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Author Topic: Limericks! (As a prelude to a possible in-game event.)  (Read 176 times)


Limericks! (As a prelude to a possible in-game event.)
« on: August 09, 2007, 03:08:15 am »
// Keep 'em ... reasonably clean, folks.  Family server, after all.

A wizard, then lodging in Vehl
Had a rather peculiar smell
So he said, "Seems to me
"Not much use there will be
"In an invisibility spell!"


Re: Limericks! (As a prelude to a possible in-game event.)
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2007, 03:20:05 am »
Sorry, mines aren't too funny so I guess they don't really count except in structure.

Stetching as Far as the mind
Settled in wrinkles of time
The Inklings of Fate
A Future To Await
To Leave Broken Pasts Far Behind
   ~ Rhynnala Asantiani

The Reaper, his scythe did he swing
A Winter he made from the spring
A Death made for fun
The seasons Begun
Time flies on the back of his wings
~Rhynnala Asantiani

An hourglass held in her hand
Through it floated the grains of sand
From it poured pure life
Through Birth death and strife
As if all a part of her plan
~Rhynnala Asantiani

He flipped the gold piece in the air
the trinket shown off with a flare
Luck believed to be held
Within head and tail swelled
to see him safely through every affair
~Rhynnala Asantiani ((Hah, Thanks Pyyran!))



Re: Limericks! (As a prelude to a possible in-game event.)
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2007, 03:57:56 am »
With the future they were enthralled
Fighting Evil to which they were appalled
Taken From heart and home
With a wilderness to roam
Destined; The fortold Dragoncalled

Thats the last one for now I promise!


Re: Limericks! (As a prelude to a possible in-game event.)
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2007, 01:28:41 pm »
There was a young cleric named Bright,
Who loathed the spell "searing light"
Whilst napping one day,
She cast it (dismay!)
And died of the horrible fright.


Re: Limericks! (As a prelude to a possible in-game event.)
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2007, 01:36:03 pm »
A knight who was roaming abroad,
Faced a dragon who said "Oh god!
Please don't hurt me, I plead,
I'm vegetarian indeed!"
So the knight then, the dragon de-clawed.


Re: Limericks! (As a prelude to a possible in-game event.)
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2007, 03:51:18 pm »
A dragon, five thousand years old,
Ate adventurers after its gold.
But when munching a thigh
Nearby birds heard him sigh
"They're just never as good when they're cold!"

A mage in the midst of a fight
Cast a desperate spell for some light
But the fireball spell
Burned the mage up as well -
(He had cast all his cantrips that night.)

When sparring with rapier and mace,
A half-orc took a blow to the face.
Said his partner, in fun
(Whilst preparing to run)
"It's alright, now your nose is in place."

Young Constance O'Flannin, a Bard
Found writing in verse very hard
When asked why this was
She responded "Because
I can never get the last line to work out properly."


Re: Limericks! (As a prelude to a possible in-game event.)
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2007, 04:23:20 pm »
Mihtril, the ore that is seen
Vital in many a dwarf's greatest dream
They sleep late at night
Fantasizing the sight
Of the most precious of ore's greatest gleam

His bowstring pulled back in the dark
To the target , he laid his mind's mark
Both tense and alert
Two feet dug in the dirt
Straight, and true, the arrow met the lark

Destiny: All ye mortals beware
Kindled and nurished with care
a path on a road
a tale to be told
to reach forseen endings unfair