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Author Topic: Star wrek in the pirkinning  (Read 154 times)


Star wrek in the pirkinning
« on: April 02, 2007, 02:12:58 pm »
If you loved start trek
If you loved Babylon 5

you will love this Parody of when star trek meets Babylon 5.

It is a free web fan base movie that can be downloaded for free and intended that way. Although it has been reviewed as being a movie of a professional nature, it is mainly due to the special effects which are awsome, and the directing. It is in Finnish but subtitled in english, very easy to read by the way I didnt miss anything of the action.

like i said up there, if you loved those, this is a must see.


Re: Star wrek in teh pirkinning
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2007, 02:32:29 pm »
Seen it, loved it, highly recommend it!

There are soooooo many jokes and puns interwoven into the story that you may need to watch it no less than 2 times to catch them all.

One of many quotes that that still makes me laugh today is "fire lightballs and twinklers!"


Re: Star wrek in teh pirkinning
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2007, 02:35:17 pm »
yeah. I wont comment to much about it but pay attention at the lightballs in the movie, you will notice something funny when they talk about them.