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Author Topic: Stats...  (Read 184 times)


« on: March 08, 2005, 09:28:00 am »
Was checking the calender as I do every day, and saw a few of these...
  Soul of a Lost Ancient - Crimson Moon - Max number of players 20 - number signed up 29-
  Soul of a Lost Ancient - Deals - Max number of players 12 - number signed up 17
  Poetic Justice - Max number of players 8 - number signed up 10 (so far)
  Soul of a Lost Ancien - Max number of players 12 - number signed up 16 (so far)
  Twin Swords Turning the Keys - Max number of players 10 - number signed up 14
    Just makes me laugh to see people sign up after the limmit has been reached (or surpased) or a level 5 signing up for a quest on Dregar that says levels 10+. The first is for the DMs. They know people won't show and they want a party they can manage and the other is for our (the players) saftey and yet we all continue to 'forget' that they're there. :) ZV-

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: Stats...
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2005, 11:17:00 am »

I kind of thought the amount given was a party they could manage.  

If its at its limit, sure I will sign up in hopes that a few don't show up and I can go along.  But if those ahead of me all show up I would gladly duck out.

Its hard with the things like plot quests, that everybody would like to be a part of, I'm not around all the time and can't jump on the chance to sign up for them all as soon as they are posted.  

So even when the limit is reached, Yes, I would sign up, knowing there is a chance I may be able to go is better than having no chance at all.

Just a thought



RE: Stats...
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2005, 11:26:00 am »
I always thought the way it hapened was the first ones to sign up had priority. IF some don't show up then the next in line has a spot. It does happen when someone can't attend. Like maybe losing you internet service for 24 whole hours 'cause the dang construction work...or messing up the time zone and seeing a group of players run by that looked a whole lot like the group signed up for a quest that starts in an hour. heh that happens to me.


Guardian 452

RE: Stats...
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2005, 12:30:00 pm »
On my quests I put a player limit. Let's say 8 players.

Then I will say the 1st 8 signed up have proirity, feel free to sign up after 8 people have but you will only get in if some of the 1st 8 don't show.... then we go down to the next in line.

What I won't tollerate is some one who throws a fit about not getting to go along when they are outside the number listed.

Secondly I can understand RL conflicts but if you can't make a quest [big]TAKE YOUR NAME OFF THE LIST PLEASE!![/big]

I have had very few people send me PM's saying they could not make a quest and that they would take there name down.... I thank them for doing that. It is such a simple thing to do too. I wish others would do that as well.




RE: Stats...
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2005, 12:39:00 pm »
Unfortunately, most of the time about a third of the sign-ups doesn't show up, so signing up after the limit has been reached is a viable option. Mostly, GMs put a limit because a quest might not be suited for 20+ players. Usually, if a bit more people than stated show up it's not too big a problem though (just ask :) )
  If you've read my GM introduction, you'll see that I handle it like this:
Something on my quests and some requests/FYIs:
  Most of my quests are run in the GMT evenings, since I am in the GMT+1 zone. I always use sign-ups, since that allows me to prepare for the number of players that'll be joining my quest, however, there's some things I want to add about sign-ups that apply for my quests: - Spots will be filled on first-sign-up-first come basis. If all spots are filled but people don't show up, they'll be filled by the same principle. - If you sign-up, and you can't make it, please please please drop me a PM or remove yourself from the list. That way, I know I won't have to wait and keep your slot open and can assigned it to somebody next in line.  - If you sign-up and you're late your spot can be assigned to somebody from the reserve list. You having signed up will then not be a guarantee for participating (I will not immediately re-assign the spot to somebody else, but on average, if you're 15 minutes late you have a chance of having lost your spot  ) -If you drop into the server and a quest of mine is running, feel free to send a message into the GM channel to see if there's still a possibility of coming along, most of the time there is (if we can fit it in in the quest in an RP way, e.g. if it's been going on for an hour and the party is deep in Underdark, the chance of you suddenly showing up there and joining the party is a bit slim ).


RE: Stats...
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2005, 02:02:00 pm »
  Yeah I see your point(s) guys. Just kinda thought it was funny to see these "max player limmit 10" things all over the place and see them exceeded by 5+. Guess it's just my weird sense of humor at work again.