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Author Topic: Ultimate (Heat) Deathmatch  (Read 108 times)


Ultimate (Heat) Deathmatch
« on: September 28, 2006, 01:54:08 am »
Simple question:  Will humanity beat entropy?  Will we eventually find a way to beat the Ultimate Timelimit?  The physical laws, as we understand them, say no - but we've found exceptions and loopholes to physical laws in the past.

So, your opinion - will we find a way to reverse the heat death of the universe?  A way to combat entropy directly?  Or will we go gently into that long night?

(Or, do we have another option I've not listed?  If so, add, elucidate, and give us this insight!)


RE: Ultimate (Heat) Deathmatch
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2006, 02:07:24 am »
The amount of time we are talking about is so large that we can't reasonably grasp it in comparision to a human life.


RE: Ultimate (Heat) Deathmatch
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2006, 04:47:19 am »
we have more than millenia before our sun burns out.
it's possible that humans could survive upto that point, flee to a new sun, it's just not likely.
no idea what's gonna wipe us out