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Author Topic: Another fine Xmas present! Two Worlds  (Read 283 times)


Another fine Xmas present! Two Worlds
« on: January 06, 2008, 06:26:22 pm »
If you haven't seen me logged in for the past week or two, this game just broke my Galciv II binge.  I have to say, this is the first game so enthralling that it gives me neck problems from my eyes not wandering a single second from the screen.  other games, sure I sit at the computer, but I get up, move around, go to the bathroom, breathe... it's literally the perfect child offspring of Oblivion and Gothic III, and it's combat system, once I got used to it, reminds me a little of Fable.

And the best part of it is, unlike Gothic III, it doesnt take 5 minutes to reload every time you die... more like 6 seconds.


Re: Another fine Xmas present! Two Worlds
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2008, 11:08:18 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
If you haven't seen me logged in for the past week or two, this game just broke my Galciv II binge.  I have to say, this is the first game so enthralling that it gives me neck problems from my eyes not wandering a single second from the screen.  other games, sure I sit at the computer, but I get up, move around, go to the bathroom, breathe... it's literally the perfect child offspring of Oblivion and Gothic III, and it's combat system, once I got used to it, reminds me a little of Fable.

And the best part of it is, unlike Gothic III, it doesnt take 5 minutes to reload every time you die... more like 6 seconds.

You are the first person out of oh, the few hundred I have talked to who bought that game at the local gaming store, to like it. When you go to the stores, there is always a ton of them traded in and not selling. I am glad you like it, but Two Worlds is one of the biggest flops of 07 (that isn't my opinion, all thought I share the same one). They lost tons of money and got horrid reviews.

It had so much potentialwith the online multiple for free too.


Re: Another fine Xmas present! Two Worlds
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2008, 03:21:01 am »
well, the online multiplayer aspect of it is horrid, since there are nothing but WoW griefers on there disarming you with their bows and stealing your gear maliciously.  But the single player mode is fun, like high speed Gothic III.  That was another one nobody liked... but NWN2 got favorable reviews, and everybody worships Witcher, which I bought, played for two hours, set down and never touched again.  The real flop of 07 is why so many people worship that game when it's really just Titan's Quest meets Simon.  *click click click* "oh is the monster dead yet?  ah, my OTHER stance... there we go.  All of martial arts revolves around 3 stances... its really just rock scissors paper!"

Oblivion was great but it annoyed me that every single monster on the board was always consistantly your level.  A puppy will leap out at level 50 with 3000hp and demons were getting vanquished by a level 5er.  Then it got silly the amount of worry trying to train just the right combo of skills at the right rate to get a decent stat gain.

People mostly hate Two Worlds because of the multiplayer... and thats because all the other people who hate themselves and vicariously the game sit there and grief people all day long as they log in.  *shrugs* essentially the game's playerbase is complaining of the smell of their own mess.


Re: Another fine Xmas present! Two Worlds
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2008, 04:36:45 am »
Most complain about things like how easy Two Wolds is. How you can stand at a healing totem and fight all day, or if you wander off a small wolf is level 50, just outside of a level 1 area. I played the game and it was the multiplayer group functions that I had looked forward too. I wanted to get 8 friends and play with just the 8 of us doing the story modes. However the lag was so horrid we gave up on it and simply used the Two Worlds Discs for coasters. That way at least my desk is protected from moisture! =)


Re: Another fine Xmas present! Two Worlds
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2008, 04:37:18 pm »
I wasn't fond of the totems either.  So I set it to hard and they quit free-respawning me, and I just pretend they aren't there.  If it's too easy, one shouldnt be getting eaten by wolves at all though... they all go down with one shot if you have strength above 100.  I like how when you first see a golem or ogre and it just hits you once, you're flatlined on the ground, but 20 levels later you wind up berzerking with a two handed axe and one-shotting them all in a rage.  The only down parts of the game is that the main plot is way oversimplified and short, something that irked me about Oblivion too.  You have to slow down, visit every town and really pace yourself, else the game is done in a week with a full laundry list of miniquests never finished.

