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Author Topic: What is your build?  (Read 3088 times)


What is your build?
« on: January 14, 2009, 02:32:16 pm »
If you were a character, what would you be?  Not what would you play, but you as your real life self.  If you could put it into a character description, stats, class, etc.  what would you be?  Take as many levels as you feel you have learned in life so far (so if you're younger, you're probably lower level)  Have fun, see if you can be realistic!  I'm gonna say if the average person lives 80 yrs, that would be 1 lvl for every 2 years for the average person....  HOWEVER, if you have spent more life experience than the normal person in some things, then you would probably be a higher level person (people who served 2 years on the frontlines of a war would probably be much higher lvl fighters than other people- you get the idea)  

Age 28 (almost)

Level 16
Bard 14/Fighter 2
Chaotic Good

Str 11
Con 12
Dex 12
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 14


Heal +8
Lore +8
Perform +17
Persuade +5
Spellcraft +8
Taunt +5 (natural ability- woman)
Use Magic Device +2

Lvl 23 tailor
Lvl 5 gemcrafter
Lvl 14 foodcrafter
Lvl 8 Alchemist

Power attack
Weapon Focus- unarmed
Captivating Song IV
Charm Baby I
Charm Baby II
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Re: What is your build?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2009, 02:45:24 pm »

Level 17
Rogue 10/ Fighter 7
Neutral Good

Str 14
Con 14
Dex 12
Int 14
Wis 14
Cha 12


Animal Empathy +2
Bluff +10
Discipline +12
Gather Information +2
Heal +5
Hide +17
Intimidate +10
Listen +12
Lore +5
Move Silently +12
Open Lock +5
Parry +5
Persuade +5
Pick Pocket +5
Search +8
Set Trap +5
Spot +20
Tumble +5

Lvl 9 foodcrafter
Lvl 2 tailor

Thief Of Navarre

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    Re: What is your build?
    « Reply #2 on: January 14, 2009, 04:00:08 pm »
    Okay here goes

    Age 22
    Ranger 3/Rogue 3 (havnt had much life experience :S)
    True Neutral

    Str 15
    Con 14
    Dex 14
    Wis 14
    Int 14
    Char 8


    Spot + 9
    Listen + 9
    Lore + 5 (Call it Knowledge: General)
    Bluff + 8 (I lie a lot)
    Hide + 9
    Move Silently + 11
    Sense Motive + 6
    Tumble 5 (See Feats for reasoning!)

    Lvl 5 Blacksmith
    Lvl 4 Foodcrafter

    Weapon Focus: Katana (call the proficiency a racial since I actually can handle one)
    Improved Unarmed strike (martial artist irl)


    Re: What is your build?
    « Reply #3 on: January 14, 2009, 06:25:31 pm »
    age 16

    Level 9 (I'm counting early college high school, and wisdom imparted to me from my father and being a -traveling- military brat)
    Rogue 5/ wizard 3/ ranger 1
    Neutral Good

    Str 12
    Con 10
    Dex 16
    Int 14
    Wis 9
    Cha 11

    Animal Empathy +6
    Bluff +10
    Discipline +2
    Gather Information +10 (you'll be surprised what people can pull up on you just by a few things. learned a lot while bugging my dad while he was taking an online course about (the study of) cybercrime)
    Heal -2
    Intimidate -2
    Listen -2
    Move Silently +16 (Mother gets mad cause I sneak up and hug her, and she has crazy hearing)
    Hide +11 (had lots of practice trying to sneak up on a special forces officer. not fun when he judo chops you. :p)
    Open Lock +1 (I can open if I have the key/code!)
    Persuade +5
    Search +8
    Set Trap -10 (epic failure for setting mouse trap for a project...)
    Spot +2
    Tumble +5

    Lvl 9 Tinkering
    Lvl 3  Food Crafting (Poison Making more likely....)
    Lvl 1 Weapon crafting (home made taser made from bug zapper... not fun.:( )

    Resist Energy (chocolate)
    Racial feat (biting sarcasm for 1d20-4 emotional damage. Has a 40% chance of backfiring, inflicting 2d20 ego damage to self)
    Racial feat (expeditious retreat)
    Slow to Master
    Weapon focus (pencil)

    Wis decreased (situational)
    Int decreased (only after getting hit in the head by a baseball... or a golf ball)
    Dex increase (after consuming large amounts of coffee)


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    Re: What is your build?
    « Reply #4 on: January 14, 2009, 11:22:17 pm »

