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Author Topic: Housing  (Read 53 times)

Gillander St. Clair

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    « on: February 14, 2007, 10:30:34 pm »
    Hi I just started today and have a few questions concerning housing.
    1. What level do you need to be to own a home?
    2. What does a house cost?
    3. Can you get Keeps and Castles?
    4. Are houses secure.
    5. Can you store valuables in houses?
    6. Do you buy house deeds and place our the gm place them.
    7. Are there any water front estates available (smile)
    8. Are there any licensed interior decorators??

    Besides the role-play I think that housing is one of the strongest point on a server, because it gives meaning to the money and loot that you collect.It's a great goal to strive to achieve.
    Thanks to all in advance for your replies.


    Re: Housing
    « Reply #1 on: February 14, 2007, 10:44:55 pm »
    1. A character of any level can purchase a house, provided that character can afford it.

    2. Lots. And Lots. And Lots. The price depends on location, and directly varies with the recommended level range for that server. Think in the hundreds of thousands range.

    3. Well, you can get houses that look like all sorts of things on the outside, and use various tilesets... I think we're getting some more interesting stuff in V3 - keep an eye out.

    4. The doors have DC 121 locks on them - unpickable. They're accessed via a conversation, and you must have the key in your inventory to be able to open the door, which then shuts after several seconds. The only way someone can get in is with a key, or if someone either inside or who already has a key opens the door for them.

    5. Oh yes. However, you have to purchase containers to put in there...

    6. Which brings us to this question, the answer to which is yes (if I understand the question correctly). While you buy specific houses through the Real Estate Merchants, the furniture you put in there is entirely up to you. You buy deeds and place them yourself - half the fun is furnishing your place.

    7. There are VERY few (if any) houses available currently.

    8. :) Shamur Reatur. *Laughs.* The answer, really, is no, though you can ask someone to help you set things up. HOWEVER! Keep in mind that any placables placed by someone else belong, in the eyes of the database, to that other person.


    Re: Housing
    « Reply #2 on: February 14, 2007, 11:45:29 pm »
    I believe there are a bunch of houses on Central that's currently available (that's true everytime I've checked, at least).

    The main problem isn't the lack of the houses themselves, but lack of the money to buy them. :P

    Oh... by the way...  There are in fact "licensed interior decorators" in the form of House Remodal Requests ( ).

    Beware that their prices are insane (usually doubling the price you've bought your house for). The good thing is that if you ask them, you are no longer as limited to the normal furniture deeds. :)

    Pen N Popper

    Re: Housing
    « Reply #3 on: February 15, 2007, 03:39:57 am »
    All valuables are safe as stealing in any form is against server rules.

    Gillander St. Clair

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      Re: Housing
      « Reply #4 on: February 15, 2007, 08:45:22 am »
      Even though stealing is against the rules I am sure on occasions it happens.


      Re: Housing
      « Reply #5 on: February 15, 2007, 08:50:17 am »
      Gillander St. Clair - 2/14/2007  4:45 PM

      Even though stealing is against the rules I am sure on occasions it happens.

      Yep, and and on those few occasions the logs report what happened and the individual concerned is given the unique opportunity of leaving Layo without the aid of the the Soul Mother



      RE: Housing
      « Reply #6 on: February 15, 2007, 09:10:49 am »
      We have ways of finding people who steal from player housing.
        This has happened, and those responsible have generally been banned from the world permanently.


      Re: Housing
      « Reply #7 on: February 15, 2007, 12:44:38 pm »
      Gillander St. Clair - 2/15/2007  11:45 AM

      Even though stealing is against the rules I am sure on occasions it happens.

      It's happened two or three times that I know of, in the entire time I've been here at Layo.

      You can feel secure in keeping your things in player housing.