Don't get me wrong, I too absolutely hated this game after the first half hour of first impressions, and threw it in the corner of the room where it sat for two weeks before trying it again, but after 2-3 hours on the replay it really started gowing on me.  Once I'm done with this, I'll try giving the Witcher a second chance... though the things that irk me there are pretty severe.  Like I don't mind having to push buttons for combat as long as you get to juke and jive... but a NWN top-down format where you click on the enemy to target him, then just keep point and clicking to try and score crits... it makes me feel like that little labrat tapping on the crack dispenser.  Another thing that turned me off was how deliberately hard it was to read the stats and feats pages... everything spiralling sloppiily across the menu so you have to do a doubletake to see which tree a skill is in.  The graphics are great though, some of the best I've ever seen anywhere... and Bioware/Atari would likely hide an epic storyline in there somewhere along with the mess.

What I'm really waiting for is Fable 2... now if only they could make the story long enough to last more than 3 days!


Re: Another fine Xmas present! Two Worlds
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2008, 05:51:16 pm »
Yeh Ion try givin Witcher another shot, It felt pretty quirky in the beginning but after an hour I loved it, best RPG in a long time. The world and story is pretty cool and Geralt is one mean bastard character if you want him to be :D

"I told ya not to go monster hunting while drunk... but you insisted!"

Once you get the hang of the combo combat its fun slashing nasties. Oh yeh and theres a new 1.2 patch which should make it perform better and load faster.
The Menu Design still takes some serious looking at until one gets it.


Re: Another fine Xmas present! Two Worlds
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2008, 02:52:24 pm »
AH, I played the Witcher all last night and now I see what was so good about it!  For one, they REALLY made the tavern a source of entertainment... gambling dwarven dice, bar fights, drinking competitions and the blurry staggering doublevision from when he's totally sauced.  I still hate the red-icon clicking combat interface, but the storyline and the cutscenes make it worth hacking through the monsters with such an awkward gameplay.  I especially love how every time he beds a maiden, he gets a love scene and a softcore fantasy porno portrait of them in his backpack.  Classic!


Re: Another fine Xmas present! Two Worlds
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2008, 05:17:09 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
I wasn't fond of the totems either.  So I set it to hard and they quit free-respawning me, and I just pretend they aren't there.  If it's too easy, one shouldnt be getting eaten by wolves at all though... they all go down with one shot if you have strength above 100.  I like how when you first see a golem or ogre and it just hits you once, you're flatlined on the ground, but 20 levels later you wind up berzerking with a two handed axe and one-shotting them all in a rage.  The only down parts of the game is that the main plot is way oversimplified and short, something that irked me about Oblivion too.  You have to slow down, visit every town and really pace yourself, else the game is done in a week with a full laundry list of miniquests never finished.

Don't get me wrong, I too absolutely hated this game after the first half hour of first impressions, and threw it in the corner of the room where it sat for two weeks before trying it again, but after 2-3 hours on the replay it really started gowing on me.  Once I'm done with this, I'll try giving the Witcher a second chance... though the things that irk me there are pretty severe.  Like I don't mind having to push buttons for combat as long as you get to juke and jive... but a NWN top-down format where you click on the enemy to target him, then just keep point and clicking to try and score crits... it makes me feel like that little labrat tapping on the crack dispenser.  Another thing that turned me off was how deliberately hard it was to read the stats and feats pages... everything spiralling sloppiily across the menu so you have to do a doubletake to see which tree a skill is in.  The graphics are great though, some of the best I've ever seen anywhere... and Bioware/Atari would likely hide an epic storyline in there somewhere along with the mess.

What I'm really waiting for is Fable 2... now if only they could make the story long enough to last more than 3 days!

Now that was a good review and read for me! =) My friend has been tryng to get me play the Witcher.