The World of Layonara  Forums

Author Topic: Hello thar!  (Read 320 times)


Hello thar!
« on: September 18, 2009, 02:38:43 am »
Hi, I've been doing nwn for donkeys years now and I do a lot of multiplaying on it with my dad, and he found this server and it seems awesome! Go Layonara! (which for some reason makes me think of sheep? dunno why...) and how do I get started and stuff, like submit a character and by the way the new players link is broken...


Re: Hello thar!
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2009, 02:53:47 am »
Hello! And welcome to the forums. Here are a few useful links to keep in mind when getting started. The first is, well, the getting started page:

LORE: Start Here

The second is the Character Submission Wizard. My advice is to write your bio in word and then run it through this text cleaner:

And then finish filling out the form here:

That first "getting started" link will bring you to a major part of the Layo community--Lore. This is where you'll find tons of info regarding what has occured in Layonara. How the world perceives death and the universe and Gods and all that tasty RP and world info.

If you're looking for guidance for submissions then you should check out the Character Stable:

Or the Recent Approvals section to see what's been getting through recently and which things take a lot of work and which don't:

Have fun! Hope to see you in-game soon.


Re: Hello thar!
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2009, 02:56:04 am »
awesome! thanks and maybe even see you in-game! Do I need a surname in game?


Re: Hello thar!
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2009, 07:16:28 am »
A surname in game is not a must, but most folks in biographies have surnames, even though they might simply name their character while making him/her as "Charley" even if the whole name would be "Charley Evanson" etc.

So it is not a must, and totally up to the player :)