, helping new players through the sewers, taking all challengers in the Arena... whatever is appropriate for the character. And, as Shiokara alludes to, some WLs might be more aloof or keep high brow company - but I think that anyone who has earned the WL title should be able to have the RP creativity to make their characters visible or accessible without compromising who their character is. And of course, I realize that even WLs have lives of their own... but in my opinion, WLs should devote at least some of their play time to just making themselves visible to their fellow players. Bottom line, I just want to see World Leaders.


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2009, 02:14:12 pm »
I agree with pseudo - I'd love to see even just little quests where the DMs ask a WL to represent their in game position rather than making up a random NPC for that kind of role. Players should have a sense of the in game status that WLs have gained, and its often difficult to do that without some DM involvement.

It has been done, and as LC suggests, is being done again. WL's are not necessarily used in a quest or two per month, but they have been summoned for particular quests in the past, and some quests even required the use of their WL abilities to move the quest forward. Have we utilized WL's in quests as much as we could have/should have? Perhaps not, and I could spend all day giving excuses/reasons as to why that is. However, the reality is that we are, as a team, looking for more ways to include the currently active WLs.

Also, I'm with Ycleption that WLs should not only be visible within their niche of the world, but should be directly looking for ways to involve the player base. Plan for and organize an event per month that your WL heads up and is specifically related to his/her WL skills, whether it be showing off dwarven craftsmanship or offering a clinic on lightening-based spells. Don't rely entirely on the GM team to make quests that involve your WL abilities; make your own quests, and if you need GM help to accomplish whatever, just ask. Seriously, being a WL means you now finally have what it takes to really shake things up, even if it's only in the small part of the world in which you have influence. If you have an idea for a general quest that you can't lead IC as your WL, send me a PM, or send a PM to your other favorite GM ;). I have more than once built a whole (open to all players) quest series off a few ideas from players based on what mess their characters had gotten into. And I know I'm not the only GM to do that. I mean, what's the worst we're going to do? Say "no"? Then you can just send us your other ten ideas.

Anyhow, the short of it is, I want to see WL's planning regular events that aren't just "let's go explore this dungeon," (which are fun, don't get me wrong) but are regular chances for the player base to explore what opportunities are out there through the example of your character that has already taken advantage of just some of those opportunities. Teach, explain, and make fun of NPCs that the other PCs learn about through your WL.


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2009, 03:07:02 pm »
ycleption put it nicely. I can only add...

What I do not like is seeing gm put hours and hours in to planning and running WLDQ's then the WL just disappearing from the world.  Why even apply for it if you do not want to be a part of what is going on.  When you choose to apply for WL you are agreeing to follow the rules posted. (Of course RL has to come first!)  You know this ahead of time. If they are not active then they should lose the WL title.

Also do not like seeing WL only come out only for certain quest. Usually being, plot quest.. or only quest held by certain gm's.

Love the idea of WL's being pulled into a roles in quest! It gives players a chance to see and talk with the WL's. Some get intimidated when there are more than one WL/GM's together.  Get out on your own so you seem more approachable.  

In a way I think the players should get to do a private voting on if they think a character should be able to try for WL. No one would see the results other than GM's. Of course GM's would still have the last say.

But yes most of all. Still have fun playing your characters! :)


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2009, 03:22:22 pm »
World Leaders should calendar an event once a month to lead adventurers into a certain area (whether it be the Great Spikes, Redlight caverns, The Rift, etc.); it would basically give players a chance to go to areas they haven't been before or to revisit areas they have been.  The WL could also use his wand to those attending kinda like quest xp given on quests by gm's.  This is the role of the world lead.


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2009, 03:36:47 pm »
Quote from: davidhoff
World Leaders should calendar an event once a month to lead adventurers into a certain area (whether it be the Great Spikes, Redlight caverns, The Rift, etc.); it would basically give players a chance to go to areas they haven't been before or to revisit areas they have been.  The WL could also use his wand to those attending kinda like quest xp given on quests by gm's.  This is the role of the world lead.

I like the idea of WL's showing players new areas or going to old areas and educating the adventurers about the history of the area.

Maybe something plot driven, besides just adventuring which is fun in itself, related to that WL's area of knowledge or control, for example maybe some evil force is raiding homesteads in his/her area of infuence and he/she is seeking brave adventurers to snuff them out.  

