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Author Topic: Who is Aragwen?  (Read 407 times)


Who is Aragwen?
« on: March 13, 2007, 03:49:50 pm »
I have been playing computer games since the Commodore 64 days. Since then I was always playing games of some kind or another. Played any adventure game I could get my hands on including classics like Zork, Myst and Baldur's Gate. Never played any tabletop DnD as it was not something that was so popular in my part of the world, at least not in the small rural town I grew up in. Also internet was and is still very slow so online gaming was virtually impossible. But about 2 years ago we got ADSL in Africa and for the first time I had the opportunity to play online. Having played NWN and all the expansions I started looking for a persistent world using NWN. After a couple of days of looking around I stumbled onto Layonara and I was hooked from my first interaction with the world thanks to Brisbane (Icedragon) and Plenarius (orth).

Been here since May 2005 and enjoyed every moment, towards the end of 2005 I submitted my GM application and became a GM which really added to my enjoyment in the world. Dont really have time to play anything else, so these days I play only Layo. Tried one of two other things like World of Warcraft but that is just not the same.  

For those who dont know my characters, I play Jacchri (half-elven ranger) and Rakan (half-orc barbarian) and my GM avatar is Orion.

Outside of Layonara I am a Business Analyst and manager of the internal systems division of a very big payroll company, tasked at this moment to implement a CRM and ERP solution. My background is accounting and that is what I completed my degree in as well, but as we all know accounting is kind of boring and hence I moved into the IT industry about 10 years ago. I am 34 years old, happily married to the greatest women I know, Christina, with two daughters, Abigail(7) and Bianca(5) who are the joy of my life. I live in Pretoria, South Africa and outside of playing Layonara I enjoy watching sports like rugby and cricket. When I get some free time I enjoy reading fanatasy books, my favorites being Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time and all of the Feist books.

Lastly my name is Jaco, and now you know where Jacchri comes from.

As for a picture, cant find one now :)
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Re: Who is Aragwen?
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2007, 05:20:28 am »
I always kind of viewed Jacc, Cole and Rod as the Three Amigos. Then Aralin and Tha' as the father figures. Jacc was the good one while Rod and Cole were the trouble makers. Luna...she was like the girl that sat in the back of church passing love notes. Can't forget Kutya'l, she was the one that would start something with everyone on the outside of the Vakhar.

There are seasons for everything. I think that season has passed, regrettably. We will see if Dorena can revive it.

Good to hear a little more about you.


Re: Who is Aragwen?
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2007, 05:37:30 am »
I for one am glad to be in the same team with Aragwen. I knew you were an awesome guy even before I read this.

