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Author Topic: A KotOR2 Question  (Read 128 times)


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    A KotOR2 Question
    « on: August 02, 2005, 10:07:00 pm »
    This may or may not belong in this forum (my thought process went "Layonara -> NWN -> BioWare -> Obsidian -> KotOR2"), but I have to let this out somehow. It is the first time I have deemed something I thought worthy of its own thread. Here goes.

    Can someone please tell me what the heck happens in this game?!

    It's all fine up to the end. Everything seems like a normal game, with minor errand quests, XP, and all that regular, "normal" stuff. But then, at some point close to the ending, everything changes. People start saying random things and making no sense. I can understand a certain amount of "mystique" and crypticness, but there's a point where no regular person can figure out what is happening. Mostly, it's a lot of little things. But the major thing I was thinking of was where all three of the people you've spent the whole game searching for are killed, supposedly for good reason, because the character thinks nothing of it. Also, it seems we are forced (no pun intended) to play as, at least, a somewhat evil character who in my case, supposedly changed but still follows the dark side to a degree. I guess they didn't have to make it a true RP game, but you'd think they would, considering its predecessor.
    I haven't finished it yet, so maybe it is all explained at the end. But I find this unlikely, as all accounts I have heard of the KotOR2 ending rank it... less than adequate.

    But then again, it's probably nothing, and I'm just being an immature 16-year-old who doesn't understand anything. And I'm not really complaining, because it is a great game. I would just like to know what other people think.

    By the way, everyone says I make no sense this late at night. Is this true, or did I make my point clearly? I guess I'll find out when I wake up, and gaze in horror at what I wrote...


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    RE: A KotOR2 Question
    « Reply #1 on: August 05, 2005, 11:59:00 pm »
    i don't remember anymore. sorry.


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      RE: A KotOR2 Question
      « Reply #2 on: September 05, 2005, 01:11:00 pm »
      Well, i have to say, KOTOR2 was clearly far from complete, and it really showed off it's not finished-ness, it seems like it it missing the part where the enemy actually get's revealed. (you suddenly have the name of your arch-nemesis in your journal but you'haven't even heard his name???)

      This is most likely due to the deadline, but i sure hope NWN2 won't be like this.


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      RE: A KotOR2 Question
      « Reply #3 on: September 05, 2005, 02:15:00 pm »
      I liked KotoR2 (actually preferred it over Star Wars Galaxies for a while), but then again I like most things Star Wars. the story was ok I guess although the end is too easy if you play as lightside, but what does that matter when you have a lightsaber in each hand ;)

