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Author Topic: Do you have a BID list?  (Read 221 times)


Do you have a BID list?
« on: June 03, 2005, 08:42:00 am »
BID being Before I Die.

I thought about this a long time ago and figured I would see what everyone has on their list.  It is nothing about you only have so long to live or anything like that.  It is just a list of stuff that you would like to do before you expire.

Here is some stuff from mine.  I will add to it as I think of more.  They are in no particular order either.

- See my children prosper and be happy - This is kind of a given but it had to be on the list
- Go to space - not such a fantasy anymore but not likely to happen soon
- Skydive
- Learn to pilot aircraft
- Hang glide
- Hike down the Grand Canyon and white water raft the Colorado river
- There is a man made lake in Georgia somewhere that has an entire town under its waters.  You can scuba down and swim through the town and its buildings.  How freakin cool is that?
- See Rome and the Vatican
- See the pyramids and the Sphinx.  Always thought these things were way cool.

Thats all I can think of right now.  I am sure I will add more as I think of them though.


RE: Do you have a BID list?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2005, 12:31:00 pm »
Before I die I'd like to...

    • Marry someone I'll love forever...
    • Get my Bachelors and Masters Degrees...
    • See the Great Reefs of Austrialia...
    • Climb Mount Everist (Ok, so there's like a 10% chance I'll actually do it, and a 50% chance I'll die trying, but whatever)
    • Find a reason to say "Yeah, I'm an American, and darn proud to be one!" :)
    • Make level 21 on Layo... ;)
    • Write a novel that no one will know about until 200 years after I die, then have it suddenly be published and become the best selling book in the world... :) (Ok, that, is a dream/fantasy, not gonna happen, but it'd be cool)
    • Teach the underprivilaged to read, spread love and joy around the world, and promote world peace... *coughs* Err... this isn't the pagent?... :o


RE: Do you have a BID list?
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2005, 04:49:00 pm »
Ok mine is...

Kick bill gates in the shin for Windows ME

Vistit an old friend i haven seen since kindergarden last saw him was in 1988. he lives in Ohio and has a family.

Go on a date with a woman that is sane.

buy a sail boat and sail it.

Take up martial arts and be a ninja

hit level 40 in layonara.... maybe in 3 years maybe 6... maybe 10...

Dance where the devil walks (you heard me)

have a family (when I'm 40)

Drive a funny car

Live long enough to see nanites are not just a dream any more