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Author Topic: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb  (Read 454 times)


Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« on: October 19, 2005, 06:53:00 am »
My most spectacular date with the void to date was brought about at the hands of a very angry Yeti. My character was ripped to shreds in an amazingly short time. But he stood and fought and perished..

My dumbest (near)death happened when the tinker machine in the craft house malfunctioned and knocked my wounded character to like 1 HP..
One can never be too careful anywhere !


RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2005, 01:46:00 pm »
Think my most shameful was when Daring was in Rage and fleeing from goblins at a lower level. He escaped with a few hit points and right when he managed to escape with his fast speed he collapsed and died instantly, gained himself a DT. As you might notice now, Daring rarely gets angry enough to Rage.

Dark Jester

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RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2005, 01:56:00 pm »
A dumb one for me was with Grog when he first went into the goblin caves.

He killed a group of melee goblins, and an archer knocked him to -1.

He bled to -8 and stabilized. As soon as he healed back up, the archer knocked him to -3 before he could drink a potion.

Bled to -9 and stabilized. Stood up and same thing. -3 again.

Bled to -7 and stabilized. Grrrr... Stood up and tried to run out of range, but didnt make it.

Arrow took me to -5 and I bled to death.

Whole process took like 15 minutes.



RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2005, 03:10:00 am »
I have tried that one with dying at the end of rage several times but the most annying one was when Skarp had ended up on -5 or somthing stabilized and at the point when he finally got to 1 in HP he was kicked back to -13 because the rage had ended long time ago...

So i am very carefull with raging as well, that AC penalty is also quit severe.

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2005, 03:13:00 am »
Hammered Kobal to death on a rock in Haven once. Watched TV and kept pressing power attack and attacked the iron deposit (obviously I did not see that the Heavy Pickaxe had broken some time before this happened), getting around 20-25 damage pr. hit. With 4 attacks pr. round that didn't take too long. :)


RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2005, 06:21:00 am »
Spugly Fuglet me half gaint
was down heven mine with a party that lost it when a large group of Ogers respoened on top of them
wile digging for iron, they all made a run for it and got killed wile Spug just tuffed it out in Iron full plate and Inproved Evation/expertice
AC 40ish There where 5 Ogers and spugs hit chance was so low it was just whack whack whack, for 20mins intill a new party turmed up and kiled the ogers.
I used about 20 Helin potions and was down to 12Hp I started to type "Thanks" but the ogers responed and killed spugs in one round and most of the new party to boot

I was not happy


RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2005, 12:21:00 pm »
On another server I had a very weak old woman character who summoned a Hound Archon... I had never experimented with one before and was eager to see the effectivness... I attacked a badger... the Hound Archone started to cast lightning bolt... the badger ran round the Archon putting it'self between the Archon and me... I died in a flash of lightning... and the badger walked away un scathed...

Now you might think "hmm better not do that again" But OOOH no not me.. I was going to teach that badger a lesson... I died again in a flash of lightning


RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2005, 12:23:00 pm »
My only other favorite... I had a Palemancer

I used the touch kill attack

I misclicked on myself

I touched myself

I died


RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2005, 02:40:00 pm »
Once I was fighting Elven Rangers and they hit me with a poisonous arrow. I got knocked down to -5 or something and stabilized. of course, then the poison kicked in and reduced my constitution further. The next thing I heard was my character letting out that death cry that all characters use when they die.


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RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2005, 05:05:00 pm »
Doc-Holiday - 10/20/2005  3:23 PM

My only other favorite... I had a Palemancer

I used the touch kill attack

I misclicked on myself

I touched myself

I died

Wasn't it supposed to be "go blind"...?

I really like the way the sentences tier down shorter and shorter until the punchline.  That just made me smile.


RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2005, 11:27:00 pm »
Doc-Holiday - 10/20/2005  9:21 PM

On another server I had a very weak old woman character who summoned a Hound Archon... I had never experimented with one before and was eager to see the effectivness... I attacked a badger... the Hound Archone started to cast lightning bolt... the badger ran round the Archon putting it'self between the Archon and me... I died in a flash of lightning... and the badger walked away un scathed...

Now you might think "hmm better not do that again" But OOOH no not me.. I was going to teach that badger a lesson... I died again in a flash of lightning

*grins* Those hounds are really stupid, they are pure figthing machines and still they waste their time casting their lightning spells...


