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Author Topic: Recommendations for a good "Ancient CPU" Emulator?  (Read 118 times)


Recommendations for a good "Ancient CPU" Emulator?
« on: June 20, 2008, 04:12:05 pm »
Just recently purchased an old copy of the Might and Magic 6-9 anthology collection, and upon installing it on my AMD Dualcore 2.4ghz 3gb Ram beast machine, the games all suffer from hyperactivity.  The gfx animations all cycle at blinding speeds and trying to turn slightly left or right makes me spin around like a top.  I should have expected this though, when I installed it the config program had it's required/detected list...

CPU: reqs 50mhz 486x/has 2.4ghz dualcore
Memory: Reqs 16mb/has 3GB

and the funniest popup error I ever read was displayed.

"We're sorry but you seem to have too little memory (since 3 is a smaller number than 16 and it doesnt seem to understand the difference between mb and gb, lol).  Your gameplay may be sluggish, would you like to install anyway?"

Now I need to find some kind of ancient PC emulator to slow down my processes.  I tried CPUkiller, but rather dont like it since it's method appears to be forcing the rest of the cpu to use itself up, lagging itself and could possibly be overworking the machine.  What I want is an emulator or limiter, not an overprocessor.  Dosbox might work alright for 6 and 7, but 8 and 9 were mostly designed to run on Windows 95 type systems.  

Anybody have any good recommendations for an emulator style program that will let me play games through it slowed down to the calibre of around 50-133mhz and 8-64 mb of ram?  Also looking to play a little bit of Alone in the Dark 1, 7th Guest, Day of the Tentacle and Return to Zork.  The kind of emulator that remembers those olde days when setting up sound options was just a choice between Adlib and Soundblaster, heheh.


Re: Recommendations for a good "Ancient CPU" Emulator?
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2008, 04:21:08 pm »
All I can say is that MM8 and MM9 work just fine with multicore systems and even Vista. There might be some question about the specific build of the computer, but they work. Maybe there's some info about your current problem in googledom.

No idea about the emulators though, never had the need to use any (lucky me).


Re: Recommendations for a good "Ancient CPU" Emulator?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2008, 03:27:14 pm »
I'm not really familiar with the MM series, but you could try DOSBox if they run in DOS.  It allows you to scale down the apparent processor capabilities however you want.


Re: Recommendations for a good "Ancient CPU" Emulator?
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2008, 03:09:27 am »
Dosbox works wonders with Day of the Tentacle!  I think I found a fix for the crashing issues I was having under windows for numbers 6 and 7.  I had to open Regedit and look through the game's registry to toggle 3DSurround Sound off and the basic sound back on and it quit crashing.  I also found some patches that set the graphics limiting that nobody had back in those days, so it's finally not going insane.  IX still crashes quite a bit, but I got it to run once or twice for a bit, so there si hope there.  Its just that the autoplay program keeps trying to reopen the bloody configuration boxes and resetting them.  Argh!  

Playing through VI right now, going to tackle them all in one big marathon! :D

Party Formation: Paladin, Knight, Cleric, Wizard.... tried and true!  Of course the Knight is most specialized in lockpicking and disarming traps, so he's more like a fighter/rogue.  I'm not even going to peek at the other ones until I beat each one in succession, want to see the whole King Nicolai vs. Archibald saga play out.


Re: Recommendations for a good "Ancient CPU" Emulator?
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2008, 06:56:01 am »
Aha!  found another fix for IX.  Had to rightclick the desktop icon and switch the  compatability mode to Win 2000/ME.    Was set by default to Windows 95.

