The World of Layonara  Forums

The Layonara Community

No New Posts Important Layonara Announcements

These may be both IC or OOC Important Announcements to the Layonara community.

No New Posts General Discussion

If you have anything off topic to say or you are unsure where to post, this is the place to do so.

No New Posts Calendar Events

Events posted to the Forum Calendar.

No New Posts Just for Fun

A forum section to lighten your day with jokes, funny links, and things that make you laugh. Keep them clean and remember this is a family server.

No New Posts Introduce Yourself

Take the time to say hello and introduce yourself and maybe ask a question or two.

No New Posts Introduce Yourself -- Game Masters

Introductions and information about Layonara's Game Masters

No New Posts Ask A Gamemaster

Post here if you need help in the NWN world or if you have a general question for the gamemasters.

No New Posts Roleplaying

Discuss tips, resources, and concerns with roleplay both inside and outside the Layonara community.

No New Posts Poetic License

This forum is used to post and share personal works, including poetry, songs and short stories. Please adhere to the posted rules and guidelines.

The NWN Persistent World

No New Posts Layonara Server

This board is for the Layonara server using the NWN ruleset. Post and stay on the subject.

No New Posts Server Rules

This forum will have the rules of Layonara posted here.

No New Posts Guilds and Councils

Child Boards: Organizations
No New Posts Long-running Quests

No New Posts Bugs

Bug reports for Neverwinter Nights Layonara.

Child Boards: Bug Reports, In Next Update, Fixed Bugs, Bioware Issues

Character Development

No New Posts Character Submissions

This board is for players to submit characters for GM approval. This MUST be done before you may play the character online. When a character is approved by a GM they will be moved to the board Character Approvals.

No New Posts Development Journals and Discussion

Forum for character development discussion, journals etc.

No New Posts Character Library

A library of character ideas that could, in time, become characters themselves.

No New Posts Character Stable

A collection of simple characters available for use by new players.

No New Posts Character Development Quests (CDQ's)

This is the forum that you will use to sign up for character development quests (CDQ's). Please read the stickies in this forum and follow the proedures.

No New Posts World Leader Development Quests (WLDQ's)

Please use this forum if you have reached level 20 and wish to apply to become a World Leader. This is not a requirement but there are benefits of being a World Leader.

In-Character Forums

No New Posts Ancients Legacy

This forum is for information and events related to the "Ancients Legacy" plot quest series. Unless otherwise specified, all posts in this forum should be conducted as in-character(IC) role play. Out-of-character (OOC) posting where not appropriate will be moderated.

No New Posts Dragon Retribution

This forum is for RP related to the Black Plague's retaliation upon the world for yet another incursion into his lair. Every effort must be taken to remain in-character while posting in these forums. Please refer to the stickied threads for more information.

No New Posts Rumour Has It

This forum will be used by players and GM's to post gossip (in character) about what is happening in the world as it happens. IE, outcomes of quests, attacks on towns etc.

No New Posts Trade and Market Hall

Use this forum to post Wanted or Availability of various trade items and market items. Do not make the deals on the forums but instead use it as a place for initial contact and then set up a time to meet IN-GAME.

No New Posts The Silver Buckle

This forum is for the use of the Silver Buckle staff so that they can advertise and such for their in game tavern.

No New Posts Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern

This forum are for the owners of the Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern to post about events and such. It is open for everybody that play in Layonara.

No New Posts Wild Surge Inn

This forum is to the place to go to speak in character about things in the game, spin tales, or...Please keep this In Character (IC) at all times.

No New Posts The Dragon Storm Campaign

Use this forum to discuss the major plot in our current campaign. Posts should be in character.

Layonara Community Support

No New Posts Forum Discussion

Post here if you're having problems logging in to the forums or if you want to discuss the forum software.

No New Posts Forum Bugs

Got a problem, suggestion or comment about the forums? Tell us about it!

No New Posts Community Project Support Forum

The Layonara Project and GM Teams will use this forum to support content that we release to the community. Please keep this forum free from trolling, spam or flaming. This is a family oriented server, please keep that in mind when posting in this forum.

NWN Discussions and Suggestions

No New Posts Development Related Topics (DRT)

This board is controlled by Leanthar. I will pose question here and you the player will be able to respond. You must stay on topic. Post a view or answer then leave it be. If things get out of topic I will lock them.

No New Posts NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests

Place any ideas, suggestions or requests for Layonara implementations you would like to see.

No New Posts Quests Ideas and Discussion

This forum is used by the players of Layonara to post ideas for quests or for GMs to discuss quests.

No New Posts CNR Suggestions/Discussion

This board is used for the discussion and suggestions for CNR.

No New Posts Implemented Ideas

Ideas that have been implemented get placed here.

Layonara World Lore

No New Posts Histories/Content of Layonara

Child Boards: Races of Layonara, The Pantheon, Locales, NPC's, Histories and Content, Cities/Towns/Fortresses/Dungeons, Legends, Myths and Artifacts, Hall of Heroes and Heroines
No New Posts LORE Ideas, Suggestions and Requests

Place any ideas or suggestions or any discussion about LORE in this forum.

No New Posts LORE Bugs

Post bugs with LORE here.

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