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Author Topic: -comes in, sits down, waves-  (Read 981 times)


Re: -comes in, sits down, waves-
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2010, 01:26:33 pm »
If you don't have a tlk folder which is quite common, you have to add it manually. NWN/tlk

The dialogue.tlk file is for the english/german/etc language version.


Re: -comes in, sits down, waves-
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2010, 01:32:57 pm »
ok, fixed the tlk thing but how do I connect to the server? (to see if everything is ok).


Re: -comes in, sits down, waves-
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2010, 03:53:12 pm »
When your character is approved, you'll get a message detailing both the address of the server and the password you'll need to log in.


Re: -comes in, sits down, waves-
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2010, 04:06:40 pm »
thank you for the information :). A small guide on how to change server addresses would also be good (I can hotwire anything in time but depends if you really wanna see what a Frankenstein I can make of the game before logging on).

 Hmm... gotta ask though (I've been reading up) : what is up with the whole "Evil" taboo? Did something happen in the past to warrant such vigorous oversight of Evil characters? I get the idea that graphic RP and/or bios aren't allowed for obvious reasons (popularity of the server may lend itself to more impressionable young minds finding and reading said graphic texts ) but I am still curios as to how the CE side of Evil got completely relegated to NPCs and the rest of Evil being overseen so strictly. I am limited in RP experience so I won't assume anything as to how far one can immerse one's self within the character during RP but still... are people so Jedi to the Evil's Dark side? (pardon the reference) ? were there cases that went off the rails ?


Re: -comes in, sits down, waves-
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2010, 07:29:09 pm »
It's more a case of exploitation than anything else.

An Evil character could conceivably curse people, repeatedly challenge them to PvP, steal loot from the party, etc., and claim it was all justified under the heading of "Evil".  There have been more egregious violations of goodwill on the server under that same heading, but I won't hash them out here - we'll leave it at "bad things happened".

Alternately, a character might not actually be Evil - he talks nastily about some people some time, maybe shoves people in line, but is generally a good person.

The stricter requirements on the Evil alignments are to prevent both from occurring - when a player demonstrates that they can handle an Evil alignment, it means that they'll both properly represent Evil on the server and not exploit the behavioural leeway the alignment implies.


Re: -comes in, sits down, waves-
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2010, 04:55:33 am »
So for short: the evil alignment is restricted to prevent jackasses from being jackasses on the server and be able to cry foul if they get called out on it? Seems pretty straight forward but I can see where it gets blurry (you can't bloody well say one type of evil isn't ok because then you invite subjective points of view to the table because no matter how good a GM is he/she is ultimately human and thus cursed with a limited prism and is thus unable to be completely objective) so I can see why the whole evil spectrum is limited to the veterans/trusted members of the community ( hmm on a personal note: been trying to come up with a logical construct which eliminates the subjective nature of human perspective, I ran face first into a brick wall when I tried generalizing said construct).


Re: -comes in, sits down, waves-
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2010, 07:57:53 am »
An Evil character could conceivably curse people, repeatedly challenge them to PvP, steal loot from the party, etc., and claim it was all justified under the heading of "Evil". There have been more egregious violations of goodwill on the server under that same heading, but I won't hash them out here - we'll leave it at "bad things happened".

And of course, on the flip side of things, those good characters, or even just those overtly exploited, outnumber the evil character and would actually give the evil character a nice beat-down on a regular basis. And that's just on the IC level. When grievances become OOC, that's when it becomes a problem for the community, as Darkstorme explained. Evil PCs have learned that you must be very cunning if you want to survive and still be evil, because once the "goodly" folks are onto you, you're going to have a very hard time of it.


Re: -comes in, sits down, waves-
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2010, 09:22:11 am »
In that case I call for the formation of the League of Extraordinary Pricks to make sure no do gooder beats them to the punch :D

Oh and could someone point me towards a glossary of D&D terms? (I keep seeing IC, OOD and such and while I can tell what some mean right off the bat some aren't so easily deciphered)


Re: -comes in, sits down, waves-
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2010, 10:52:25 am »
Ah, sorry. IC = in-character, OOC = out-of-character, IG = in-game, and then we also have this [LORE]Glossary[/LORE].


Re: -comes in, sits down, waves-
« Reply #29 on: November 03, 2010, 10:58:07 am »
When you tell me IG I think of:
YouTube - Soulstorm - Imperial Guard Stronghold Intro
not In-game, gonna be a while before I can build my dictionary up.

