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Author Topic: The Ballad of Baron Blacklung  (Read 372 times)


The Ballad of Baron Blacklung
« on: December 31, 2004, 05:58:00 am »
Lo, behold the town of Lar From tiny hamlet it has come so far. Mostly due to the one, for which these words are sung, The Hammer of Dorand, Ta’karsh Blacklung.  Not too long ago, the town stood in peril Stormcaller giants sought to reaffirm their claim. Sent forth by a Mother of Giants, From a flying fortress they came.  Out he set, at the request of Allurial, Mistone’s radiant Queen. To stop the conflict for once and forever, And perhaps make them allies in the war against Blood, Agreeing he set out on this endeavor.  The Stormcallers sought to strike him with lightning. But they learned, much to their demise, That he was a force to be reckoned with, And soon fought himself into the Castle from the skies.  A dwarf at his side, a bard at his back, Blacklung fought his way in, To the great hall they came, and remembering the Queen, With the Mother a parley was made, A deal was struck; to Dregar he’d go, to remove a false Mother from the scene, Then conflict would end and Lar would know peace, And against Blood, the giants would aid. When they set foot upon Dregar’s shores, They were approached by a Fire Giant defender, As his custom demanded, before entering battle, The giant gave them the chance to surrender.  Taking a chance, the companions did not immediately attack, But decided to talk first and fight later. ‘t was good that they did, as the story’s other side, showed that their need was by far the greater.  From the Giant’s elders, the gems of power were stolen, By a Stormcaller Sorceress it seems, She’ll be using the gems to take control of the tribes, And is very close to completing her schemes.  Trusting the fiery giants, the Hammer returned, To Mistone to deal with the thief. Fighting their way, back into the fortress, proved more difficult than before, Her powers had grown, and so had her guards, it was clear the fight was not going to be brief.  Days and days they fought the giants, almost to exhaustion, Rognar’s greataxe turning blunt, Ozymandias’ throat gone sore. By brute fore and sheer will they had come this far, But to be victorious required more…  Seeking guidance from his God, The Hammer prayed to Dorand, The prayer was answered and they were blessed and pressing on once more, They came upon the sorceress, Gems of Power at her side, A titanic battle then ensued, like none they fought before.  She was beaten down with mighty blows and then everything was silent, Blacklung then smashed the corrupted gems, and the fortress began to shake. Thousands of elementals were unleashed from the gems coming at them from all sides, The companions ran, their survival now at stake.  For every step they fought and fought, battered, bloody, sore,  And with one last push they made it out and faced to light of day. They stepped outside and lost all hope, The fortress was floating amongst clouds of gray.  Driving his hands into the soil, The Hammer refused defeat, With all his strength and force of will he called upon his God again. The Earth Shaper answered and power was granted, “Lar” Ta’karsh muttered, almost collapsing under the strain.  The mountain then shuddered and altered direction, Floating to where the Hammer directed, Settling down with a boom on the outskirts of Lar, Where people were waiting, as if he was expected.  The Queen was waiting and Ta’karsh was told to come forward,  And she stated with a smile on her face: “From today you’ll be known as Baron Blacklung of Lar,  may it be a peaceful and prosperous place.”