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Author Topic: Possible armor/crafting style bug - character now crashes local game  (Read 1177 times)


Bug Report

Description: my character, Portlie Dumas, player name Xaltotun, was in Fort Vehl crafting house and was trying to change the appearance of some copper plate mail to look like the mithril plate armour he normally wears. I was trying to get the armour to be visible while riding a horse and didn't want to mess up the existing mithril plate, so was modifying the copper plate.

I copied the style and colours without any problem so while he was wearing the copper, I tried to change the Robe appearance to get to the style I was looking for. While pressing 1 on the keyboard to get to the next style, I got a few styles past the monk's robe style when the game crashed. I tried to get back in with Portlie without success. I can get all of my other characters in aok, so whatever has happened is isolated to Portlie. He has plenty of space in his inventory so I don't know what happened.

I don't know if it's relevant but the other thing I noticed is that when I copied the appearance of the mithril to the copper armour, the copper armour drops to the ground and you have to pick it up again. I don't remember this happening before, so this may be something else to look into.

Help in getting Portlie back into the game would be much appreciated.

Location: Fort Vehl crating house

Verified: My other characters can get into the server aok, so this is isolated to the Portlie character.

Reproducable: My other characters can get into the server but Portlie can't even after half a dozen attempts to get him back in, the game keeps crashing on me.



This sounds like one of a
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2015, 10:56:38 pm »

This sounds like one of a couple things.

  1. Possible bad resource, especially if I understand the subject of this report correctly and you've tried to load your character into a locally-hosted, Layo-HAKed module -- suggest re-downloading and re-expanding the relevant HAK files (probably layo_male, layo_tga at a minimum)
  2. You mentioned crafting an appearance to not disappear while on horseback...did you do the customization while sitting on horseback? If so, I am unsure what consequences this could have on the customization system or what lingering effect it could have on the character. The database suggests your character was not mounted, but it's worth asking

Assuming the HAK extraction does not have any effect, it's possible a restart will help, but not if the same character causes a local module to crash. I just gave the server a reset, so go ahead and give it a try.

Keep us posted.




Hi Dorg,Sadly, the server
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2015, 11:25:13 am »

Hi Dorg,

Sadly, the server reset has not made any difference and my game still crashes when I try to bring my Portlie character into the Layo online game.

My character causes the game to crash (my game, on my pc) when I try to bring Portlie into the Layo server-based game online game. He was in Vehl, crafting on foot, and everything was working as expected, until suddenly, the game crashed (on my pc, not the server).

He was not mounted.

I have not downloaded any other haks or reinstalled any other haks, since none of my other characters cause my game to crash, so I am assuming it is the Portlie character which is at fault and not my game itself.

What are the next steps please?




Xaltotun wrote:I have not
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2015, 11:37:30 am »

Quote from: "Xaltotun"&cid="2759298"

I have not downloaded any other haks or reinstalled any other haks, since none of my other characters cause my game to crash, so I am assuming it is the Portlie character which is at fault and not my game itself.

The point with the HAKs is that whatever appearance you had selected for Portlie relies on resources that may not have extracted correctly or which could have become corrupted in some way. The fact that none of your other characters have a problem may simply mean only that none of them have that same appearance + racial + gender combination and are therefore not affected.

So I would like you to eliminate this as a possibility, because if you don't, this same thing could very well happen again if it is indeed a corrupted resource.




Okay, I'll reinstall of the
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2015, 02:56:25 pm »

Okay, I'll reinstall of the Layo haks and come back with the result.




After the server reset I
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2015, 06:19:42 pm »

After the server reset I tried Portlie but he crashed the game; thanks for trying that though.

I downloaded all the haks, removed the originals and replaced them all, and Portlie crashed the game.

I updated my graphics card drivers, and Portlie  crashed the game.

However, I dug out an ancient Win95 laptop I had and connected to Layo and Portlie opened aok without crashing. When I looked at the copper plate, it was invisible on him and his head and cloak were invisible, although the inventory showed them all still equipped. On the old laptop, I removed the copper plate, helm and cloak, and put the helm and cloak back on along with his 'normal' armour and saved his position in the game. 

I started NWN on my normal machine and opened Portlie and it worked fine. To test the copper armour, I put it on instead of his normal armour and the game crashed. Back to my old laptop to remove the copper and back again to the new one and Portlie is fine.

I think it is a mix of the copper armour's type of mod (don't know the number and am reluctant to check in case my old laptop barfs as well) and my pc's graphic card. I have a Radeon R7 200 series so it may be worth other people being aware of this possible graphic glitch.

Unless I am missing something else. Any thoughts?


Actually, I had a thought after posting this reply. I saved Portlie to my pc, then started a new local game and used the saved Portlie character. The game opened okay and when I put the "dodgy" copper plate mail on, the game didn't crash. I'm now thinking that there is therefore some conflict with one of Layo's haks and my Radeon graphics card, although I have no idea which one and how it could even be fixed.




Thanks for the
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2015, 09:15:17 pm »

Thanks for the troubleshooting. All good information.

I would recommend putting your copper armor through and ox to reset its appearance.

If you are willing (since this only seems to affect you), knowing which appearance number casuses your problems would be helpful. Portlie's race and phenotype would also be useful information.



Thanks Dorg and I'll try to
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2015, 03:10:59 pm »

Thanks Dorg and I'll try to get the appearance number and then ox the armour. I'll also try to get as much more info as I can and post back when I can.


Robe Style: 38 (and possibly 40 too, from description below): copper full plate

Race: Human

Phenotype: Large

I managed to get my old Win95 pc to open the character and the armour is copper full plate, robe style 38. With this pc, the game works. However, after the reset, the armour is invisible when worn, and it wasn't when I first found this pc would run with this robe style. I changed the robe to 39, still invisible, then 40 and invisible, and the game locked up and I had to reset the pc.

Luckily, since the armour change hadn't been confirmed, the armour reverted to it's previous robe version, 38, and I could get Portlie to open and play again. I also noticed when I got back in that he now had two sets of copper plate, the second presumably being robe 40, but I didn't put it on to try it out.

P.P.S. I have found a second set of duplicated copper armour on him, and he still has the original copper plate he was using as the template, so this makes two sets of armour that have been created on him while trying to modify the armour. Most strange.



Xaltotun wrote:I don't know
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2015, 09:35:18 pm »

Quote from: "Xaltotun"&cid="2759317"

I don't know how to find out his phenotype though, if you can let me know how to do this please?

Phenotype is the body shape of your avatar. Generally speaking, there are two phenotypes: Normal and Large.

The "large" phenotype is the option that makes the character look heavy/fat. "Normal" is the default.

A character mounted on a horse is technically another phenotype, but as you said Portlie was not mounted, I don't think this one is the issue.



I've updated the previous
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2015, 03:11:51 pm »

I've updated the previous post with the phenotype and added a P.P.S. with somr new info too.



Fixed in next update.
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2017, 08:03:36 pm »

Fixed in next update.


