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Author Topic: Dawn of War  (Read 699 times)


Dawn of War
« on: June 30, 2007, 05:50:54 pm »
I am kicking myself for not trying this game out sooner.  It seems the best games are the ones I don't try till the are ancient or something.  Like NWN, I just didn't have a good enough system when the game came out.  I loved Starcraft though.  That was my first RTS experience's, and I was hooked.  I always thought Starcraft was a bit of a rip off of Warhammer 40K.  Admittedly, GamesWorkshop made a big rip off of the movie alien with their gene stealer race.  Then space marines showed up in the 3rd alien movie,  which was probably the best part of the whole movie.  Touche.  Now, when Blizard made Warcraft, it was debatable.  Orc vs. humans is probably not the most original concept.  But when they made Starcraft...  It is like they sat around brainstorming how they could make a Warhammer 40k game with out getting sued.  Zerg are like gene steelers, space marines are space marines, and Protos are a lot like the Eldar race too.  Don't get me wrong, Starcraft is a brilliant game, I was on Battlenet like a fiend.  I can't wait till Starcraft2 comes out, and if Blizard ever releases a World of Starcraft, it was nice knowing you all.  The other RTS game a  like a whole lot was not Warcraft3, it was Emperor battle for dune.  I wish that game would have been more popular, cause it was a lot of fun.  Online it was fun anyway, the single player scenario was weak.  

I started playing the Warhammer 40k game, Dawn of War, after I got off of work at midnight till the sun peeked up and the birds were chirping.  I am just blown away, this game is awesome.  It has all the things I like best about Starcraft and Emperor with some new ideas that work really well.  First, you command large numbers of units.  Second, you don't group and regroup individual units that pop out of a barracks.  You make a squad and then build more units and tech upgrades directly  in the squad.  This make for some very fun combat as you don't have to constantly go back to your buildings and move troops across the battlefield to reinforce your front.  This may not seem realistic, but when was any RTS game realistic, realism is not the point of RTS.  The first time my unit leader smashed an orc and sent him flying across the battlefield, I cheered, that was great.  Dreadnoughts pick up units and grind them and then toss them aside,  I love that too.  Best of all is the orcs with British accents.

Another thing that makes this one interesting is that I use to play warhammer 40k when I was in high school.  The units in this game remind me of painted miniatures.

So what is the point of this thread?  The point is I am having fun!



Re: Dawn of War
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2007, 07:09:01 pm »
Sweet, I'll be getting a copy soon then.  I've seen the platinum 3-pack copy on sale at EBgames recently, but got Marvel Ultimate Alliance instead that trip.  That one rules by the way... the gameplay is somewhat like a hybrid between Gauntlet Legends 4-play map-style and Streetfighter grapples, throws and combos style.  You get to choose from a group of four each mission, from a selection of Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor, Ms. Marvel, Iron Man, the entire Fantastic Four, Nick Fury, Spider-Woman, Deadpool, Wolverine, Ice-Man, Storm, Dr. Strange, Ghost Rider, Blade, SIlver Surfer, Daredevil, Elektra, Luke Cage and the Black Panther.  All of these heroes unite under SHIELD to fight Dr. Doom's mad schemes for Godhood.  Needless to say, I've beaten it dozens of times, and am still obsessedly trying to unlock secret costumes and characters.

If Dawn of War is anything like Warhammer, Mark of Chaos, then I'll certainly spring for a copy.  I'm pretty certain Celgar has one plugged into his mech-suit's exoskeletal hard-drive too for some multiplayer. ;)


Re: Dawn of War
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2007, 08:33:20 pm »
I just got the platinum edition... dude, I'm hooked.  This is a wicked RTS game on so many levels, very much on par with Warcraft and Starcraft, and slightly better in some areas.  I especially like how you can replenish and restock units, which means this is the first RTS game where retreating wind up being a good tactic.  Most other games just make you stand there stonewalling and doing all your healing with special units, this method seems a bit more realistic warfare.  Another key thing I like is the game's use of technological updates; how you have to keep your units stocked with rocket launchers individually rather than the warcraft style of upgrades "hey, everybody's weapon is sharper automatically, yay!".  in this one you have to think through how you're going to equip your regiments, which ones to append a leader to for morale, which ones you want as expendable shock troops, etc... and the outcome of how well you planned and prepared really makes a difference on the battlefield.  Right now I'm only on mission 5 of the first Dawn of War game after having got it sunday, but I intend to play it all the way through on into the Winter Assault expansion and Dark Crusade sequel.  This game series is just too epic to skip ahead.  I especially love how accurately they portray the Warhammer campaign... Waaaagh cyborg-orks and zealot Emperor-fundamentalist Space marines to the max!

In all, I say this game combines the best aspects of Dune 2000 and Warcraft, and blows both out of the water in implimentation.  I actually enjoy this one much more than the Warhammer Fantasy: Mark of Chaos release... the gameplay is certainly much more responsive.


Re: Dawn of War
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2007, 09:10:54 pm »
Yup, I just ordered the dark crusade expansion.  I have to say that Blizard can produce a better campang.  Dawn of war has a good one, but there is only one for the space marines, the other races play out in the expansion packs.

