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Author Topic: No no no no NO!  (Read 210 times)

Aryn Ravenlocke

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No no no no NO!
« on: October 14, 2005, 12:08:00 pm »
    What in the world were they thinking?!?! And the guy isn't even happy with the script! So what, they pick a poor fit for the role that doesn't even wnat to do things the way they are laid out? Oh yeah, there's a way to secure the future of the franchise. They shouldn't have fired Brosnan. Then they could have continued the search for a new Bond while this installment is completed in competant hands.


RE: No no no no NO!
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2005, 12:50:00 pm »
You know I saw that and for the life of me I cannot see him as James Bond.  Clive Owen would have been an awesome Bond.  He already has the driving down. :)


RE: No no no no NO!
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2005, 09:03:00 pm »
Unfortunatly....YES! :p


RE: No no no no NO!
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2005, 04:54:00 am »
They did not fire Brosnan he just asked for to much, he prised him self out the roll.
from the out side it looks like the bond films will always make dosh but its not true
The cost a bomb and a dud could be one film away.

There is a hugh felling in the film bizz over here
that shows like 24 and films like The Born Supremacey have taken the lead over Bond hes in danger
of becoming more XXX and batman in the last outing
(I hated the invisbel car idear it as dumb.)
Whats needed is more of the true Bond the one in the books, the nasty peace of work who
was as bad as the bad guys but on our side.

Bond is not and never was a Spy hes a Killer payed for and in the higher of MI6, a killer for King and Contry and the Hunt
He hunts woman, Mr Big, Fast cars, the card tabel thrill, all are the hunt.

Its the hunt that keeps us reading in the books.
My favert short story of bond is when 2 gangsters have him and a poor lass hold up in a dinner.
From Moment one you know 2 gangers have just walked into a world of pain, they just dont know it yet.
And at the end after Bond has Killed them and beded the girl, the Kindly Sherf come over and tells her
that its bond she sould have been afread of not the evil gangsters.

Thats the bond I like



RE: No no no no NO!
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2005, 05:03:00 am »
NEXUS7 - 10/17/2005  1:54 PM

Bond is not and never was a Spy hes a Killer payed for and in the higher of MI6, a killer for King and Contry and the Hunt
He hunts woman, Mr Big, Fast cars, the card tabel thrill, all are the hunt.

And he drinks way to much, in that sence Daniel Craig is perfect he looks like a person with an alcohol problem even without makeup.


RE: No no no no NO!
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2005, 08:23:00 pm »
I'd much rather see Sean Connery as a now-aged James Bond.  I hate remakes!  Continuation of the original storyline into modern times would be FAR more enjoyable.  Make him some new villains, and have the old ones return as leaders of secret criminal empires, now directing the actions of their minions rather than doing all the dirty work themselves.


RE: No no no no NO!
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2005, 12:01:00 am »
lonnarin - 10/24/2005  11:23 PM

I'd much rather see Sean Connery as a now-aged James Bond.  I hate remakes!  Continuation of the original storyline into modern times would be FAR more enjoyable.  Make him some new villains, and have the old ones return as leaders of secret criminal empires, now directing the actions of their minions rather than doing all the dirty work themselves.


THIS is why he's a quest GM.