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Author Topic: Corath Babies Invade Hlint  (Read 207 times)


Corath Babies Invade Hlint
« on: December 05, 2008, 05:39:13 pm »
People of Mistone,

All mothers, nurses and midwives are to be forewarned that the Black Wizards of Corath have tainted the baby formula yet again with foul necromancy.  If you or any of your relatives notice any strange noises, unwarranted hostility or demonic facial expressions in your young ones, it is highly advised that you take them to the nearest temple for exorcism and medical treatment.  Conversely, one might also want to investigate their family tree for any possible demonic relations.  If found to be uncurable, please mail your little tieflings to 128 Haft Lake, Prantz, Care of: Czukay for a 100 true rebate.

PS: take care to add proper padding and breathing holes within the box.  Broken, damaged or otherwise non-mint condition babies will only yeild a 50 true reward.

YouTube - Evil Baby Growls!
YouTube - Monster baby
YouTube - The Evil look
YouTube - Baby laughing devil laugh 2
YouTube - Freaky/Cute Baby Growling Sounds
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