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Author Topic: Sallaron Tempest  (Read 884 times)


Sallaron Tempest
« on: December 21, 2010, 10:33:15 am »
Sallaron Tempest.

For many, the name may have little to no meaning. Just an ordinary name for what was supposed to be an ordinary man. So ordinary, that the only thing this man ever wanted ... was to be ordinary. Live out an ordinary, simple life.
And he tried so very hard to have the ordinary life, fought so hard to have it, and fought even harder to keep it, that in the end... it became so very far removed from an ordinary life that he himself would find himself a hero.

Some may perhaps come across his journal. Some may consider it a mish-mash of unexplainable jargon. Others may find it worth the read, with pearls of wisdom hidden within its lines.

Others, perhaps of a certain character, might perhaps recognise his other name, Lord Reaver.
A name chosen for him by another, and given to Sallaron to protect his family from the things he was forced to do, and had to do, to keep them safe.
Step into Hurm and ask of the name, and hear what tales they tell of this ordinary man. I guarantee you will be surprised.

And if you should know the secret of Folian's Wood, pass through there, in the depths of the Forest of Mists. Pass through Folian's pass, and find the stream by the cliffs, and the old bench that sits there.
Take a moment to sit and rest, and read the moss covered plaque.
And remember, that there is no such thing, as an ordinary life....