    Bard 7/Wizard 7

    Str 10
    Con 12
    Dex 10
    Int 17
    Wis 12
    Cha 16

    Animal Empathy +10 (ahhh...cute puppy!)
    Bluff -5 (I don't play poker.  EVER.)
    Discipline +0 ( should be studying)
    Gather Information +8
    Heal +15 (Med student...or should this be -10?)
    Listen +10 (Musician by training, must...tweak...equalizer...)
    Lore +10 (love to learn stuff)
    Move Silently +2
    Open Lock +2
    Parry -2
    Persuade +10(I have been called a manipulator ;p ENFP personality)
    Pick Pocket -5
    Search +8
    Lose +20(notice my search is not even half my lose)
    Spot +15(good old Gamer eyes)
    Tumble -5 (Large stature)

    Bard Song
    Extended Bard Song
    Multiplying Bard Song (PT Choir director)
    Lingering Song
    Resist Element(Cold 10/)--Unless the wind is blowing
    Racial Trait -- Sun damage (White freckled guy)
    Curteous Magaocracy(My Mama done taught me)
    Combat Casting(if you have 3 kids, you have to have this)
    Alertness(years of gaming, kids, and usless playing around)

    Scribing 15
    Tinker 10 (Bioengineering BS)
    Food Craft 15
    Tayloring 8
    Fishing 2


    Re: What is your build?
    « Reply #5 on: January 14, 2009, 11:54:28 pm »
    OOH!  Kethryc, I need to add a couple of those feats on my next lvl up!


    Re: What is your build?
    « Reply #6 on: January 15, 2009, 12:13:37 am »
    :( I need to hit the gym and raise my Str stat. :p


    Re: What is your build?
    « Reply #7 on: January 15, 2009, 12:26:10 am »
    Level 11
    Spent approximately half my life in each of two highly contrasting western cultures, and now beginning in my third.

    Monk / Cleric
    None of that martial arts stuff, dexterity, heavy armor, or religiously devout.
    More self-contemplating and empathetic. I have been called self-destructive, but I think that's an exaggeration.

    I am no good with these ability scores, they don't add up.
    Strength: 10
    I am not particularly strong, but family looks to me for heavy lifting.

    Constitution: 12
    Long distance running, biking, and hiking is my thing.

    Dexterity: 12
    Off my feet it wouldn't go far beyond casual gaming.

    Intelligence: 12
    Only because I am fluent in two languages and adequate in two more.

    Wisdom: 12
    Being self-contemplating would be little use without a bit of this, and without being self-contemplating I would hardly be able to post this at all.

    Charisma: 12
    I'm not particularly attractive, at least not by my own standards. I have some strength of personality.

    Concentration: 5 (If I'm motivated)
    Discipline: 4 (Not great, but I manage)
    Perform: -5 (I'm sure you know)
    Use Magic Device: 5 (If it was any higher I would know this box wasn't magic, I'm still skeptical)

    Artist (Has nothing to do with Perform, purely visual)
    Humanoid Shape (I'm surprised not more of you chose this.)

    Good enough


    Re: What is your build?
    « Reply #8 on: January 15, 2009, 06:30:19 am »
    This looks fun.

    Age: 20
    Class: Bard 6/Rogue 2.

    Strength - 10
    Dexterity -10
    Constitution - 10
    Intelligence - 14
    Wisdom - 12
    Charisma - 12

    [Not sure if that equals real stats but whatever]

    Skill Sets:

    Concentration [Schoolwork]
    Lore/Knowledge [Of different Varieties]
    Preform [Writing, Singing, Musical Instrument]
    Persuade [Persuasive Writing, majorly/debate]
    Search [Internet Data Bases]


    Skill Focus Perform
    Iron Will [Pure Stubbornness]

    Crafting Skills:

    Cooking - 15 (Yes I train cooking like mad)
    Scribing - 11 (I'm a writer, it's what I do).


    Re: What is your build?
    « Reply #9 on: January 15, 2009, 06:53:23 am »
    Class/Level: Commoner 20

    Strength - 14
    Dexterity -10
    Constitution - 12
    Intelligence - 14
    Wisdom - 8
    Charisma - 10

    Skill Sets:

    Bluff +50 ;)
    Concentration -4
    Listen -8
    Taunt +20


    Broken Wail (singing ability = 0)
    Construct Shape (round)
    Contagion (don't even ask)
    Craft Scout Item (can fold scarf)
    Dodge (oops, my mistake, I thought the 'e' was a 'y')
    Domain (in front of the PC)
    Dragon Breath (first thing in morning)
    Evasion (of hard work)
    Hide in plain sight (this is actually my car keys, but close enough)
    Immunity to Sleep (when within 5k of levelling)
    Resist Nature's Lure (dislikes camping)
    Sap (is one)


    Re: What is your build?
    « Reply #10 on: January 15, 2009, 12:09:09 pm »
    This looks fun... might give it a go :D

