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Author Topic: Calling all war hammer 40K nerds :)  (Read 466 times)


Calling all war hammer 40K nerds :)
« on: May 11, 2006, 05:08:47 am »
Ok time to flex your muscles..

1) Name all the Primearcs.
     Now name the ones that went to chaos.

2) Name the Warmaster during the Preherisy era

3) Name 3 of the oldest legions loyal to man kind

4) Name two type or class of titans.

4)N ame two eras

5) What was the first legion to be given Terminators?
     Now give a breaf year of when they were instated. (IE 10K or 20K)

6) Name all the races after the hericy

Ture or False...

7) The Machine cult on mars worships a Necron god?

8 )  The Primarcs are named (in an odd way...) after the signs of the zodiac.

9) No leagion can have more than 1000 heads per command.

10) There are mutians within the space marine culture that live freely and are protected from the Inqusition and protected by the word of the Emprior

11) No true Space marine has set foot on any planet with in the eye of chaos.

I may make another one...


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Re: Calling all war hammer 40K nerds :)
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2006, 06:07:53 am »
Erm... you should have put Space Marine nerds instead ^_^

 Isn't Abbadon, the Despoiler a Primarch that went to Chaos? He's the only important figure i recall, anyway. :)


Re: Calling all war hammer 40K nerds :)
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2006, 07:32:22 am »
Oh you didn't know WH40K revoles around the marines?


Re: Calling all war hammer 40K nerds :)
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2006, 07:40:26 am »
I considered getting into the 40k universe... But once i saw how expensive they were... I figured acceptable loss to not buy them!..
I mean $50+ Au for a metal dreadnought pulease :).

Thunder Pants

Re: Calling all war hammer 40K nerds :)
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2006, 08:26:55 am »
i play warhammer Fantasy, and the one game is expensive enough for me

though i do buy the ocasional 40k model, as Tyranids make for some pretty good Chaos spawns


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    RE: Calling all war hammer 40K nerds :)
    « Reply #5 on: May 18, 2006, 01:22:33 pm »


    Re: Calling all war hammer 40K nerds :)
    « Reply #6 on: May 21, 2006, 03:48:43 pm »
    In the name of Terra and the Throne I shall be his whole wrath, May I be his arms, the blade on his spear and may Faith be my Shield! thou shall surrfer ...nation and thou shall be spaired from his gaze!


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    Re: Calling all war hammer 40K nerds :)
    « Reply #7 on: May 22, 2006, 08:11:08 am »
    Man no chance that i am that nerdy when it comes to space marines but i do have a minor in it lets see how i go...
    1) Name all the Primearcs. Lion El Johson, Fulgrim, Perturabo, Jaghatai Khan, Leman Russ, Rogal Dorn, Konrad Curze, Sanguinius, Ferrus Manus, Angron, Roboute Guilliman, Mortarrion, Magnus the Red, Horus, Lorgar, Vulkan, Corax and Alpharius.

    Traitors: Horus, Fulgrim, Perturabo, Konrad Curze, Angron, Mortarion, Magnus the Red, Lorgar and Alpharius.
    Now name the ones that went to chaos.

    2) Name the Warmaster during the Preherisy era
    Warmaster Horus (Excommunicate Traitoris)

    3) Name 3 of the oldest legions loyal to man kind
    Ultramarines, Space Wolves and Blood Angels

    4) Name two type or class of titans.
    Imperator Class and IDK

    4)Name two eras idk

    5) What was the first legion to be given Terminators?
    Now give a breaf year of when they were instated. (IE 10K or 20K)
    Lunar Wolves ? idk

    6) Name all the races after the hericy
    Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Space Orcs, Choas Space Marines, Choas Demonworld, Tyranids and Tau?

    Ture or False...

    7) The Machine cult on mars worships a Necron god? False

    8 ) The Primarcs are named (in an odd way...) after the signs of the zodiac. False

    9) No leagion can have more than 1000 heads per command. False no longer called legions called chapters.

    10) There are mutians within the space marine culture that live freely and are protected from the Inqusition and protected by the word of the Emprior True

    11) No true Space marine has set foot on any planet with in the eye of chaos. IDK


    Re: Calling all war hammer 40K nerds :)
    « Reply #8 on: May 22, 2006, 09:58:12 am »
    xXDenizeNXx - 5/22/2006  11:11 AM

    Man no chance that i am that nerdy when it comes to space marines but i do have a minor in it lets see how i go...
    1) Name all the Primearcs. Lion El Johson, Fulgrim, Perturabo, Jaghatai Khan, Leman Russ, Rogal Dorn, Konrad Curze, Sanguinius, Ferrus Manus, Angron, Roboute Guilliman, Mortarrion, Magnus the Red, Horus, Lorgar, Vulkan, Corax and Alpharius.