Another idea is for a WL to originate a player run quest based on the rumors forum i.e. "Trails in Alindor" for example.


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2009, 06:23:34 pm »
Quote from: Lynn1020
ycleption put it nicely. I can only add...

What I do not like is seeing gm put hours and hours in to planning and running WLDQ's then the WL just disappearing from the world.  Why even apply for it if you do not want to be a part of what is going on.  When you choose to apply for WL you are agreeing to follow the rules posted. (Of course RL has to come first!)  You know this ahead of time. If they are not active then they should lose the WL title.

Also do not like seeing WL only come out only for certain quest. Usually being, plot quest.. or only quest held by certain gm's.

Love the idea of WL's being pulled into a roles in quest! It gives players a chance to see and talk with the WL's. Some get intimidated when there are more than one WL/GM's together.  Get out on your own so you seem more approachable.  

In a way I think the players should get to do a private voting on if they think a character should be able to try for WL. No one would see the results other than GM's. Of course GM's would still have the last say.

But yes most of all. Still have fun playing your characters! :)

Very well put (as well as those posts upon which this one built).

As a GM, I want to see WLs involved and visible.  That is not to say they actually have to act as "leaders" in an IC sense, but visibility, interaction and similar things are what we should see. WLs are free (and expected) to remain true to their characters, so as WLs, they should not be expected to do anything they wouldn't have done before becoming a WL (except for those things that are IC responsibilities, of course).

On the other side of the fence...

As a WL with faaaaaar too little time to play as much as I want due to too many responsibilities (Layo and RL), I do feel somewhat (however unnecessarily) guilty about not being more visible and involved like I used to be.  Still, I try to get on and be seen with my WL character whenever the opportunity presents itself.  And while I like the idea of scheduled events (and yes, feel free to do so), some of us simply don't have that sort of regularity to their schedules.  Even so, I think that what a WL does is somewhat secondary to being in-game, visible and interactive.

I will say though that for those players who are not WLs and not GMs, they (i.e. the players) should not be intimidated by WLs or characters of GMs. It's perfectly fine for your character to be unsure or intimidated by a name that might well be written down in history or whatever, but there's no reason to fear the players behind them.

Having seen a lot of WLs come and go, I think a lot of them fade away because there's no involvement. Other players treat them differently, they get few (though this is improving) nods from the GM team and involvement of their specialized powers, abilities and/or influences. This is admittedly one of our (the GM Team's) weak spots, but as has been mentioned above, there are efforts to improve this in the works (and have already happened).


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2009, 06:24:45 pm »
Quote from: willhoff
Another idea is for a WL to originate a player run quest based on the rumors forum i.e. "Trails in Alindor" for example.

Funny you should say that... ;)


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2009, 06:33:49 pm »
I have a similar question...

"What are you guys (the team) looking for from potential World Leaders?"


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2009, 06:37:46 pm »
Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
I have a similar question...

"What are you guys (the team) looking for from potential World Leaders?"

Maybe a new thread for that?

Also to add.. I understand those that are on the team have very limited time to play their characters.

But it is easier to say don't be intimidated than done.  Even more so when there is more than one together.  They RP between each other and leaves the others around them to clueless to what is going on.  Does that make sense?


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2009, 06:40:51 pm »
I thought about that...  But...  before this goes off topic...  *runs off to a new thread*


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2009, 06:51:47 pm »
Quote from: Lynn1020
But it is easier to say don't be intimidated than done.  Even more so when there is more than one together.  They RP between each other and leaves the others around them to clueless to what is going on.  Does that make sense?

Yep, agreed.  Though to be fair, this happens across all strata of players and character groups.  People tend to clump with those they know, ICly or OOCly, and it's difficult for anyone to come into that dynamic due to the history that invariably builds up even over short periods of time.


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2009, 06:56:51 pm »
Just gotta be nosey  ;)  And persistant...


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2009, 06:59:40 pm »
Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
Just gotta be nosey  ;)  And persistant...

You mean annoying?? :D


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2009, 07:19:36 pm »
Hey!  I know everybody don't I?  And I'm annoying...  ;)  It works!


Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2009, 07:38:19 pm »
Hopefully if Daralith succeeds in his WLDQ, we'll finally have an evil World Leader - A shining beacon for the maligned, unruly, and damned! :)

EDIT: Forgot about G'ork! :P I wonder who finishes faster. Oh, and the statement above also applies to Arkolio. :)