I noticed that a lot of things I saw in the SC2 demo were in DOW.  Like jump pack marines, and special effects like units flying and then sliding down hills.  One of the things I am really liking about playing skirmishes is that every race is very unique in tactics.  Orcs hord.  Imperial guard make slow advances, securing position after position.  Eldar rush in to battle with speed upgrades and war cries.  Chaos and space marines are all about their heavy assault end game.



Re: Dawn of War
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2007, 09:48:25 am »
*Really don't know why is posting on this thread, because it's not a games' player, mmorpg's player or anything of this, but a RPG, and D&D player. maybe posting because is having fun*


Re: Dawn of War
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2007, 01:20:08 pm »
GoW is great - my buddy just bout an xbox 360 elite for his b-day. Oh, and I just found out that epic games announced (or will announce) GoW on the PC today - double woo-hoo for me :)

Oopise! I read Dawn of War and translated it as "Gears" of War in my mind - LOL.

All the same - played both - love both :)


Re: Dawn of War
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2007, 07:34:34 pm »
Dawn of War is hella fun. Unfortunately I don't have the latest expansion/version right now because I'm broke.


Re: Dawn of War
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2007, 08:55:21 pm »
I just got the latest expansion dark crusade.  I like it a lot.  Light on plot but heavy on skirmishes.  Word of advice...  Fortify areas as much as possible when taking them over, as you will have those buildings when defending.  When defending, fortify more.



Re: Dawn of War
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2007, 02:54:50 am »
Thats it! You guys are getting me back into it.
I'm a huge fan of the dawn of war + expansions.  Have taken a break from it for quite a while though.

I'm secretly hoping they'll bring out the Tyranids (my old favorites) but I'm happy with my Chaos babies.  Notice the trend, Corath in Layo, Chaos in DoW.  What can i say, 'anything for the dark gods!' (how cool are the voice sets!

I haven't met a person whom dislikes it.  All we need to do now is all hook up for some serious multiplayer action!


Re: Dawn of War
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2007, 03:12:10 am »
I have the first expansion pack. ;) Will be glad to play.

Black Raven

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    Re: Dawn of War
    « Reply #10 on: July 20, 2007, 10:51:27 am »
    Oh wow, DoW...havent played it in over 6 months. God I loved it. The campaign story was briliant and for once, I digged the idea of overly muscled men holding a sword and a pistol and blowing stuff to a million pieces.

    Hah, I got both expaniosn, though there might be three I forgot no matter played them all. The last one, where you get to play out of the five races, was fun but I didnt like the overal, it was way too long and too boring after a while so I finished it with those metalic zombie race. I forgot what they are called, but the floating pyramids of doom was just so fun to look at when they warped back to base. I can dig and see if I still have the game, if I do..well I'll gladly take any of you ;)


    Re: Dawn of War
    « Reply #11 on: July 27, 2007, 09:00:38 pm »
    Lost my first game on line.  Won my second :D   Had a real fun 8 player FFA.  Wiped out two players before the eldar clrippled my economy.  Won a war of attrition against the orks,  and racked up over 1,100 kills before I left the last two players to battle it out.  PM me to schedule a match.



    Re: Dawn of War
    « Reply #12 on: August 05, 2007, 12:05:52 pm »
    I just had an 8 hour dream last night about fighting the necrons.  For some reason, Aqua Teen Hunger Force's Meatwad was on our team, and when we were boarding this nuclear submarine he found a pirate hat and put it on to goof around.  We scolded his lack of focus in the Emperor's service, so he threw the hat down, secured the sub from the necrons, and stationed it in our port.  Unfortunately, the radiation from the nuclear engine caused a mutuation in the old pirates molecular residue left in the hat, and Meatwad's own sheddings.  Then entire finale battle was us Space Marines with the real Meatwad and our Dreadnaught battle mechs. vs. The Necrons led by a retarded pirate made out of meat who liked to dance and turn himself into an igloo.

    Who needs drugs at this point?  Dawn of War clearly shows addictive qualities, with psychosis, intense hallucinations and worrisome delusions.  I find myself constantly talking like one of the Orc Boyz when in public now... like an overly excitable roided cyberjunkie with a thick Aussie accent.  Whenever my computer crashes, I pray to the Machine Spirit for guidance.


    Re: Dawn of War
    « Reply #13 on: August 05, 2007, 06:28:43 pm »
    God I hate fighting necrons.  They're the worst to battle besides an already established Eldar army whose firepower cuts down my chaos marines like butter.


    Re: Dawn of War
    « Reply #14 on: September 26, 2007, 02:06:01 am »
    Just wanted to let you Dawn of War guru's know that there is a new mod that now includes two new armies: Tyranids and Witch Hunters.  My mate purchased the latest PC User Magazine and it had these mod's on the complimetary CD.

    I havent downloaded the mods, however I viewed the progress about six months ago on Tyranids and it looked very nice.  I'm pretty keen to get my hands on this CD and give it a go.  Go the aliens!



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      Re: Dawn of War
      « Reply #15 on: September 27, 2007, 08:30:20 pm »
      Quote from: Fatherchaos
      GoW is great - my buddy just bout an xbox 360 elite for his b-day. Oh, and I just found out that epic games announced (or will announce) GoW on the PC today - double woo-hoo for me :)

      Oopise! I read Dawn of War and translated it as "Gears" of War in my mind - LOL.

      All the same - played both - love both :)

       360 is so great! Gears of War is AMAZING...
       But, RP kind... i would suggest The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion... You're going to spend over 200 hours with that game... trust me :P

