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Author Topic: your thoughts on this one  (Read 659 times)


your thoughts on this one
« on: November 09, 2006, 02:15:28 pm »
a new char approach my char and we start talking. OOC we started to talk as well. She said the game was a bit of a letdown, cause nobody took the time ic to help her, everyone was too busy. She had been on all day and i was the first who took the time to actually talk to her (its was almost bedtime for me at that time).

i have a feeling this isn't the way this world should work. Or am i the only one who is saddened to hear a new player say things like this?


Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2006, 02:21:53 pm »
Well... I am certainly sad to hear that someone had the foul luck to happen upon a time when everyone was already busy, but it does happen. Not much we can do about that, especially considering that that's moderately rare. I have old hats welcoming me in Tells because they don't realise a given character is mine, just about every time I make a new char.


Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2006, 02:22:27 pm »
She said the game was a bit of a letdown, cause nobody took the time ic to help her, everyone was too busy.

Did everyone tell her they were too busy or did she just presume they were?


Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2006, 02:34:18 pm »
Isn't she the one that ignored my "Heya, welcome to Hlint." twice?


Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2006, 02:36:44 pm »
dunno, i didn't ask if she asked or presumed. i didn't made this thread to put any blame on anyone. Just wanted to hear some thoughts on it.


Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2006, 02:38:09 pm »
Ozy_Llewellyn - 11/9/2006  4:34 PM

Isn't she the one that ignored my "Heya, welcome to Hlint." twice?

i don't know the answer to this one either. it wasn't me who played the char


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Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2006, 03:48:59 pm »
That's a shame, I know that we had a friend who experienced similar when he came to Layonara (but he's notorious for getting bored quickly).  I look at things like this - it's a busy town, people are doing their thing, either they'll help you out or they won't.  I'm pleased if they do, but expect they won't.  My characters also expect similar.

Sometimes, like when I'm wondering what the heck to do with a dice bag, I hope they won't.  Roll dice at me, and I'll just sit here in a flurry of indecision. ;-)


Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2006, 03:51:35 pm »
Maybe she was kinda stand offish or didnt try to talk to anyone.
I for one like talking to new people ,but sometimes they have to take the first step by saying hi exspecially if im busy.


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Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2006, 03:56:27 pm »
I spent wedensday showing a new player around she said a similar thing but then her playtimes where like mine not alot of people online and those that are are usually far higher level and busy doing something else on another part of the server. Not alot you can do about it i know when i first started a few months ago almost everyone i bumped into talked to me IC and OOC asking if i needed help, made me feel welcome and a part of the comunity. so i guesss all im saying is that they were unlucky. On the other hand if you are busy then you wouldnt stop and talk unles they give you a good reason to. *shrugs*


Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2006, 05:05:06 pm »
Maybe this person is a tad shy. I was when I first came here. But I soon learned that shyness would fade quickly. All it takes is one moment...and your in something fun. Heck, when I want some alone time...thats what difficult. There are so many people here who love to rp and show off this world, it is difficult to stay away. Someone will get to this new player, I have no doubt.



Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2006, 02:30:08 pm »
Ozy_Llewellyn - 11/9/2006  2:34 PM

Isn't she the one that ignored my "Heya, welcome to Hlint." twice?

Are you not the one who ignored me the other day in Hlint when I blamed the snow on you?!?! hehe


Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2006, 02:42:00 pm »
Ozy_Llewellyn - 11/10/2006  10:34 AM

Isn't she the one that ignored my "Heya, welcome to Hlint." twice?

Or the one who turned at Rose and walked away when Rose tried to sneak up and try to scare him? :P


Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2006, 05:07:05 pm »
Everything is Ozy's fault anyway... even if it isn't. :)



Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2006, 05:19:31 pm »
Vyris - 11/10/2006 8:07 PM Everything is Ozy's fault anyway... even if it isn't. :) Vyris
 Amen to that Vyris. ;)


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Re: your thoughts on this one
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2006, 12:40:02 pm »
This person is infact me, and I'm finding it almost impossible to accomplish anything here to the point it is frustrating.  Anywhere I go to explore I get killed, I've died so many times that I'm shocked I havent lost a strand.  Should have lost one by now I've died at -least- 12 times.  I cross the road, find an 'easy' monster that kills me in 2 hits.  

Its all well and good to say 'travel' with groups, but I havent had any luck with that at all.  Maybe my lowbie stature scares people away, I don't know.  All I know is that I am druid who cant travel the wilderness because it is too dangerous.

Fadrien Gweth

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    Re: your thoughts on this one
    « Reply #15 on: November 11, 2006, 12:49:45 pm »
    Heya dear. I know itcan be frustrating. I haven't been on in awhile but I can say it has been a problem for a long time and likely always will be in a world like this. But what makes this world great are the friends. This message will likely have several pm's and offers sent to you to help you out. Take some time to play with them and get to know them. The people here will undoubtably help you out. Give them time to prove it and I know they will.


    Re: your thoughts on this one
    « Reply #16 on: November 12, 2006, 08:27:04 am »
    Chnmmr - 11/11/2006  9:40 PM  This person is infact me, and I'm finding it almost impossible to accomplish anything here to the point it is frustrating.  Anywhere I go to explore I get killed, I've died so many times that I'm shocked I havent lost a strand. Should have lost one by now I've died at -least- 12 times.  I cross the road, find an 'easy' monster that kills me in 2 hits.      
     Well, you were approved on November 6, are now level 6 and have died 8 times so far.
      Also, the chance to lose a strand is 1% times your level, so at level 6 there is a 6% chance you lose one, with 8 deaths, the chance of having lost one already is very small (especially since you cannot lose one before you're level 4).


    Re: your thoughts on this one
    « Reply #17 on: November 12, 2006, 08:48:13 am »
    Chnmmr - 11/11/2006  3:40 PM

    I cross the road, find an 'easy' monster that kills me in 2 hits.

    The difficulty ratings of monsters on Layonara are generally more like PnP than single-player NWN.  In other words, an Easy creature might be 'easy' for a small, balanced group of three or four characters, but could be difficult for a lone character.