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Author Topic: Partaking of the Goddess' Gift  (Read 209 times)


Partaking of the Goddess' Gift
« on: October 21, 2007, 10:58:26 pm »
Howdy All, My Name is Jim

Location : Minnesota
Age : 30
NWN experience : got it some years ago.. not much multiplayer/pw experience yet

PnP experience : Wow, played almost all of them since time began.. Dungeons and Dragons 1st Ed, Palladium games (Where I think I noticed the description of alignments came from), Sky Realms Of Jorune, Gamma World, Yadda yadda yadda.. Now Pretty much mostly playing NWN and Warhammer 40k & Fantasy battle..

Looking forward to bring Caalish Hashimball into the world of Layonara as one of the devout worshippers of the mistress of pleasure Xeen.. Can't wait to share a bottle with y'all! ;)
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Re: Partaking of the Goddess' Gift
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 11:05:04 pm »
Welcome Jim aka Moppit aka Caalish Hashimball to Layonara!

Minnesota hey? Standing here in Australia at 1.02pm AEST, it is a balmy 79 degrees fahrenheit (I even did the conversion for you!), I cannot help but wonder what it is like for you there! :P

Hope you enjoy your time here. Have fun!


Re: Partaking of the Goddess' Gift
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2007, 11:14:24 pm »
Salutations, Jim.

Since your pseudonyms have been adequately summarized by Pseudonym, I will merely congratulate you on your careful perusal of the deities of Layonara, and your obvious enthusiasm. :)  I look forward to seeing you in-game.

Let me also assure you that our character approvers are courteous, considerate, and quick off the mark, and not at all evil, power-mad sadists who love putting submissions through the wringer just to listen to them scream... no matter what anyone else tells you about me.  Them.  I meant them.

*grins*  Welcome to Layonara.  It's a nice place to be.


Re: Partaking of the Goddess' Gift
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2007, 11:18:07 pm »
I have a need to say something that is off-the-wall.
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


Re: Partaking of the Goddess' Gift
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2007, 12:09:33 am »
Wow! Quick Return Greets! Thanks all! Can't wait to meet y'all online :)


Re: Partaking of the Goddess' Gift
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2007, 04:26:12 am »
Welcome To Layonara And I hope you have fun!

Warhammer huh?...

I think we need to hide him from Celgar if he ever decides to poke his head back in <<;


Re: Partaking of the Goddess' Gift
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2007, 08:14:51 am »
Aye, the alignment descriptions are based off of Palladium's, but to repeat myself as in all the threads discussing the topic, alignments are a description of one's character, not a set of rules... ;) But you'd know that. You've been RPing longer than I've been alive.

Good to have you.

