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Author Topic: Familiars (yes, another one)  (Read 168 times)


Familiars (yes, another one)
« on: February 14, 2007, 06:47:44 pm »
What goes into the process of acquiring a familiar?

What are familiars classified as (animals, magical creatures, what)?

How does the connection between caster and familiar work?

What is the difference between animal companions and familiars?

Are the alignment rules regarding familiars from PnP still in effect?

Why are familiars the topic of choice all of a sudden? :)


Re: Familiars (yes, another one)
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2007, 06:59:58 pm »
I want a Dire penguin for a Familiar.  :)


Re: Familiars (yes, another one)
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2007, 07:04:03 pm »
Force_of_Will_ - 2/14/2007  6:59 PM

I want a Dire penguin for a Familiar.  :)

Would this be a companion of your smurf weapon master build?


Re: Familiars (yes, another one)
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2007, 07:06:13 pm »

Witch Hunter

Re: Familiars (yes, another one)
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2007, 11:13:24 pm »
Haha!! that's so awesome!


Re: Familiars (yes, another one)
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2007, 12:40:55 pm »
Well, those WERE serious questions...


RE: Familiars (yes, another one)
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2007, 04:53:00 pm »
This may end up being my only response to this thread...
  Most of your questions, at least the first three, could probably be answered here:
  Animal companions are in essence a very special pet, which is not to trivialize them, but the only bond between them is one of a deep friendship and perhaps respect.
  Familiars become linked to the mage in a way that is co-beneficial to both really, and the loss of one can greatly affect the other in more than just an mental/emotional way.
  Since we don't really have an approval process for familiars, there's no adherence to alignment rules at the moment.
  And for the last question...I wish I knew...


RE: Familiars (yes, another one)
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2007, 04:58:24 pm »
Allow me...

1, and 3 - it's a magical process in wich the caster finds the proper creature he wishes to bind, then makes a ritual to bind his soul with the creature. It's not an easy task, and as said, you bind your soul with the creature. Like this, the little no-more-animal becomes part of you, as you become part of him. He grow in strenght with your strenght, he can feel your emotions, and he evens gains a personality to match with yours. Are you a person that needs some attention? Hel will be that. Are you the cold guy who makes inpact phrases? He will be your target. A familiar is like a best friend/part of you all into one...

2 - They are magical beasts. The body is of an animal, but the soul is part of your own.

4 - That's tought. Let's say that isn't so much in the practical terms. It might seems just the same: The two are close companions that grow stronger with you. The GREATEST difference is the LEVEL of connection. The arcane-familiar connection is much stronger, as such that the familiar can feel the master and his emotions, and the master suffers a great shock of pain and magical backlash (without speaking of psichological...) if the familiar even dies, and he gets weaker. He must wait much time to summon another one, as his soul rebuilds itself. It's like losing a brother... The animal companion is a loyal servant that is granted to you by the divine powers, like the paladin's mount. He is not part of you. There are even the legendary animals, that sprout in existence when a arch-druid needs an animal companion...

5 - In the server? I can't awser that.

6 - Because people seem to don't respect them and treat them as one more summoned creature? My character is a fighter mage, and he KNOWS that his familiar is weaker than many others mage's, so, he DOES NOT summons his panther for battle, because je knows that this best friend of him would be at risk. He summons her when he wants to speak with someone, when he feels alone, and when he just want a warm and nice friend to sleep with, to keep him warm in a forest... Familiar rocks, people should just RP that somewhat a little more!

