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Author Topic: Woeful shortage of non Fighter Prestige Classes?  (Read 122 times)

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Woeful shortage of non Fighter Prestige Classes?
« on: June 17, 2005, 01:07:00 pm »
Hi there.  Interesting stuff, nice fleshed out world, but I noticed something as I looked over the Prestige Classes section of your world.  You have a even 12 Prestige Classes available, and since your world is otherwise quite detailed, I am moved to assume these are the only Prestige Classes available.  Out of those 12 Prestige Classes, 7 are Fighter based, 2 Cleric based, 1 Rogue, 1 Bard, and 1 Fighter/Arcane Spell User.  While I don't disparage against the tastes of others, my personal preferances are for the Rogue/Mage variants, and thus, my interest in Layonara waned when I saw this.

 If perchance, this is in *addition* to the Prestige Classes available to players from HoTU (I.E. Shadow Dancer, Arcane Archer, Shifter, ect) then please correct me and I will resume my interest in Layonara and carry on with a submission for approval.


RE: Woeful shortage of non Fighter Prestige Classes?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2005, 01:13:00 pm »
The prestige classes in the handbook are in addition to the standard HoTU ones. Though not all HoTU are allowed, and or easy to obtain.


RE: Woeful shortage of non Fighter Prestige Classes?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2005, 01:19:00 pm »
Arcane Archer, Shapeshifter, and Shadowdancer are all VALID PrC's on Layonara, although the PrC's are not approved apon innitial character creation, they are granted with propper RP, there is also the option to start a character development thread here on the forums, which will help by leaps and bounds if you wish to start a character, and intend that it end up as a PrC my advice would be to do the following.

1) Get your Bio written and submitted for your 'base character'
2) RP in game your interests, for example; My character wishes to be an Arcane Archer, I RP with others in game about how my arcane studies focus mostly on enhancing my archery ability. and I have a development thread that is leading the plot of my character towards that PrC.
3) Start a dev. thread.
4) once you are a level or two away from where you want to make the switch to your PrC, talk to one of the GM's, ask thier opinion on whether you should get a CDQ (character dev. quest) to help flesh out your character in preparation for the PrC, or if your RP and dev. thread are enough.
5) Keep in mind that each class must have at least 5 levels before level 20, so you can't take 1 level of wizard, 6-7 levels of fighter and then start your PrC. Try to keep multiple classes within 2-3 levels of each other untill you have 5.

Hope that helps.


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RE: Woeful shortage of non Fighter Prestige Classes?
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2005, 03:27:00 pm »
Thank you Vyris, that was considerably helpful, cleared up every question I would've followed up with had I gotten just a simple yes, thanks for being foresightful enough to anticipate them.  Looks like it's time to sculpt my character concept with some words.  Again, thanks for the reply


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RE: Woeful shortage of non Fighter Prestige Classes?
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2005, 07:49:00 pm »
One of the reasons there are more 'fighter' type PrC's is that there are often a lack of variation between warriors. Clerics, mages, etc, there is a lot of options. Not so much with fighters, so we used PrC's to give players options.

Hope that helps you understand why there seems to be more 'fighter' type PrC's than other class PrC's.