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Author Topic: Aw Man I Love Netflix!  (Read 111 times)


Aw Man I Love Netflix!
« on: July 26, 2006, 11:32:28 am »
I live close enough to the distribution center that they get my returned DVDs and already have my next 3 movies at my house the VERY next day.  at 18 bucks/month I estimate I shall consume at least 30-40 movies... die blockbuster!  This Thursday is Vampires vs Werewolves marathon... Underworld, Underworld: Evolution and Van Hellsing.  I should have the next 3 by saturday, which will be the rowdy roddy piper marathon.  They Live, Wrestlemanias 1 & 2 which show his legendary Mr T tagteams and boxing matches, and Hell Goes to Frogtown... a horrible B-Movie where he storms around with 2 hot chicks shooting up mutant frog-people.  After that I'm going for the 3-disc set of the Dune remake... then original Frank Herbert's dune with the 2-disc Children of Dune sequel.

Life is good.  I am in nerd heaven.