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Author Topic: Playing Warhammer with the Devil  (Read 232 times)


Playing Warhammer with the Devil
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:49:46 pm »
Just had the most messed up dream in awhile last night.  I was setting up a table for a game of Warhammer Fantasy, and I began to notice something strange...  The miniatures from the opposing side of the table began to come alive and crawl towards me as if they were straight out of a Puppetmaster sequel.  My side were lizardmen, and the other side were mostly demons and orcs, led by a big fierce black dragon.  

I began to freak out, startled that they were suddenly alive, but even moreso that they were not obeying the Warhammer rules and moving out of turn.  "You don't get to move yet!"  I yelled at the 2" little orc with a greatclub, who grunted a challenge, mocking me.  I picked the little beast up and yanked his wee club out of his hand... and what did he do?  he bit me!  So then my eyes went wild like Ash and I started cutting off his little arms and legs as he shrieked in pain, and flung him across the table to the other corner.  

Onward the little army marched, furious that I had slain one of their own.  Looking over to the black dragon miniature I pointed at him to blame for all of this, flinging the living monsters back at his corner.  The black dragon then suddenly became animated as well, crawling towards me and springing across the table.  Mid-air it polymorphed into a black cat which shrieked and latched itself onto my arm.  Wrapping its front claws around my forearm and raking me with its hind legs, it fiercely gnawed on my wrist, drawing copious amounts of blood in the process.  I then reach under its fangs for its neck, choking it with both hands and began to swing it full force into the table at least 15-20 times as hard as I possibly could, no mortal cat could have survived it.  But still it lived, so I flung it across the room into the wall.

With a plop it landed on the floor, emitting some form of black smoke which rose as a pillar above it.  When the smoke cleared, there was a skinny, geeky kid teenager in black robes with a hood drawn over his face.  "What the?!" I hollered, suprised, as he paced towards me.  With an unnaturally deep and echoing laugh he pulled back his cowl for me to see.  Through his face of fire and pimples I began to see a new one form.  Dark beet red skin, horns and fangs... twas the Prince of Darkness himself.

I woke up swiftly thereafter and laughed my butt off.  When next I face the devil at Warhammer, I'm bringing the wrath of the trolls and ogre regiments!


RE: Playing Warhammer with the Devil
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2006, 02:17:54 pm »
That reminds me of my last real nightmare. Five years back or so, I was on my way home to Denmark on a ship. We slept on the ship, and was supposed to get off very early in the morning, but I kept having this nightmare about a vampire which kept me awake.... So in the end I got enough, I faced my fear punched him so his teeths fall out, and then he was kinda done. Since then I havent really had a real nightmare, sure I have dreamed of vampires and monsters since, heh heh but now I just take them as a challange!


Re: Playing Warhammer with the Devil
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2006, 03:06:36 pm »
I also get lots of songwriting done in my sleep, usually playing guitar or keyboards in my dreams and remembering the melody when I wake up.  Lyrics too.  After reading Mountains of Madness by Lovecraft, had a dream where I heard some demon saying...

"Behind this wall of Sleep, a Devil's thoughts I keep. Just to lay in bed awake.  I pray my soul he'll take.  And yea I walk unto nowhere every day after day.  For all the people I meet there, they have nothing of note left to say"

Then I wake up in a cold sweat, heart racing and fists clenched tight.  "Thank you Dark Lord!"  I scream into the night, usually waking up my roommates while I scramble to the computer and start programming it all before I forget what I just heard.


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RE: Playing Warhammer with the Devil
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2006, 04:55:10 pm »
lonnarin - 10/28/2006  4:49 PM

So then my eyes went wild like Ash and I started cutting off his little arms and legs as he shrieked in pain, and flung him across the table to the other corner.  

I'm SO taking that as a complement.


Re: Playing Warhammer with the Devil
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2006, 01:17:52 pm »
Yea, best way to look at that ash


Re: Playing Warhammer with the Devil
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2006, 02:35:09 pm »
I am sooo normal now