    Class- Druid

    Chaotic Good

    Str 13 (not super strong, but stronger than I look!)
    Con 11 ( ow! papercut!)
    Dex 12 (bit clumsy at times)
    Int 14 (bit of a smartypants)
    Wis 15 (...well I think I'm wise ;))
    Cha 9 (very shy - not a good leader at all, not really pretty either...and many other 'charismatic' qualities)

    Animal empathy +5 (aww... look at the doggy)
    Bluff -10 (Umm... err... wasn't me!)
    Concentration -10 (I daydream a lot..)
    Lore +8
    Persuade +5
    Perform +7
    Taunt +10
    Listen +35 (super sensitive hearing... have to put my mp3 player on volume 1, any higher is too loud! :( )
    Spot +20 (sharp eyes! ^^)
    Search -5 (Where's the- ... oh, funny that, it's right in front of me)
    Move silently +10 (can be very quiet.. except that my house has squeaky floorboards :P)

    Lvl 10 food crafter
    Lvl 15 scriber (nice handwriting, good at drawing if that counts)

    Keen sense
    Power attack
    Weapon Focus- unarmed
    Iron Will (stubborny stubborn)
    Battle Training vs. Goblins (what I do sometimes when I should be doing some work ;) Think that goes for a lot of Layonarans)

    Thief Of Navarre

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      Re: What is your build?
      « Reply #11 on: January 15, 2009, 12:27:06 pm »
      Pseudonym, your character was hilarious!

      I especially liked the car keys with Hide in Plain Sight; its happened to us all at one time or another!


      Re: What is your build?
      « Reply #12 on: January 15, 2009, 01:45:48 pm »
      I figured my son deserved one

      Kidlet 1

      Age 3

      Lvl 2 rogue

      Chaotic Neutral with Good tendencies

      Str 5
      Dex 12
      Con 10
      Int 18 (at least if you ask him)
      Wis 4
      Cha 16

      Lvl 2 woodcrafter
      Lvl 2 tinkerer


      Bluff -1 (I swear mommy this is NOT your broken *insert object here* in my hands!)
      Concentration -5
      Disable trap +3 (can open doors and knock down gates)
      Discipline -5
      Gather information +3
      Heal +1 (Mommy, I'm bleeding, I need a bandaid)
      Hide +2 (Daddy's teaching him)
      Intimidate -1 racial size modifier
      Listen +7 (but only to things he's not supposed to hear)
      Move Silently +1 (Daddy's teaching him)
      Open Lock +5
      Perform +10 (most 3 year olds have this skill proficiency)
      Persuade +10
      Pick pocket +5
      Search +5 (+2 additional modifier for sugar)
      Set Trap +8 (especially when using caltrops- aka legos, wooden blocks, trains, toys, etc.)
      Spot +10
      Taunt +5
      Tumble +5/+10 against parents
      Wake Baby +6

      Slippery mind
      Iron Will
      War Cry
      Blood Rage
      Deafening Scream

      Harlas Ravelkione

      Re: What is your build?
      « Reply #13 on: January 15, 2009, 01:48:40 pm »
      Race: Halfgiant

      Class: Paladin 10/Commoner 7/Nerd 4/Bard 1 (yeah, I'm an epic character)

      Alignment: Lawful good (although the commoner class does add a few variables)

      Str 18 (half giant, what can I say...)
      Con 14
      Dex 14
      Int 16 (sharp like a knife ;-) )
      Wis 12 (likely less than I'd think)
      Cha 16 (probably not the looks, but leadership and smiles)

      Engineering +20 (I like to design stuff and have my name on 10+ buildings)
      Intimidate +5 (paladins are good at this stuff, although you wont believe how many thugs like to pick on the largest guy in the area)
      Perform +2 (I've had my moments *shifty*)
      Spot +15 (eyes of a hawk)
      Lore +20 (I know by far too much about fantasy and DnD, sheez)
      Concentration +8
      Bluff -5 (Paladins do not lie)
      Tumble -15 (half giant)
      Gather information +10 (need that to study)
      Discipline +7 (when I have to)
      Resist PC -5
      Charm +4 (GMs that are about to kill my character)

      Tinkering lvl 15 (engineer)
      Wood crafter lvl 2 (mostly spears and swords of wood for hacking at plants and imaginary trolls)
      Food crafter lvl 5
      Fishing lvl 10

      Improved power attack (any questions?)
      Improved cleave (I have it - just haven't used it yet)
      Damage reduction 10/-
      Curious (I am driven)
      Ambitious (driven mostly by curiosity)
      Point blank shot (good at throwing rocks)
      Wild talent: Daze (myself, when I get back from work)
      Epic character


      Re: What is your build?
      « Reply #14 on: January 15, 2009, 01:54:47 pm »
      *waits for the argument to start about Harlas being a Lawful Half Giant*