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    RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
    « Reply #11 on: October 21, 2005, 01:15:00 am »
    Harloff - 10/21/2005  8:27 AM

    Doc-Holiday - 10/20/2005  9:21 PM

    On another server I had a very weak old woman character who summoned a Hound Archon... I had never experimented with one before and was eager to see the effectivness... I attacked a badger... the Hound Archone started to cast lightning bolt... the badger ran round the Archon putting it'self between the Archon and me... I died in a flash of lightning... and the badger walked away un scathed...

    Now you might think "hmm better not do that again" But OOOH no not me.. I was going to teach that badger a lesson... I died again in a flash of lightning

    *grins* Those hounds are really stupid, they are pure figthing machines and still they waste their time casting their lightning spells...

    Never wondered why my summons keep throwing lightning at you Skarp?
    *grins* ;)


    RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
    « Reply #12 on: October 21, 2005, 01:21:00 am »
    Wintersheart - 10/21/2005  10:15 AM

    Harloff - 10/21/2005  8:27 AM

    Doc-Holiday - 10/20/2005  9:21 PM

    On another server I had a very weak old woman character who summoned a Hound Archon... I had never experimented with one before and was eager to see the effectivness... I attacked a badger... the Hound Archone started to cast lightning bolt... the badger ran round the Archon putting it'self between the Archon and me... I died in a flash of lightning... and the badger walked away un scathed...

    Now you might think "hmm better not do that again" But OOOH no not me.. I was going to teach that badger a lesson... I died again in a flash of lightning

    *grins* Those hounds are really stupid, they are pure figthing machines and still they waste their time casting their lightning spells...

    Never wondered why my summons keep throwing lightning at you Skarp?
    *grins* ;)

    *shakes his head* Nope, I figured they were as intelligent as their master... :P


    RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
    « Reply #13 on: October 23, 2005, 04:08:00 pm »
    Well, my favorite death that I have seen was not from my character, nor any character, but instead form one of the monsters.

    I was alone in Storan's Crypt fighting with a Revenant, and I was near death. I managed to get a good hit on the thing knocking it down to Near Death. At this point i figured it didn't matter and I was going to die regardless. But lo and behold, the Revenant proves it lacks a brain and chugs a Potion of Cure Moderate wounds, killing itself instantly.

    I was in utter shock. Then I laughed for a good long time.


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      RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
      « Reply #14 on: October 23, 2005, 04:14:00 pm »
      my favourite death was of my dwarf Rhanrok. i had gotton to the bottom of the red light caves and thought i would be able to handle the last room. Well i ran in, killed them all but two, then i was knocked down. I stabilized but the archer was still firing at me. He missed pretty much everytime, but as soon as i reached 0 hp, he always managed to hit me. This happened for about 2 hours. I was extremly bored i tell you.
      But looking back...wait...even now its not funny, just a pain in the read end. :(


      RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
      « Reply #15 on: October 23, 2005, 05:56:00 pm »
      I watched a skeleton in the Hlint Crypts down a healing tonic... exploded sending bones all over, I laughed hard.


      RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
      « Reply #16 on: October 24, 2005, 08:03:00 pm »
      Definitely the time when Rakish decided to huff the cursed Corath red fog for a buzz, and got a death token.  Ever since, his mind has gone loony like a Green Goblin. :)


      RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
      « Reply #17 on: October 25, 2005, 05:25:00 am »
      1. Went afk at the transition to Pranzis... got up to help my mom unload the groceries, came back and my invis had worn off and the giant that stomps around had found me... DT.
        2. Walking through the swamp (invisibly) my dad comes home, I get up to talk to him come back, my invis wears off, DT.
        3. On a quest! Walking around the water elementals with their drown attacks couldn't touch me... we defeat em and then my protection wears off, and wadda you know another one pops out of the water... DC 20 vs 19 ... Doh! Save vs the soul mother, DC 17 vs 1.... DT


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      RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
      « Reply #18 on: October 25, 2005, 08:06:00 am »
      Playing Rayenoir, I went a-gathering in sielwood, and was over by the spiders when one spotted me (I was in stealth mode).  Rather than it occurring to me to unstealth and then HiPS again, I stood there, wrapped in webs, panicking as I downed potion after potion.  "I know, I'll HiPS!" comes across just as I'm hit to drop me into negatives.  Tick... tick... tick... DT.  Bah.  This happened more than once...


      RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
      « Reply #19 on: October 26, 2005, 03:30:00 am »
      got killed by an angry lame is that!!!! ;)