    Traitors: Horus, Fulgrim, Perturabo, Konrad Curze, Angron, Mortarion, Magnus the Red, Lorgar and Alpharius.
    Now name the ones that went to chaos.

    2) Name the Warmaster during the Preherisy era
    Warmaster Horus (Excommunicate Traitoris)


    3) Name 3 of the oldest legions loyal to man kind
    Ultramarines, Space Wolves and Blood Angels

    4) Name two type or class of titans.
    Imperator Class and IDK

    Fear the gods of war because they will show no mercy in the name of the Mahine god
    war hound Mark 2

    4)Name two eras idk

    dark age of Technoligy and Horus hericy

    5) What was the first legion to be given Terminators?
    Now give a breaf year of when they were instated. (IE 10K or 20K)
    Lunar Wolves ?

    correct and 30K after the Empior gave up his command of the front lines and returned to earth

    6) Name all the races after the hericy
    Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Space Orcs, Choas Space Marines, Choas Demonworld, Tyranids and Tau?

    Ture or False...

    7) The Machine cult on mars worships a Necron god? False

    true: while in the rumor mill there is pelnty of evedance that the necron (god) is in a stasis chamber in the heart of mars... he could break free but he's enjoying the humans foind the work of getting him souls to feed on.. Af for that necron god I can't remember if its dragon something or something dragon

    8 ) The Primarcs are named (in an odd way...) after the signs of the zodiac. False

    This one is true in fact... though the names were butcharded because 30 thousand some odd years has butchered the lanuage... to them a roller ball pen is a relic.

    9) No leagion can have more than 1000 heads per command. False no longer called legions called chapters.

    This one is false and true at the same time. They are called chapers no legions, and Chapers can have more then 10,000 heads under their own banner, but by Imperal law no more than 1000 marines may be active... so they can have new Acolytes in the process of becoming super human and there is the thousands of serfs that fly their ships and feed the moving army

    10) There are mutians within the space marine culture that live freely and are protected from the Inqusition and protected by the word of the Emprior True

    this is indeed true the Navagators are mutants, Space marines are mutants but to think that will get them bolt round between the eyes. and the librains are mutants

    11) No true Space marine has set foot on any planet with in the eye of chaos. IDK

    This is true in the warhammer univers... almost each chapeter has one company in the eye of terror striking out the heretics


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    Re: Calling all war hammer 40K nerds :)
    « Reply #9 on: May 29, 2006, 04:16:29 pm »
    Cool I did okay hehe, I love the whole 'feel' of the wh40k Universe, it's like to me it seems no matter how good a citizen one could try to be in the end you are doomed LOL
    I don't think people actually die peacably of old age in the 40k universe lol
    Even if you were a pratical Saint there is always the off chance your world could be Exterminatus'ed LOL!


    Re: Calling all war hammer 40K nerds :)
    « Reply #10 on: May 29, 2006, 08:20:12 pm »
    No Space marine has ever died of old age... they get too old.. 500+ years and then one slip up and poof dead... saints were tourtured till They lied and said they were heritics or diceted till they died... Fates fare worse for those that clame to be deamons.

    Well before the horus hereicy there ther the Protomarines that fought on earth on holy terra while the Emprior rised to power. one such proto marine was kept next to the warmaster Horus him self because he was the "father" figure of the legion... His body was made diffrently and he had the blood of the the Empiror him self in him VS having the blood of the Primarchs. He aged and was close to 1000 years old and was eh just a rambling old man... Like some old brittish wolrd war 1 vetrian rambling on about how the war was like while ww2 was going on :)

    The funnyest thing about warhammer is it was made in england so if you read a few of the books it has dry brittish humor...

    One story I read was about the space wolves and Ragnar and one of his brothers had a stolen heave bolter.. they were pinned down by NME (say it slowly I can't spell that bleeing word) so his brother hooked his arm around the corner with the heave bolter and fired till the pin welded it's self to the barrle... he looked at it then tossed it around the corner.. a second later they hear a skull cracking sound and the whole squad looks at their brother while Ragnar sais "I think he invented a new way to fight... throw the heavy weapons at them"

    Another funny thing is if you ever play dawn of war and have a squat under a drop pod... the fly up into the air land on the ground then look about wondering where in heck did the pod crom from and then move on as if nothing happened..