      Re: What is your build?
      « Reply #15 on: January 15, 2009, 05:00:49 pm »
      can the half giant teach a bit about engineering? (if so, lawful halfgants exist in my book *nods sagely*)


      Re: What is your build?
      « Reply #16 on: January 15, 2009, 05:01:22 pm »
      can the half giant teach a bit about engineering? (if so, lawful half-giants exist in my book *nods sagely*)


      Re: What is your build?
      « Reply #17 on: January 16, 2009, 04:26:58 pm »
      Lawful Good
      Commoner 10, Scholar 20, Gamer 8, Martial Artist 0.4, Geek 2.6, Nerd 1.5
      (Total level: 42.5)

      STR 11
      DEX 14
      CON 14
      INT 25
      WIS 30
      CHA 12

      Empathy 10
      Appraise 5
      Knowledge (Combined) 150
      Concentration 10

      Hide 2
      Move Silently 10
      Persuasion 5
      Search 8
      Listen 20
      Spot 8
      Use Electronic Device 20

      Tinkering 10 //I like Legos
      Cooking 5
      Writing 8
      Drawing 3
      Chemistry 15

      Burst of Speed
      Increasing Walk Speed (Known Destination and Paths) //Inherited only
      Off Like a Shot (Known Destination) //Inherited only
      UV Sensitivity //Only known in outdoor situations
      Asthma (Mild)
      Student Knowledge X
      Introvert VIIII
      Asperger Syndrome (Extremely Mild)
      //Inherited only
      -Odd Bits of Information II
      --Great Imagination V
      --Great Mind I
      --Logic Theory IIII
      -----Science Theory II
      -----Philosophy Theory I
      -----Number Theory X
      --------Mathematics Theory V
      -----------Advanced Mathematics Theory I

      -----Computer Theory IIII
      English Language Mastery
      Religion Theory II
      Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


      Re: What is your build?
      « Reply #18 on: January 21, 2009, 12:50:06 am »
      Here's to my cat, destroyer of shoestrings and fragile objects.

      Age 1 1/2

      Level 40
      Rogue 10/ Assassin 20/ Shadow dancer 10
      Chaotic Evil (neutral?)

      Str 3
      Con 3
      Dex 30
      Int 30
      Wis 8
      Cha 100

      Human Empathy +10
      Bluff +50
      Discipline +2
      inflict wounds +20
      Intimidate -2
      Listen +20
      Move Silently +100
      Hide +100
      Open Lock +10
      Search +8
      Set Trap +33
      Spot +2
      Tumble +100
      cutness +10

      Epic Dodge
      Lightning reflexes
      Weapon Finesse
      Weapon Focus (claws of evil)
      H i P S
      Death Attack +10d20 (for shoestrings and fragile objects only)
      Sneak attack +10d6(for my glasses and toes)
      Weakness (tuna and shoe strings)
      polymorph (can moo like a cow.. he's workin' on it)
      Speed increase (250% when not eating shoe strings or toes.)
      use poison (to access this feat, he must bring object he wishes to poison to the litterbox)
      disguise (can act as a head warmer, and prepare for attack)


      Re: What is your build?
      « Reply #19 on: December 08, 2012, 02:24:23 am »
      Wow... old thread... but seems rather interesting... me give it a try.


      Age: 25

      Level: 12
      Ranger 7/rogue 5

      Str 14
      Con 10 (lazy and a bit outta shape
      Dex 12
      Int 14 (smart but not very smart)
      Wis 14
      Cha 12


      Animal Empathy 16 (Animals seem to love me for some reason. often following me around... and occasionally seem to understand me... and vice versa)

      Discipline/balance 18 (like walking on the curb... and other thin object. Hint: arms down, face forward and think of something other then balancing.)

      Parry 12

      Open lock 8 (in home keyless locks)

      Listen 14 (often alert to noises around me... or... to other peoples conversations)

      Spot 10

      Hide 14 (Scared my friends a few times just by standing behind them. *friend turns around* Ah! Stop Doing that! *me* doing what? //heh, unintentional hiding :p )

      Move Silently 16 (perhaps why my friends don't hear me coming up behind them)

      Set Trap 6 (mouse traps easy to set and bait)

      Disarm Trap 6 (mouse traps are also easy to disarm)

      Lore 18 (Can quickly figure out what something is and/or how it works.


      Weapon Focus: Katana and Spear (own atleast one of both and fight shadow creatures with them :) )

      Bully headed (persistent and stubborn)

      Iron Will (again... Stubborn)

      Battle training vs Pixels and polygons. (I play way to much video games)

      Sleeplessness (I stay up way to late wile I'm slaughtering pixels and polygons)

      Mmmmm... thats about it.