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Author Topic: I Found ShadowTrek!  (Read 875 times)


I Found ShadowTrek!
« on: October 10, 2016, 03:04:00 am »
My old Star Trek Universe expansion pack, collection of rules systems, psionic abilities, races and ships designs I wrote up about 10 years ago for use with Shadowrun 3's Ruleset!  One day during Spring Break in college I decided to lock myself in my room, binge watch every Star Trek episode known to man and use the ShadowRun core system for combat for a total campaign coversion to the Star Trek Universe.  Took about 2 weeks!  I used the Psionic handbook from 3E as the basis for the psionic traditions, Psychoportation, Telepathy, Psychometabolism, Clairsentience & Psychokinesis, with different stats dictating their usage, as sort of a "magic" system for the setting, which used Shadowrun style fatigue drain and power levels.  I was really pleased with how Astral Projection had 6 different variants, one for each discipline to make an extra spin on the classic out of body experiences.  Still can't find my master gear list though, and advanced rules on personal shield and armor systems as well as my advanced rules on ship combat, warp speed travel and other hot topics.  Some additional races were also plucked from Deadlock 2 and the more obscure animated series/comics portion of Trek lore. (Q is not included as his role is always played by the DM!)When we played way back, the party commanded a Klingon Bird of Prey.  Led by Az-Ptol and his team of Klingons with Skabot playing a Psychoportation gifted Gorn Engineer.  He'd mostly hiss and slurp at the engines, beat them with a giant wrench and when they still didn't work, he'd grab them and channel Wesley Crusher/Traveller psionic powers to push them beyond Warp 8, sometimes glitching and getting them stranded in parallel realities.  Good times!Consolidated it to one file and attached it for any interested Shadowrun players or folks who are interested in seeing what obsessive Trekkie GMs do in their spare time instead of running off to Miami Beach.
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